Atlantis. The Martian Trail - Alternative View

Atlantis. The Martian Trail - Alternative View
Atlantis. The Martian Trail - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis. The Martian Trail - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis. The Martian Trail - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Tesla's Interstellar Communications (Season 9) | History 2024, September

Serious science has been studying the Martian pyramids and other traces of intelligent activity on Mars for several decades. Scientific confirmation of the artificial origin of some formations on the surface of Mars can lead to a sensational discovery: the legendary Atlantis and Lemuria are the great Martian continents!

The planets Earth and Mars are similar in many physical characteristics. They move around the Sun with almost the same orbital speed, have the same compression ratios to within thousandths and differ only by minutes of a degree in the tilt of the axis of rotation. Both planets have liquid cores in their centers, and their surfaces are rich in volcanoes. Both on Mars and on Earth, there is a change of seasons, the presence of poles and polar caps. Martian days are only 41 minutes longer than Earth days. Finally, the atmospheres of the planets are almost identical in their qualitative composition: they include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and argon. True, there is also water on the earth's surface and in the atmosphere, and the quantitative ratio of the above elements in the gas envelopes of the planets does not lend itself to any comparisons at all. But this is in the modern era. Scientists suggestthat millions of years ago the planets Earth and Mars were "twins and brothers." It is estimated that for the oxidation of the Martian soil (which is why it has a characteristic red tint), at least 500 trillion (!) Tons of oxygen are needed. The walls of the craters and the slopes of the volcanoes of Mars are "plowed" by powerful streams of water, and on its surface there are deep channels of ancient mighty rivers. All this is a serious basis for suggesting in the distant past the presence of an oxygen-rich atmosphere and a powerful water envelope on Mars. Modern scientists have the impression that once upon a time, very, very long ago, two blue planets, filled with a wealth of natural forms, revolved around the Sun. But in the future, Mars for some reason "was unlucky." He entered the season of the dead for life and remained in it forever. But not all researchers think so. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Lev Mukhin, for example, in 1980, using data from the Institute of Space Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, argued that "Martian hibernations" occur every 20-50 thousand Earth years.

But there is one more circumstance that brings two neighboring planets of the solar system closer - the presence of pyramids on their surface. Contrary to the popular belief that only "crazy" enthusiasts are engaged in the Martian pyramids, it should be noted that artificial formations on Mars have been of interest to serious science for more than 40 years.

In 1961, Richard Hoagland of the Brockhvens Institute (USA), commissioned by NASA, made a report on the traces of an ancient civilization on Mars. This 178 (!) Page report spoke about objects of artificial origin on the Martian surface in the area of the Sidonia Plain - a stone statue called the "Sphinx" and the pyramids around it.

In 1972, the research apparatus "Mariner-9" discovered in the region of the Martian plateau Elysium a formation that received the official name "the field of quadrangular pyramids" and geometrically regular objects resembling the ruins of a city in the southern polar region.

In 1976, the Viking orbital module, flying near Mars, photographed on its surface in the Sidonia region another "field of pyramids", an incomprehensible dark ring, as well as a stone formation resembling a human head.

In November 1994, NASA officially declared: "The Sphinx and pyramids exist on Mars."

Researchers Vincent Di Petro and Gregory Molenaar have done a great job using computer technology to study the "Martian Sphinx" and "pyramid field" in the Sidonia region. All these pyramids are 25 - 5 large and 20 small. Small Martian pyramids reach a height of 250 meters, large ones - 1.5 kilometers. The pyramids form an ordered system. The axis of the main of them is oriented to the north, the axes of other large pyramids are rotated in relation to the meridians by 1/22 of an arc or an angle of 16.36 degrees. This corner is remarkable in that it serves as the basis for the layout of Stonehenge and other megalithic structures of antiquity. The location of the Martian pyramid complexes is comparable to the layout of the pyramids in Teotihuacan, Uxmal, Palenque.

