Money Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View

Money Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View
Money Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View

Video: Money Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View

Video: Money Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View
Video: 11 July 2021 2024, September

“I want to tell you about one unexplained incident that happened to me three years ago.

I had to go to a remote area of the city at an unfamiliar address. In the evening I got into the minibus and drove off. I ask the woman sitting next to me: "Where can I go out at this address?" She replied that it was the final one and came out in the same place.

By the end, the two of us remained in the cabin. Came out. We needed to cross the street. There are no cars or people around. We have already reached the middle of the street - and suddenly coins are falling from above right in front of me. I raised my head: the sky is clear, the stars are visible. And the coins gleam, reflecting from the light of the lantern that stands behind at the bus stop, and bump into the asphalt. I notice them at a height of 0.5-1 m from the ground.

I look around: where would it come from? The woman says to me: "You probably have a hole in your pocket." In some confusion, I picked up two coins: 2 rubles and 5 rubles. She didn't fumble further in the dark, but more of them attacked. I feel my pocket myself, although I know that there is no hole there and I do not keep money in bulk in my pocket. Yes, and they would have crumbled at my feet, and here in front, 1.5-2 m from me.

We crossed the road, the woman showed me which house to go to. Itself went further. I go into the entrance of the house I need. Judging by the apartment numbers - I'm on the third floor.

I'm going up. In the middle of the fourth flight of stairs, a coin falls in front of me - two rubles. It clinked and did not immediately lie flat, but also spun on the edge.

I stopped. I look around. Nobody. I carefully examined the upper flight of stairs: no cracks - solid concrete. In disbelief, she picked up the coin. In the apartment where I needed to, I did not find anyone. I turned around and drove home. The money I picked up was enough for the round trip.

Maybe someone compensated me for the cost of a useless trip? Where did they materialize from?"

Promotional video:

Svetlana Mikhailova

Based on materials from the newspaper "Secret Power"