The Riddle Of Dimes Popping Up Out Of Nowhere And Other Strange Phenomena - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Dimes Popping Up Out Of Nowhere And Other Strange Phenomena - Alternative View
The Riddle Of Dimes Popping Up Out Of Nowhere And Other Strange Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of Dimes Popping Up Out Of Nowhere And Other Strange Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of Dimes Popping Up Out Of Nowhere And Other Strange Phenomena - Alternative View
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Stories about dimes that come from nowhere are told in different countries of the world - and even in those where these coins are not used as money. Naturally, a significant part of these stories is not worth a damn: he took a handkerchief out of his pocket, accidentally dropped a coin, that's all the “mysterious appearance”. However, there are stories that are truly amazing. Here is one such story:


The dimes you see in this picture have mysteriously been appearing in our home for the past ten years. My wife and I found the outer group of coins decorated with a heart, and our youngest daughter found the ones inside.

Coins began to appear soon after my father-in-law's untimely death. He was a successful businessman with a range of unusual interests, including "leaving the astral body," using hypnosis to "return to a past life," and reincarnation.

My wife took it very hard to hear that her father would be gone soon. Shortly before his death, she said: “Dad, I really hope that you will get better. But if suddenly you die, give me a sign that you are still with me. Just don't scare me, please."

And after his funeral, dimes began mystically to appear in our house - not once, not twice, but dozens of times. The most curious thing is that the appearance of the next coin each time foreshadowed some important positive changes in the life of our family (mostly financial). It could be getting a promotion or making a final payment on a loan.

My wife found the first coin on the kitchen floor in 2004. She didn’t pay much attention to it and started peeling vegetables for dinner, but then, from some unknown source, a second coin fell and landed a few inches from the first.

In addition, we are confident that these mysterious coins influenced our relationships with each other and with other people.

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Recently, our daughter, who did not want to date anyone for a long time after breaking up with her boyfriend, accepted an invitation to a date from a new acquaintance. She met him at a gas station. Moments before they met, she opened the fuel tank cap and a dime fell out.

She decided that in this way the grandfather "approved" the new boyfriend.

But there were other oddities that happened in our house even before the death of our father-in-law.

We moved to our current home in 1997 and immediately felt that we were not alone. Almost every night we heard heavy footsteps - as if someone were walking up and down the second floor corridor.

One day our youngest daughter saw a strange, ghost-like figure. According to her descriptions, the figure was dressed in the uniform of a soldier from the civil war. The vision lasted only a couple of seconds and has not been repeated since. We have long resigned ourselves to his presence. Now, if we hear footsteps, we say "Oh, this is probably our ghost again."

Our invisible tenant loves to joke and often hides things, forcing us to run around the house in search. My wife sometimes gets upset about this because she really likes everything to always be in place.

But in this case, I would not venture to assert that all the losses are the work of a ghost. Here, of course, other options are also possible.

Svetlana Gogol
