Perception Of A Poltergeist By The Human Senses - Alternative View

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Perception Of A Poltergeist By The Human Senses - Alternative View
Perception Of A Poltergeist By The Human Senses - Alternative View

Video: Perception Of A Poltergeist By The Human Senses - Alternative View

Video: Perception Of A Poltergeist By The Human Senses - Alternative View
Video: Sensation and Perception: Crash Course Psychology #5 2024, September

Poltergeist usually means paranormal activity that creates sound phenomena (rumbling, knocking, footsteps) and / or spontaneous movement of objects. Sometimes strange cases of spontaneous combustion are also referred to it.

In fact, poltergeist forces are perceived by all human senses, with the exception, perhaps, of taste. It can be perceived by touch and muscle sense, as well as smell. The phenomenon sometimes loves to spoil the air, but, fortunately, rarely does it: this was noted only in 9 cases (2 percent) out of 500.

But if he does this, he gives off very strong and extremely disgusting odors, such as rotting or a decaying corpse. Sometimes you can feel the "vile smell of hydrogen sulfide", rotten eggs, sulfur - and this is one of the typical signs of the presence of evil spirits!

Another group of olfactory sensations is associated with burning and burning. There may be smells of burning clothing or rubber, burning electrical wiring or paint, but no signs of fire are found.

There are also relatively pleasant exceptions in the form of the smell of ozone or boiled meat (however, the latter - as anyone). Searches for the sources of odors usually end in nothing.

Most often, a poltergeist is heard and seen. This does not mean secondary, observable or audible effects such as tracing the trajectory of an object that suddenly fell from its place and the sound of its falling immediately caught. We are talking about sound effects of unknown origin, so to speak, about sounds for no obvious reason.

They usually last for several minutes with breaks or are a series of fairly loud sounds of a very diverse nature. Most often, the acoustic manifestations of a poltergeist are heard by everyone present.

All sounds made by noisy spirits can be divided into several groups. First of all, they are similar or even identical to those that the human vocal apparatus is capable of producing. These are, first of all, human voices, conversation, speech, whispering. Usually the source of the voice is invisible, but sometimes it appears as a speaking ghost.

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Of the sounds "pronounced" by the poltergeist, similar to those emitted by the human vocal apparatus, one can name laughter, crying, singing, snoring, and whistling. Sometimes sighs, groans, groans are heard. This kind of sounds were noted in 130 cases (26 percent) out of 500.

Imitative sounds are very peculiar, for example, imitating the steps of a person, the noises of his work or everyday life. The stomping of many hooves is often reported.


The book by A. N. Aksakov "Harbingers of Spiritualism" lists the sounds of overturning furniture, smashing dishes, suddenly scattered coins, walking on stairs, rustling a dress, ringing chains, chopping wood, spinning a spindle, rocking a cradle, falling a huge weight, dancing on the ceiling, stomping on the roof, sweeping the floor, drumming, panting, clucking, buzzing. In reality, no reasons can be found that can cause such sounds.

This kind of imitative sounds were noted in 217 cases (43 percent) out of 500, that is, they are very frequent.

With poltergeists, knocks and blows are most often heard: light, dull, similar to drumming or slamming doors. Knocks and blows were heard in 241 cases (48 percent) out of 500. Rumbles, explosions, whistles, cods, and scratches are also described. There are also known special "flapping" sounds, similar to the sound of the wings of a bird flying into a room. Strange sound "vibrations", "pulsations", "noises" are also reported.

The acoustic manifestations of the poltergeist have been recorded on tape more than once. This means that such effects are by no means auditory hallucinations, but an objective, albeit extremely unusual, manifestation of the phenomenon.

Most impressive are the visual effects, that is, what is seen: invisibles sometimes show themselves to people with their own eyes! These can be various lighting effects - those are noted in 49 cases (10 percent) out of 500.

Occasionally, foggy, obscure figures are seen, which was observed in 12 cases (2 percent) out of 500. In 33 cases (6 percent) out of 500, ghosts of animals were seen, and in 143 (29 percent) - humans.

The visual manifestations of the poltergeist are so peculiar and so impressive that we will describe them in detail in the following paragraph.

What is seen with a poltergeist

Usually one sees like shadows, figures or images of a person. Sometimes they personally do their dirty deeds: they throw whatever they hit in all directions, open and close doors, and even, sometimes, bite and scratch themselves!

It happens that eyewitnesses meet with a ghost, in which they recognize a long-dead person, and he throws stones right before their eyes - and they really throw themselves, or move furniture - and it really moves!


You can also find a ghost of a person about whom it is firmly known that he is still alive, for example, a relative who calls to him or warns against something. Once, during an outbreak of activity of a noisy spirit, eyewitnesses saw ghosts similar to the inhabitants of that poltergeist house.

If individual parts of a human figure are seen, then they can be a face or its fragments (eyes, mouth, ears, etc.), a separate upper or lower half of the body, ghostly legs moving independently, a pair of arms outstretched to the "carrier", fingers hands. Sometimes the face of a concrete living person before everyone's eyes turned into a completely different - a ghostly face was superimposed on him, as it were!

Some poltergeist ghosts, moreover, often turned out to be amazingly talkative, they were like voiced ghosts. Sometimes the same speaking ghosts were seen and heard by different people at the same time, but the descriptions of what they saw and heard coincided.

In some cases, the witnesses were professionally trained observers, such as law enforcement officials. Therefore, we can assume that what was simultaneously perceived by many people had an objective or physical basis. However, not always everyone who is present sees the ghost or hears his speech.

In addition to clearly shaped ghostly human figures, poltergeists sometimes see some kind of foggy, obscure or vague images, strange amorphous forms, say, vertical "waves" or cloud-like formations.

Sometimes ghostly figures of animals are seen, usually small ones - dogs, cats, birds and other wordless creatures. It happens that mythological or fantastic creatures are seen - demons, devils, devils with tails and horns.

In some cases, strange lighting effects are noticed - mysterious light in the window, dark or light shadows, moving or flashing lights.

Some of these phenomena visible to the human eye have even been photographed. This means that such effects are by no means hallucinations, but exist objectively, by themselves.

You can get sick from a poltergeist

In the town of Myshkovo, a woman, after spending three hours in an apartment with a poltergeist, felt severe nausea. A neighbor on the floor below complained of anxiety, headache, dizziness, chest pain, hand tremors. Her fourteen-year-old daughter was scared and afraid to be left alone in that apartment.

After several minutes of being in it, she felt a burning sensation in her palms, which persisted for several minutes after returning home. Another woman, after a few minutes of staying in that apartment, felt fear, headache, dizziness, pressure in the temples, goosebumps in the arms and legs, and sore skin.

In the village of Nikitskoye, a neighbor entered the "bad" house. After a while, she felt bad, her face darkened, her teeth chattered loudly. She staggered toward the exit, but fainted. I had to call an ambulance. The diagnosis of doctors is a hypertensive crisis.

Other unpleasant consequences of exposure to poltergeist forces include the appearance on the skin of traces from invisible scratches, pinching, blows and bites in the form of scratches and bruises. Very unpleasant, but, fortunately, rare are the effects of a suffocating nature, the deafening effect of very loud sound manifestations, cases of temporary complete or partial loss of memory, a feeling of loss of one's own will, severe headache and a variety of ailments.

From I. Vinokurov's book "Poltergeists"