Kidnapped By The Bird-men - Alternative View

Kidnapped By The Bird-men - Alternative View
Kidnapped By The Bird-men - Alternative View

Video: Kidnapped By The Bird-men - Alternative View

Video: Kidnapped By The Bird-men - Alternative View
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This story was published in the book of the Russian ufologist Vladimir Azhazhi "Under the Cap of a Different Mind".

At first glance, this is another story about the abduction of a woman by aliens and how they experimented on her. But there are some very important differences.

Firstly, the case took place on the territory of Russia, and secondly, there were no "gray" newcomers, usual in such descriptions. And thirdly, there were no medical experiments, the woman was raped in the most usual way …

The story happened to a resident of the Volga region in the early 90s. Azhazha does not name the exact city, as well as the name of the woman. For the convenience of narration, she is given the name Lidia Vladimirovna.

“It turns out that for many years I have been subjected to violence from aliens. Previously, this was perceived as nightmares, but then I woke up several times with long scratches from their claws. And it no longer felt like a dream. By the way, I will note that the wounds do not heal for a long time."

Lydia Vladimirovna claims that "extraterrestrial" contacts began as early as childhood, but she did not attach any importance to them. Moreover, relatives laughed at her fears, called her an inventor and a dreamer.

But in 1993, when Lydia Vladimirovna was 37 years old, events happened to her that can no longer be attributed to dreams.

She and her husband lived in the capital of one of the southern republics. In the spring, just in the Holy Week before Easter, when my husband was on a business trip, he and his eleven-year-old son went to bed together, because the apartment was rather cold - the heating was turned off. It was eleven o'clock in the evening, and Lydia was just beginning to fall asleep, when suddenly a noise was heard from under the floor in their bedroom. They lived on the ground floor and there was a basement under the floor.

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“A hole appeared in the floor, and black birds with human faces, but very large eyes, began to fly out of it,” the woman recalls. - The pupils are slit like those of cats. Small feathers on the chest, large feathers on the back. Huge wings, spanning from one to one and a half meters.

Noses in the form of a beak, at the ends of the wings - brushes of four fingers, ending in claws. The plumage is dark brown in males. But there were also white birds - these only observed and did not have sexual intercourse. I think these are their women. The legs of birds are birdlike, like those of eagles or birds of prey …"

Later, in one of the books of science fiction writer Yuri Petukhov, Lydia Vladimirovna saw a drawing of a human bird, very similar to those whom she saw and with whom she involuntarily communicated in the southern city.

Drawing of a bird-like alien from the book by Yu. Petukhov
Drawing of a bird-like alien from the book by Yu. Petukhov

Drawing of a bird-like alien from the book by Yu. Petukhov

Curiously, her young son still remembers something about the attack. At least then in the morning he said that he saw some birds and one of them had a red light in his eyes. This huge yellow bird's eye had followed her for almost a week - it seemed here and there. As haunted and their smell - like a rotten onion. Now he can’t stand him.

The largest humanoid bird spun around the ceiling above their bed. “Now I understand, they use a paralyzer of will! Otherwise I still couldn't understand why I couldn't resist."

I must say that such bird-people first appeared in Lydia's dreams at the age of eighteen, but they rarely disturbed her. However, with the move to Asia, her real torment began. The contacts that took place, apparently, affected the woman's health: at that time, she constantly suffered from inflammation of the appendages, which could not be cured by anything. Only when she walked the last months of pregnancy with her daughter, and for another three or four months after giving birth, they did not touch her.

“I made a very important conclusion for myself,” concluded Lydia Vladimirovna, “they” collect fertilized eggs during menstruation. And they, menstruation, come with a delay of four to seven days."

But back to that memorable pre-Easter day.

A large bird (later learned her name: Ko-A) sat on the lying woman, and she clearly felt the claws. Her hair stood on end in horror. The bird weighed 35 - 40 kilograms, strong arms-wings, with which she easily turned the woman on her stomach and forced her to tighten her legs. Lydia tried to resist, but she could only call her son. The rapist bird grabbed the limp woman with strong arms-wings, lifted her over the bed and flew through the doors.

Let us highlight the most surprising of her testimonies: "I saw my body on the bed!" That is, they did not take her bodily, although the claw marks remained on the body. Then there was a blackout.

Lydia Vladimirovna woke up on a strange elevation like a pyramid. It was round and consisted of large steps. She was thrown not far from the top, and her leg was injured on impact, and she limped for several days.

“Apparently,“they”wanted to show me what they are doing with rebellious earthly women,” she reasoned after the incident. - At the top of the pyramid, I saw a beautiful woman in a white dress with blue stains. She lay motionless, only her eyes suffered from fear and disgust. So they raped her both together and three of them, but she, poor, only moans and cannot lift a finger. And I can do nothing to help her."

At this time, Ko-A flew in again, grabbed it with its claws and flew. It was then that Lydia saw many women on the stairs of this pyramid mountain. They were beautiful, representatives from all continents, of different nationalities. And everyone is immovable, everyone is unhappy.

Later, Lydia learned that the "birdmen" are very selective in choosing earthly women. They do not touch drunkards - alcoholics are not threatened by their aggression.

Do not touch prostitutes, mentally retarded, paralyzed. Only women of childbearing age are used for incomprehensible experiments, proportionally folded, since she has never seen fat or at least just well-fed there. In short, very attractive women with good health were chosen.

Why does she think so? To this, Lydia replied that she had thrown Ko-A into confusion, saying that she had a spiral and she was sick with AIDS. Probably, only because she was not touched on that memorable day. Then, then, no slander had any effect on them.

That night Ko-A brought her in his claws and, like a sack, threw her on the bed. From walking by the bed, she remembered: About 15 hours. In the morning there were scratches on her, she got up all broken, limping, and the son said that he had fought with birds all night and smelled disgusting of rotten onions.

“As for the names of the birds - no problem, write me how I remember them, since their names are guttural, short: Zi-A, Zev-S, Ya-Ya … I’ll tell you another thing as a researcher: I didn’t feel any pleasantness from these contacts, violence is violence”.

The fact that this is not a dream and not an illusion of the imagination, although they look exactly like that to strangers, Lydia Vladimirovna found out when she turned to a local psychic.

“It turned out that I was not the only one who came to him with this, and it was from that very district of the city.” The house stood next to the cemetery, and "evil spirits found a way out" - so he explained to her. He closed the hole on the floor with special prayers and actions, taught him some techniques. The main thing is not to be afraid, and if there is contact, ask the name. For some reason they are afraid that people will recognize their names.

Once Lydia saw this psychic leaving a neighboring house. He smiled at her like an old friend. And Lydia's heart sank: another victim of aggression from another world.

However, the family soon left the republic for the Volga, and gradually everything was forgotten. Apparently, these strange creatures from another world live in certain places and cannot follow to others. Or maybe they just lost track of her. Or the age is not the same.

Here's an unusual story. It sounds fantastic, moreover, it looks like the hallucinations of an unhealthy person, but the ufological experience still speaks in favor of the reliability of the story.