Reincarnation: How Many Times Are We Born? - Alternative View

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Reincarnation: How Many Times Are We Born? - Alternative View
Reincarnation: How Many Times Are We Born? - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation: How Many Times Are We Born? - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation: How Many Times Are We Born? - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, July

The question of life and death, as well as the existence of the afterlife, has been of concern for tens of generations of people. Does the soul exist and will it continue its path after earthly death? Or maybe she will stay here to live a new, different life?

What is reincarnation?

Many Eastern religions and local cults support the idea that the soul is reborn in new and new people throughout the entire existence of the world. This idea is called Reincarnation. It allows a person to explain to himself why he cannot live, so he would like.

In primitive and ancient times, a person, seeing a kindred similarity between a grandmother (aunt, grandfather) and a newborn, could explain this to himself as the transmigration of a dead soul. Also, people endowed the Soul of animals, piously believing that if they lead a sinful life, they can be reborn into some unpleasant entity.

How many times have we lived and for what purpose?

The most interesting and mystical question of reincarnation is: "In whom can a soul be reborn and how many times?" According to some judgments of Theosophy, a person should be in both the male role and the female one. The new life can be better or worse than the previous one, depending on the actions the person has done in the past.

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Sequential reincarnation (Buddhism) means the gradual development of a person - evolution. Starting a new life, a person always finds himself at the point where his past reality stopped. Through reincarnation, the soul can correct the mistakes of the past and raise the level of development of spiritual abilities. Many psychics admit that they remember their previous lives and only thanks to their rich history, they are given such unusual abilities (psychic).

Eastern spiritual practice means by the goal of reincarnation a person's understanding of his nature and liberation from bodily desires.

How does reincarnation happen?

The human soul has two forms:

1. Rough body. This is the material body in which a person lives on earth. After death, the soul leaves the gross shell.

2. Subtle body. In subtle matter, the soul dwells in the interval between death and new birth. She has the ability to think and desire, and therefore during this period she herself can determine further incarnation.

The soul has a choice of more than 8 million life forms, but only once having been a man, it can no longer choose the stages of the animal and plant world. Buddhists believe that to such a conscious choice of "who will I be in the next life?" one has to go for a thousand years, constantly practicing and doing meditations. And only having managed to come to an inner understanding of life, a person is able to interrupt the cycle of his suffering and choose the best option for reincarnation.

Is death the beginning of a new life?

"A person's soul does not die" - this is the basic tenet of Christianity and Islam. And in what form does the life path of the soul continue?

From the accounts of eyewitnesses who survived clinical death, we know that the soul resembles a light clot of energy that can move in space, regardless of obstacles. The famous story of the "light at the end of the tunnel" also means that death is just a transitional stage during which a person's memory is preserved. Also, for a certain time after death, a person continues to clearly think, feel and hear others. That is why, one should begin the development of spiritual life now, and not regret it in the last minutes of life, when the veil between the worlds is slightly opened.

The most popular beliefs about the afterlife are:

1. Raising the dead during the end of the world;

2. Relocation of souls to hell or heaven;

3. Reincarnation.

Scientific facts about reincarnation

Usually, scientific evidence for mystical and religious phenomena and laws is difficult to determine. Scientists have been conducting research in this area for a long time, because if transmigration of souls occurs, then there should be some signs of a past life. In addition, if people can remember their past incarnations, then they can increase the life experience of all mankind.

American psychotherapist Stevenson studied reincarnation cases for a long time, attracting eminent psychics to his work, whose abilities were explained by knowledge from past lives. Together they discovered three objective signs of transmigration:

1. The ability to speak a foreign language, often ancient (much higher than the abilities of ordinary people);

2. The presence of congenital marks (birthmarks, defects). Some people confirmed their occurrence with stories from the past: for example, injuries could leave their mark in the form of birthmarks.

3. Historical confirmation (more often recalled by a child under five). However, this study does not take into account known historical events. The true facts are those that can be proved only during long-term research of files not available to the public.

4. Presence of similarities with a person from the past. When collecting the evidence base about reincarnation, they pay attention to the presence of common diseases (allergies, predisposition) in people and psychological characteristics (phobias, abilities, talents).

There is a known case when Stevenson, based on the shape of a birthmark on a boy's head and a story about his death in a past life from an ax, managed to find a family in which the child died in this way. As it later became clear from forensic documents, the wounds of the deceased baby coincided with the spot of the observed boy.