Death And The Afterlife - Alternative View

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Death And The Afterlife - Alternative View
Death And The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Death And The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Death And The Afterlife - Alternative View
Video: WARNING: This Will Alter Your Beliefs About The Afterlife! (Truth!) 2024, October

The existence of an afterlife after death

The human soul is sent to another world not at all for ever and ever. She participates in the mysterious processes of multiple, maybe reincarnations, or reincarnations. The soul is inhabited on Earth again and again in the bodies of people at their birth.

For 25 years, Indian scientists have collected about 300 reports on the precedents of "transmigration of the soul." It is noteworthy that in 50% of the registered cases of reincarnation, people in their "previous lives" died a violent death. And another interesting detail: as a rule, "wandering spirits" moved into children who live at a relatively close distance from the place of "last birth."

Then I have an assumption that I find close to the truth. The souls of those who unexpectedly died a violent death, at an accelerated rate return "by the decree of God" back to Earth. They quickly "enter" new bodies for them in the same places where they lived in "previous incarnations". They are instructed from above to "live out what is supposed to be" in the same place as before. They are obliged to "live up to their due" precisely, I repeat, in the same place! "To live" in order to complete his highest karmic "program" to the end in a strictly defined area, briefly interrupted by an unexpected violent death …

The fact of the existence of an afterlife in reality is confirmed by the stories of people who have experienced clinical death.

Engineer S. Yankovich, in his words, "fluttered" out of his body at the time of the accident … Another person, who also found himself on the verge of death, saw his dead relatives on the other side of this threshold. His late grandmother told him: “Soon we will meet again” … And the third man, who visited the “border” of the other world, heard an ordering voice: “Come back. Your business on Earth is not over yet”…

Those who were forcibly killed are returned from the other world in an orderly, according to my hypothesis, order: they say, come back and live, complete your karmic "program" to the end, having moved into another body. And so, as we are convinced, "accidentally" approaching the threshold of the afterlife reality, people experiencing moments of clinical death, are also sometimes sent back to the world of the living in an orderly order: "Your business on Earth is not finished yet."

The topic of "returning by order from above" also comes up in the message of K. Ikskul. In an unusually long time - an hour and a half! - the clinical death of his soul "flew" to another world. “There seems to be some kind of kingdom of light,” recalls K. Ikskul. - And suddenly I was quickly brought into the sphere of this light, and it literally blinded me … Majestically, without anger, but imperiously and unshakably, the words were distributed: "Not ready!" … ".

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And the soul, still “not ready”, “not ripe” for the afterlife, was immediately returned back to the world of living people …

Summing up the conversation about the phenomenon of the posthumous existence of the human soul, let's turn to the works of some modern psychiatrists.

For ten years, a psychiatrist from Switzerland, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, spent long hours near the bed of the dying, listening to their stories. In the end, she thrilled the scientific world with the following statement: “This is not some kind of belief or hope. I absolutely know that life after death exists!"

Independently of E. Kübler-Ross and simultaneously with her, Ph. D. Raymond Moody from America became interested in the phenomenon of near-death experiences. At the age of 30, he took up the study of psychiatry in order to better understand the amazing material that gradually accumulated in him.

Accidentally comparing two pieces of evidence from different years, R. Moody was extremely intrigued by their similarities. He began to collect and organize what was told by the "revived" and the dying. His surprise grew with each new testimony, and he managed to recreate the schema that underlies most of the stories. The diagram is shown in his books Life After Life and Reflections on Life After Death.

The order of the near-death events, according to the testimonies, does not have an absolutely strict, original assignment. Someone can see previously deceased loved ones without “leaving the soul” from their own body. Others “come out” and only then see the dead, etc. The stories of people who have experienced clinical death are the most meaningful.

Not everyone experiences the same conditions. Many of those brought back to life by doctors absolutely do not remember anything. For reasons unknown to us, memories of the connection with the afterlife remain in the memory of only about every fifth "returned".

E. Kubler-Ross said in one of his interviews that almost all hospital nurses witness the conversations of dying old men and women with their previously deceased relatives.

Previously, this was regarded as hallucinations provoked by morphine, which doctors gave to seriously suffering, dying people. Speaking about the cases that she personally observed, E. Kübler-Ross stated that the patients were in their right mind and in most cases died in clear consciousness, and not "under morphine." This common sense struck E. Kübler-Ross from the very first days, and she began to pay very serious attention to their stories.

An amazing case: a blind (!) Chemist, who was considered dead, saw from the outside the reanimation measures carried out on his body, and, waking up, was able to describe the smallest details that would be invisible to him, a blind person, in a normal state.