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All the points of view expressed to date about the possible origin of pyramids and other artificial structures on Mars are reduced to the conclusion made by Natalya Glazkova and Vil Landa in their famous book (see below) about pyramids and ancient civilizations. Starting from the fact of the similarity of the "hairstyle" of the Martian Sphinx with the hairstyles of the ancient Egyptians, confirmed in the course of space observations, the researchers concluded that "the civilization of the Martians was associated with Egypt - the postcolony of Atlantis, or Atlantis itself."

There is also a more specific hypothesis on this score, however, from the realm of fantasy. It belongs to the pen of the famous Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy and is presented in his fascinating novel "Aelita" through the lips of a beautiful Martian woman. Tolstoy believes that the ancient Atlanteans from Earth were at first cruel conquistadors for the natives of Mars, and then, after bloody wars with the native inhabitants of the planet, they became enlightened civilizers for them. From the above version of the Martian history, it follows that the aliens from the terrestrial Atlantis were the mentors of the inhabitants of the Red Planet in the construction of the pyramids and the sculpture of the Sphinx.

Here it will be appropriate to say that in "Aelita", upon careful reading of this work, one can find, in addition to fascinating fiction, and confirmation of A. N. Tolstoy's brilliant knowledge of the history of human races on Earth as it is interpreted by esotericism, in particular, "The Secret Doctrine" by E. P. Blavatsky.

Whatever it was, but with "Aelita" by Alexei Tolstoy, which saw the light of day in 1921, begins the "Martian nostalgia" of earthly humanity, which manifested itself in the hard-to-explain attraction of some of its representatives to the "promised land" - the Red Planet.

In 1947, 14 years before Richard Hoagland's historic report, Japanese sculptor Isamu Noguchi made a model of the sculpture called "Sculpture That Will Be Seen from Mars." The most interesting thing is that Noguchi's creation should have, after completion, the same appearance and the same size as the famous Martian face of the Sphinx (500 meters high and 1.5 kilometers long).

In 1983, the famous esoteric writer José Argvelles (author of The Maya Factor) met with the author of the first report on the Martian pyramids. Considering the photographs of the "pyramid field" in Kydonia, provided by the gracious host, Argvelles felt a real shock: "Vague memories seethed in me … this sensation was broader and infinitely deeper than all types of memory that I knew. I got the feeling that the civilization that gave birth to life, developed on Mars and that this civilization met an inglorious tragic end. I also realized that the knowledge of this event is somehow still present in the field of consciousness of the Earth."

Analyzing the above cases of "Martian insights", it is easy to conclude that they are alternative to the fantastic hypothesis of Alexei Tolstoy. That is, from them it should be assumed that it was not the terrestrial Atlanteans who colonized Mars, on the contrary - the Martian Atlanteans colonized the Earth many millions of years (presumably 7-8) ago.

The same should be concluded if we carefully draw the parallels consistently between Helena Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" and modern scientific information about the Red Planet. Here are some examples.

In the sense of some of the stanzas of the ancient book "Dzyan" (see our essays on the second part of the "Secret Doctrine" and the stanzas themselves), which Blavatsky took as the basis of her revelation, it should be concluded that informational matrices ("prototypes", "Dhyan- Kogans ") of human beings were introduced into our solar system by the Cosmic Reason on the threshold of the" Fourth Wheel "(planet). But the fourth planet, if you count from the Sun, is Mars, but not the Earth!

Further. In the esoteric literature known to us, it is stated that the predecessors of the Atlanteans - the Lemurians (twenty-meter four-armed giants) built their rock-like cities from "black stone" (basalt) and "rare soils". But if you trust the same esoteric sources, then the Lemurians flourished on our planet 18 million years ago. At this time, there were already more than enough other, softer building materials on Earth: limestone, clay, wood. Of course, there is strength - the rest is not important. But it is unlikely that a living (not to mention intelligent) creature will create difficulties for itself, cutting down a dwelling in basalt deposits, everywhere having wood and clay at hand. Another thing is Mars. 50% of its surface, mainly "continental", consists of rocks such as basalts. Everything else is sand (the bottom of ancient oceans) and polar caps of frozen carbon dioxide and water. And although they now write that forests once rustled on Mars, this event seems unlikely in light of the latest data on the surface composition of the planet. The totality of facts, and in particular the global oxidation of the surface, traces of active work of water and the presence of sedimentary rocks, suggests that the normal evolution of Mars was "on takeoff" interrupted by a transient cataclysm of a planetary scale. It is possible that it was provoked by the explosion of Phaeton. As for the legendary Lemurians, it would be correct to assume that the evolution of animal and plant forms on Mars before the appearance of intelligent inhabitants on it was relatively short and did not leave behind building materials in the form of forests and thick layers of organogenic sedimentary rocks. Therefore, young Martian mankind had to build cities from basalt rocks and "rare soils" - a highly dispersed porous material similar to lunar regolith. It is this rock, according to available data, that makes up the near-surface layer of most of the Martian soil.

