10 Things That Are Forbidden To Do According To The Bible - Alternative View

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10 Things That Are Forbidden To Do According To The Bible - Alternative View
10 Things That Are Forbidden To Do According To The Bible - Alternative View

Video: 10 Things That Are Forbidden To Do According To The Bible - Alternative View

Video: 10 Things That Are Forbidden To Do According To The Bible - Alternative View
Video: 25 Normal Things The Bible Forbids But We Still Do 2024, September

We seem to live in a civilized society. And even more or less we observe the 10 commandments: we don't kill, we don't steal, don't … and so on. But society for some reason is still irreconcilable in relation to many things.

But in the Bible, written two thousand years ago, there are still a bunch of prohibitions, for violation of which half the world could be stoned to death. For example, under the death ban are …


Yes, death is due for this. In general, a good half of civilized and not very civilized society has been sentenced for many years. Do you think what is it about a cute butterfly on the bottom or a formidable dragon on the shoulder? Just a beautiful picture, and you can always appeal to the fact that “look at the samurai”, but the Japanese are Shintoists, they generally have everything different, and it is said: “Do not make cuts on your body and do not inscribe letters on yourself. I am the Lord”(Leviticus 19:28).


Mustache and beard trim (and model haircuts)

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Tremble, hipsters and rockers of all ages. Well, at the same time all male fashionistas. To be a true Christian is essentially to remain a caveman, because the Bible very often tells us that we need to care not about the appearance, but about the soul. After all, the same Leviticus, a stern and generous book with all sorts of prohibitions, says: "Do not shave your head around, and do not spoil the edge of your beard" (Leviticus 19:27).


Fortunetellers and horoscopes

Just don't say that you never went to a fortune teller or, okay, did not read the horoscope on the last page of a newspaper or magazine. Even if you don’t believe it, there’s not a single person on earth who doesn’t catch a glimpse - and what will happen to the twins next week? However, even this in Leviticus has its own rule: “Do not turn to those who summon the dead, and do not go to wizards, and do not bring yourself to desecration from them. I am the Lord your God”(Leviticus 19:31).



Well, not all, but only with specific problems, similar to the one that happened to the hero of Hemingway's novel "Fiesta". This does not happen often, but if suddenly some war veteran was torn off by an explosion of his manhood (or part of it), then he can no longer hope for the Kingdom of Heaven: “Whoever has a yatra crushed or a genital member is cut off, he cannot enter into the company of the Lord”(Deuteronomy 23: 1).


Wife helping her husband during a fight

We know how women fight - they use all methods to win for sure: they grab their hair, gouge out their eyes, hit between their legs. Oops, this is just - God forbid. If next time you inadvertently fight in front of your faithful and she rushes to help you, keep her away from the causal places of her rival, for it is said: “When men fight among themselves, and the wife of one will come up to take her husband out of the hands of the beating him, and stretching out his hand, seizes him by the shameful oud, then cut off her hand: let not your eyes spare her”(Deuteronomy 25: 11-12).


Ham, rabbit and much more

What did you think? True Christians, like Muslims and Jews, should not eat pork and rabbit meat. Never! Firstly, it is tasty, and secondly: “Just do not eat these from those who chew gum and have cloven hooves: a camel, because it chews cud, but its hooves are not cloven, it is unclean for you … and a hare, because he chews cud, but his hooves are not split, he is unclean to you; and a pig, because her hooves are cloven and her hooves are deeply cut, but she does not chew gum, she is unclean to you; Do not eat their meat, and do not touch their corpses; they are unclean to you”(Leviticus 11: 3-8).


Plus all seafood including oysters, shrimp and lobster

Do you live in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal or Sochi, Evpatoria, after all? Are you going to relax in Thailand, on the islands or in India? Congratulations! You will stay hungry! Actually, the same applies to those who are accustomed to wrap shrimp with garlic under a misted glass of beer, because “all those who do not have feathers and scales, whether in the seas or rivers, from all those floating in the waters and from everything living in the waters, bad for you; they must be unclean to you: eat not their meat, and abhor their carcasses”(Leviticus 11: 10-11). Instead, Leviticus suggests eating locusts. Well, this, frankly, is very much an amateur.


Re-marry or remarry

Do you think formal marriage has ever saved the day? No. In the Bible, in general, everything related to the relationship between the sexes is under a mass of strange prohibitions. Now, after several unsuccessful attempts at relationships, having finally met your one and only and flying on the wings of love to propose, think hard if you need it: “He told them: whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery from her; and if a wife divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery”(Mark 10: 11-12). Well, as for adultery, you already know - a mortal sin.


Marry not a virgin

It is almost impossible to find a virgin bride these days. And who needs it, to be honest? Marrying a "girl" is like playing roulette: if you are lucky, you will not be lucky. And if you are suddenly unlucky, then read the commandments of Moses, especially regarding adultery. And you, young ladies, be afraid, because: “If what has been said is true, and the maid will not find virginity, then let the maiden be brought to the door of her father's house, and the inhabitants of her city will stone her to death, for she has done a shameful deed in the midst of Israel, having committed fornication in his father's house; and [so] take away evil from among you”(Deuteronomy 22: 21-22).


Work on Saturdays

Another law that Christians share in half with the Jews. On Saturdays, that is, on Shabbat, work is prohibited. But is this real in our society, where everything is built on workaholism and a sincere desire not to lose your job? That is, you seriously think that there are people somewhere who work only from Monday to Friday from 9 to 5? Now, if the chef delays you on Friday night (yeah, Shabbat comes with sunset on Friday) or, God forbid, on Saturday to finish a burning project, you can safely declare that you want to live longer, because: “And keep Saturday, for it is holy to you: whoever defiles it, let him be betrayed."