Ufologist Discovered On Mars An Object Similar To A Mechanical Robot - Alternative View

Ufologist Discovered On Mars An Object Similar To A Mechanical Robot - Alternative View
Ufologist Discovered On Mars An Object Similar To A Mechanical Robot - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist Discovered On Mars An Object Similar To A Mechanical Robot - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist Discovered On Mars An Object Similar To A Mechanical Robot - Alternative View
Video: Searching for alien life in Mars photos 2024, September

Ufologist Frank Van Assch examined the photographs taken by NASA from the Curiosity rover and discovered something unexpected.

He compared images of the surface of Mars taken on February 29 and March 3, 2016. The photographs show the same hill. But three days after the first photo was taken on March 3, you can see unusual outlines on the hillside. Something unusual appears among the rocks.

“This is not just a stone, because there are images on the east side of the hill, which do not have rocks with similar shapes,” said Frank Van Assch. - Upon closer examination of the pictures, it becomes clear that one of them has a mechanical object. Someone or something is watching the rover."

“This amazing event should not be ignored, and I hope that someone can get an answer from NASA to the question:“What is it really?” But I think these are empty hopes, because they are not interested in sharing information,”added Frank.

"This object on Mars looks like some kind of robot with legs," commented the famous ufologist Scott K. Waring. - It is the same color as the surrounding area. In general, this makes sense, since the Curiosity rover moves on metal wheels. If he had legs, he could climb the peaks of Mars. An excellent find."

Voronina Svetlana