After the publication of the famous first interview by E. Kubler-Ross, the editorial office of the magazine, where it was published, was inundated with hundreds of letters from readers.

“I never told anyone about what happened to me, because I thought no one would believe me. It is a great happiness to realize that my experience is not unique …”.

“I felt like I was in some kind of endless dark tunnel. The painful fatigue disappeared. I felt great …”.

For comparison, one of the testimonies collected by Dr. R. Moody: “I felt that my breathing stopped. And then I started to run at phenomenal speed through a huge empty room. It could be called a tunnel …”.

Most of the people who described their near-death experiences have been on the other side of the tunnel. And here, upon exiting the tunnel, the main surprise awaited them: they discovered that they were outside their body.

“I quietly rose into the air and, sailing not far from the chandelier, could easily examine it from above. I saw from above the doctors who tried to bring me back to life ….

“It was not a body in the usual sense of the word. I felt like a kind of transparent capsule or a ball of solid energy. I did not experience any physical sensations ….

“It was a body, but not quite human. It had a shape, but it was completely colorless. There was something like hands. No, it is simply impossible to describe!"

Many stories mention previously deceased relatives. They seem to simplify the procedure for the “newcomer” of the transition from the material world to the intangible.

“They looked happy. I felt that they had come to accompany me, and that they were extremely pleased. They kind of congratulated me on a happy arrival ….

An unforgettable impression on many is a meeting with a certain powerful "creature consisting of continuous light." Who is it? Maybe it is the one we call God? Unknown …

Communication with the "being of the light" is established without words. His thought is transmitted to the person. Here are two typical phrases: “Are you ready to die? What have you done in your life?"

Apparently, summing up the results of a lived life is necessary before parting with it - the realization that everything has been completed helps to leave the material world without regrets.

At the moment of death, as if in a cinema, his whole life passes before the eyes of a person. For psychiatrist Russell Noah of the University of Iowa School of Medicine, America, there is no doubt about it. He interviewed 114 people, including those who jumped from the 10th floor, fell out of the plane, tried to drown themselves, hang themselves and others. R. Noah describes the last seconds of their life before the loss of memory as follows: a moment of wild panic, then - instant calm, after - a vision of the main events of the life lived.

According to R. Moody's scheme, people who experienced a state of coma had a feeling that the “film of their life” was shown to them by none other than a mysterious “creature from the light”. Demonstration of the film, writes R. Moody, is undoubtedly connected with summing up the results of existence … People who are lucky enough to meet a “creature from the light” return from the other world full of love and thirst for knowledge.

“No matter how old you are, don't stop learning. The luminous being especially emphasized in a conversation with me that the process of cognition is endless …”.

All those who returned without exception are now united by one common property: they are not afraid of death! These people no longer doubt that the afterlife exists. For them, death is not a departure into oblivion.

1975 - Death and the Afterlife was published in New York. Its author chose not to give his last name, but to use the pseudonym "Night Wanderer" as an allegory. With such a pseudonym, as if emphasizing that it is not the personality of the researcher that is important, but his ability to "wander" along the border of the otherworldly darkness, "hear voices" coming from behind the grave, register those facts and events that most people do not notice. The concept of the afterlife is derived by the author from religious and mystical doctrines, and is also based on the results of the latest, strictly scientific research.

The night wanderer says: “All religions have a single ethical principle - belief in the existence of an afterlife. So, I want to sharpen the problem here: but excuse me, should the need for the divine inevitably lead to a selfish thought about personal immortality? What nonsense! … Meanwhile, all the religions of the world in various ways lead to this very conclusion - your personal immortality is an indispensable attribute of "divine reality." Now let's try to approach the same problem from the position of man as a generic being. Various symbols, ancient funeral rites testify that throughout history, the thought of the existence of another - afterlife - world has never left a person. What, may I ask, supported this idea? Is it only hope, faith? Or a very definite experience of communication with the dead?"

The night wanderer sees the key to comprehending the afterlife in the position of modern science that "space is multidimensional, it includes different types of matter, many of which are not perceived by man, although they exist in reality." In fact, he sees in the latest physical theories as a reason for revising such fundamental scientific categories as matter, space, time, energy and motion.

The Night Wanderer supplements his reasoning about multidimensional parallel realities with ethical reasoning. He constantly recalls the punishment that falls to the lot of a person who leads a sinful life devoid of spirituality. Already in the physical world, he writes, your "etheric body" can receive a certain deformation and lose such attributive qualities as kindness and compassion. This will entail inevitable retribution! Once in the afterlife, the "deformed" individual will be deprived of full-fledged existence there.
