Retroanalysis Of Mitrenkov - Alternative View

Retroanalysis Of Mitrenkov - Alternative View
Retroanalysis Of Mitrenkov - Alternative View

Video: Retroanalysis Of Mitrenkov - Alternative View

Video: Retroanalysis Of Mitrenkov - Alternative View
Video: Chapter 30: Retrosynthetic Analysis | Organic Chemistry by Clayden - Greeves - Warren 2024, September

Interested in the stories of alien abductions, Denis Mitrenkov was surprised that most of them occur in English-speaking countries, mainly in the United States of America. Does this mean that the aliens especially need the white Anglo-Saxons, and the rest are neglected? Or is it something else?

The answer lay on the surface. Try in the thirty-sixth, fifty-fifth or eightieth year of the last century, someone in the USSR to announce that aliens visited him just now, as he was immediately taken to a neuropsychiatric hospital, where he was treated for a long time with sulfazine, chlorpromazine, insulin, electroshock and other very difficult means from the arsenal of psychiatry. Let’s say that it couldn’t hurt the mentally ill, but the healthy people continued to complain about the newcomers.

As an intern at a neuropsychiatric dispensary, Denis decided that it would be best to combine his own curiosity with his own interest and began to prepare a dissertation on the topic "On the issue of the peculiarities of the course of chronic alcoholism among rural residents of the Central Black Earth Region in the period from 1949 to 1955."

After gaining access to the archives, he selected several dozen case histories, in which patients' complaints focused on their abduction by hostile alien beings. These creatures performed a variety of experiments on their victims, removed all or part of the internal organs and often implanted a parasite into the human body, which, after a certain period of time, had to seize power over the body and, disguising itself as a person, contribute to a full-scale alien invasion in the future.

Examination of patients was standard for those times and included fluoroscopy - of course, not for the sake of searching for introduced aliens, but to exclude tuberculosis. Tuberculosis was not more common than among all other villagers, but Mitrenkov noticed that often fluoroscopy was done twice or three times. Unfortunately, radiography, that is, X-ray pictures on a special film, was rarely carried out and was available in only eight case histories out of seventy-three. In the pictures, with a fair amount of imagination, you could see anything - from a map of the moon to an angry bear. A fellow radiologist explained the presence of artifacts by the imperfection of the film and X-ray equipment of that time.

The descriptions of the aliens were very similar: goggle-eyed, big-headed, hairless, six-fingered short men, dressed in silvery robes, with gray-green skin, speaking without articulation, not softly, not loudly, but "straight to the head." The abducted were fed with tasteless gruel, kept in an isolated "bubble", and from time to time they were taken for a walk into an endless corridor, through the windows of which stars were visible. Some were shown various objects and monitored their reactions. The objects were film fragments, various household items, clothes, everything that surrounds a person in everyday life.



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They were operated on without any anesthesia, but, strangely, the pain was bearable. The goggle-eyed little ones plunged their hands into the abdominal cavity of the abducted and removed various organs from there. Superfluous, they explained, now it will be useless. Then a cocoon was planted in place of the organs - the size of a goose egg, with a bumpy brown surface.

The operations took place at an alien base with an area with a large city, which is located on the satellite of Pluto. Most of all it resembled a beehive. After the operations, they were transported to a significantly smaller preparatory base in the vicinity of Jupiter. Patients vaguely remembered this station, but claimed to be a thin, translucent ring in the sky above it.

Before returning, the memory of all the abducted was blocked, and for a long time they could not remember anything. But the regular intake of alcohol in large doses restored the forgotten, and at the same time slowed down the development of the parasite placed in them, so all the patients at first insisted that in order to save their lives and the whole planet, they needed a daily intake of at least one hundred grams of vodka, and preferably two hundred.

All this was not new to Mitrenkov: among the patients of the psychiatric clinic, there were also more amusing variants of delirium. He had a patient who imagined himself the Pharaoh of Mars, exiled to Earth as a result of a palace coup, and a patient who believed that he was a Hero of the Universe with the right to wear all shiny objects and free travel in government transport. There were enough different incidents. Another alarming thing was that during the period under study, our science knew nothing about the existence of Pluto's satellite, or about the presence of a ring in Jupiter. (Currently known satellite of Pluto - Charon. Ed. Note).

Not being strong in astronomy, Denis showed the notes to the amateur astronomer Vasily Shch., Who looked for new anachronisms - one of the patients reported that he was shown an ocean covering the entire surface of a moon of Jupiter; under the ice shell there was a civilization of intelligent octopuses, into whose midst the short aliens also wanted to penetrate. Another record told about volcanic activity on the Jupiterian satellite, the third - about the fact that Mercury is covered with craters.

It turned out that in their delirium, the patients foreshadowed genuine astronomical discoveries that were to be made many years later!

If it was a coincidence, then a wonderful coincidence! And if not?

If a retrospective analysis showed that the words of the patients about the Jupiterian ring, the satellite of Pluto and the under-ice oceans turned out to be true, who knows if the words about the octopus civilization and about the goggle-eyed little ones themselves will not be true?

In addition to enigmatic predictions, something else was also surprising. Usually, the treatment of chronic alcoholism gave and still gives a high percentage of relapses. If at least every tenth of those treated "ties up" with alcohol, this is already a success, and if every third, then the success is amazing. In the cases of "kidnapped" alcoholics, an almost complete cure was achieved. By the end of the course of therapy, the patients began to be critical of their previous statements, admitted that all visions were inspired by alcohol intoxication and firmly decided to continue the course of treatment on an outpatient basis. None of them had a relapse!

One thing spoiled the rainbow picture - nine people committed suicide on discharge. But the rest have perfectly adapted to a sober lifestyle and, judging by the outpatient cards, have established a working life. Already out of pure curiosity, Mitrenkov traced the fate of the ten abducted. Traces of three were lost, five finished their labor activity as middle-level nomenklatura workers, one - a large one, and one - the largest!

An article sent to the academic journal, in which Mitrenkov described the features of the "Phenomenon of the Kidnapped" (it happened in 1985), was returned to him as "giving off a cheap sensationalism." Scientific adviser Mitrenkov advised not to focus on the "abducted", but rather not to mention them at all. If he defends the candidate's thesis, and after the doctoral one, then he will be able to deal with incidents, but for now it is necessary to solve routine problems. There are enough chronic alcoholics in the Voronezh region without such a pretentious, unusual history. Denis heeded the advice.

In addition, a fire broke out in the hospital archives as a result of a “wiring failure”, and, bad luck, among the burned out were the stories of patients who raved about “aliens” …