The Mystery Of Interplanetary Dialogues - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Interplanetary Dialogues - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Interplanetary Dialogues - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Interplanetary Dialogues - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Interplanetary Dialogues - Alternative View
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In the desire of many people, finally, to reveal to humanity the truth about UFOs and possible contacts of earthlings with aliens, most of us, ordinary people, initially see some ulterior motive. And this is not our fault. For more than half a century, we were taught that we are alone in the universe, and the appearance of any UFO was reduced to anomalous atmospheric phenomena, comets or meteorological probes. The topic of UFOs and aliens was considered not just absurd, it was banned by governments. And those who insisted that they really saw extraterrestrial flying objects or aliens often ended up in psychiatric hospitals or went missing.

However, in the past few years, there are more and more people who, in one way or another, were associated with the most secret projects, opening the veil of secrecy. Those of them over 70 have one common motive: they do not want to take with them to the grave knowledge and facts that belong to all earthlings. But among them there are no fewer people who often carry or have a high rank or hold a high state position, whose motives are more specific and, most importantly, urgent. They are trying to warn humanity about the danger threatening the Earth.

What is this danger? Of course, one would think that they are doing it on someone else's direction. It can be assumed that somewhere behind their backs, at the highest level, an incomprehensible, cunning political game is being played or a new massive psychological treatment is being prepared in order to intimidate the world's population. But it may also be that the information emanating from these persons is true, and the motive is quite sincere. The evidence and facts of the latter are more than doubts.

In 1993, ufologist, public and political figure, scientist Dr. Stephen Greer convened the first meeting of the organization, later called the "Disclosure Project" (Project "Disclosure"). This meeting was attended by officers of the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies, NASA employees and scientists. These people bravely agreed to testify about UFOs and contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. In 2001, the organization already numbered over 400 people. Its first meeting at the X Conference of the established National Press Club, which legally opened on April 10, was covered by many American media.

The conference participants sent official letters to George W. Bush and the US Congress demanding that information about UFOs, secret weapons projects in space and negotiations with aliens be made public. Along with the letters were sent 500-page memorandums of documents and material evidence, as well as a 4-hour video. The Rakskrytie organization and the Press Club have crossed the borders of the United States and assumed an international character. In addition to its permanent members, today it numbers several thousand people.

In April 2008, a regular conference of the National Press Club took place in Washington. It was attended by over 400 witnesses and former participants in secret projects related to UFOs and aliens. High military officials, former intelligence officers of various countries, including Russia, as well as NASA scientists and engineers, doctors, spoke from the high podium in the presence of the media. Shockingly interesting was the speech of the former Minister of Defense of Canada Paul Hellyer. The topic of his speech was the disclosure of facts on the contacts of earthlings with aliens. This is not Paul's first time on the subject, but to prepare the public, he began his speech with a joke:

To an informative unprepared listener of such a speech, it might seem that Mr. Hellyer either went crazy, or decided to entertain the audience in his old age. Indeed, it is difficult to say what is the purpose of telling humanity what Hellyer himself once called the delirium and invention of people with an overdeveloped fantasy. Is the former Canadian Secretary of Defense telling the truth? If so, why? Is it because we have really crossed the critical line of irreversibility of natural processes on Earth and are no longer able to help ourselves without the intervention of higher extraterrestrial civilizations?

Before trying to find answers, let's return to Earth. According to Dr. Steven Greer, founder of Project Disclosure and the Press Club, White House reporter Sarah McLindon once asked President Bill Clinton why he would not take steps to tell humanity the truth about UFOs? Clinton answered literally the following:

The president's response was categorical, making it clear that the topic was not subject to further discussion.

The fact is known for certain that Clinton was not the first president who knew about the secret government in the US government and did not want to do anything. Or could not … Consequently, the fate of all mankind depends entirely on a relatively small group of people. But what if the desire of these people to crush the world for themselves has passed into such a stage of the strongest paranoia that, in addition to the introduction of a single world government, they also decided to measure their strength with the universe ?!


Is it possible that the warning of representatives of some more advanced civilization is in fact a threat to all of humanity? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. For tens, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years, aliens have been watching our planet, but they did not interfere with the development of modern civilization. A number of attempts to attack flying objects by Soviet, American planes and missiles mostly ended in the defeat of earthlings, although there were several cases when the Russians and Americans managed to shoot down UFOs. All the facts indicate that the technology of aliens is many times superior to that of the Earth, and physical, mental and psychological development is ahead of the Earth by several tens of thousands of years.

There are facts based on the testimony of military intelligence officers of the United States and the former USSR, as well as other special services, which many thinking readers will perceive as acceptable: the warnings of the aliens were not always verbal. On several occasions, their warning was purely practical. The war over the Cuban conflict between the USSR and the United States did not start, not because both sides showed prudence and the maximum of common sense.


It did not start, so to speak, for technical reasons: some Russian and American nuclear warheads by the time of combat readiness No. 1 turned out to be nuclear-free, and the electronics in the missile launchers of both sides, the codes of which had already been typed for launch, were disabled. The bottom line is that the nuclear charges inside the warheads have been neutralized. Duty Geiger counters installed at the missile bases of the USSR and the USA, ready for launch, showed an instant drop in radiation to almost zero. This was the warning of the aliens, which should have sobered the zealous military leaders. However, the parties thought more about each other than about the intervention of a third party. Perhaps that is why in 1961 the United States and the USSR stopped nuclear tests, declaring a moratorium for three years. Another indirect evidence of what happened isthat since 1964, the Soviet Union began to closely engage in scientific research on the neutralization of a nuclear charge. It is also known from the original source that no country has ever made progress in this area. Around 1985, scientific research in Russia was discontinued.