Sincerity Frequency - Alternative View

Sincerity Frequency - Alternative View
Sincerity Frequency - Alternative View

Video: Sincerity Frequency - Alternative View

Video: Sincerity Frequency - Alternative View
Video: FREE Retouch Action for Adobe Photoshop - Frequency Separation, Dodge & Burn and Eye retouch! 2024, September

Thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, dreaming, desiring and existing, you are generating frequencies all the time. What is your personal contribution to the field of human activity? Perhaps those who you think are more powerful than you are simply focusing their frequencies with more persistence?

The energy field is not saturated in one place and weak in another, it is uniform and permeates everywhere. The field of being is permeated by the Cosmic Mind, which in itself is absolutely neutral - in the sense that it has no interest of its own in anyone - and in the broad picture of reality there simply does not exist any single observer.

The Cosmic Mind is a collective experience, it is constantly changing and expanding, continually absorbing every nuance of experiences that every form of consciousness is experiencing and transmitting at the moment. To use the power of thought to create a new world - you do this constantly, producing the frequencies and the energy you want - that is what the free games of individuals are about.

Your intentions determine the life experience you create, and the end result depends on your sensitivity.

If you decide to lie and manipulate others, paving your way to well-being, using demonic energies to expand this path, you will experience the consequences of your actions. The choice is always yours, what to do and what not. Whether you accept or not take personal responsibility for what you have created, what you encounter is your own creation.


Frequencies are not easy, and remember that you cannot fool the frequency. Frequency exists. To pick up the really correct frequency, you need to listen to yourself. You will easily recognize and clearly sense the cunning deceiver hiding under the guise of a good person if you get rid of fruitless hopes and tune in to accept the true nature of his intentions. When you learn to recognize frequencies based on your feelings, you can easily deal with the disgusting energies of lies and deception.

Those who are sensitive to frequencies are always extremely honest with themselves and with others, since it takes both honesty and sincerity to acquire this skill. The more sincere you yourself, the more ways to knowledge and real truths of being will open before you.

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This cannot be learned by enrolling in courses; it only concerns you and your consciousness.

At every moment of being, you are given the opportunity to choose the lower, middle or upper path. Honesty generates a frequency that says: I have sincerity and honor, I can be relied on, I am reliable and trustworthy. The choice is yours. The more responsibility you are willing to accept for creating your own life, the more global truths you can comprehend and accept. Responsibility opens the door to gaining great Power."