Now let's talk about the "earthly" Lemurians and Atlanteans. According to the esoteric doctrine, for a long time they coexisted on our planet with giant reptiles and mammals. But if the remains of animals of ancient times paleontologists find in large quantities in different places of the globe, then today excavations have not found a single skeleton of giants of the ancient human races. The arguments of Helena Blavatsky, cited in the "Secret Doctrine", that the remains of the Lemurians and Atlanteans were buried under multi-meter thick layers of ocean water and were "rubbed into dust" there, seem unconvincing. If only because scientists find the bones of dinosaurs - much more ancient than the legendary ancestors of mankind, the inhabitants of the planet. And for some reason these bones were not “crushed to dust”, although they managed to visit the sands of the seabed. One conclusion suggests itself - the Lemurians and the first Atlanteans never lived on Earth! Information about them belongs to the "Martian" period in the history of ancient human ancestors, which, intentionally or due to "failures" in the ancient esoteric primary sources, is still hidden for our understanding.

Consider the morphotectonic map of Mars (J. Pollack, 1978). In the eastern hemisphere, we will see the giant volcanic plateau of Elysium. And now let's look at the supposed outlines and orientation to the cardinal points of the legendary continent Lemuria (N. Glazkova, V. Landa "The Universal Secrets of the Pyramids and Atlantis". - Donetsk, "Stalker", 1999, p. 237). They coincide, and they are very large precision, with the location and contours of Elysia! Recall that it was on this volcanic plateau that one of the complexes of the Martian pyramids was discovered.

In the Western Hemisphere, we see the second continent in its present "Martian" form - the volcanic Tarsis plateau. There are no traces of other continents on Mars, so the thought involuntarily suggests itself that Tharsis was the legendary Atlantis. The maps of Atlantis found in our popular science and esoteric literature are so diverse that it makes no sense to compare them with the outlines of Tharsis. And it is clear why: researchers are looking for Atlantis in the wrong place, or to be more precise, on the wrong planet.

But in the esoteric literature there is information that makes it possible, without much exaggeration, to place Atlantis on Mars. The trident was the symbol of Atlantis. The ancient authors explained this circumstance by the fact that on the sea approaches to the mainland, for tens of kilometers, three great mountain peaks of Atlantis were observed, lined up in one row and lost in the clouds. Traces of such high mountain formations, even underwater, on Earth simply do not exist. But these mountain peaks exist on the Tarsis plateau on Mars! To do this, just look at the morphotectonic map of the western hemisphere of Mars. Here they are, three great Martian volcanoes 19 kilometers high, lined up in one straight line along the eastern end of the volcanic plateau. And west of this great trinity, we see a mark,corresponding to the largest volcano in the solar system - Olympus. Its top is located in the troposphere of the planet at an altitude of 28 kilometers. And the ancient authors asserted that the "Axis of Peace", "Heavenly Mountain" was located on the Atlantic continent, which supported the ether with its top. Olympus can fully claim this role.

One more circumstance. The sacred color of Atlantis was red. Was it not for the first settlers from Mars, who later mixed with the inhabitants of the Earth, a symbol - a reminder of his ancestral home - the fourth planet of the solar system, reddened from the cosmic tragedy (loss of water and oxygen)?

As you can see, the arguments in favor of the fact that Atlantis and Lemuria actually existed on Mars have a legal right to exist. But let's not rush to write ourselves down as the descendants of the Martians. The decisive word is for serious scientific research.

Vladimir Streletsky