Demon Feast - Alternative View

Demon Feast - Alternative View
Demon Feast - Alternative View

Video: Demon Feast - Alternative View

Video: Demon Feast - Alternative View
Video: LAST TIME - Signs of the End 2024, September

When the famous physician Louis Pasteur said that infectious diseases are caused by the reproduction of tiny animals invisible to the normal eye in the human body, it immediately became clear to the respected scientific public that the doctor was not all right with his head. Animals ?! In a human body ?! A more delusional idea was hard to imagine. But a new invention, a microscope, was presented to the public, and scientists saw with their own eyes tiny microorganisms under its lenses - the culprits of various diseases.

In our time, medicine has stepped even further and, in the person of a few of its representatives, has entered the field that is commonly called the esoteric heritage. The massive spread of extrasensory perception and various methods of spiritual healing is a vivid evidence of this. True, the relationship between official and oriental medicine is very cool, because the doctrine of oriental medicine overturns the prevailing ideas about the world and man. The situation today is ridiculously reminiscent of Pasteur's story.

The medicine of the Ancient East assures that the cause of human diseases is often living beings invisible to the ordinary eye, not only those that reproduce in his body, but also living in a parallel dimension. And if the existence of bacteria is no longer in doubt for anyone, then the statement about the existence of pathogenic non-material entities for official medicine is nonsense. It is still impossible to prove this in a visible form, since it turned out to be easier to invent a microscope than an instrument that registers manifestations of parallel worlds - manifestations of non-protein life.

The question may arise: if this life has a non-protein character, why should negative entities of a parallel world pursue people? Why microbes "start" in us is understandable: the biochemical environment of the human body is nutritious for them. But it turns out that both proteinaceous and nonproteinaceous forms of intelligent life in space have one connecting link - this is energy. It is universal for both protein and non-protein life forms. And equally needed by both.

Everyone knows that there are so-called vampires among people. But in the parallel world there are many more of these creatures. And besides, it turns out to be much easier to parasitize by stealing energy than to invade the physical tissues of the human body that are prone to resistance and have immune protection. After all, a person is not only a biological body. It is also a complex, multidimensional energy complex that carries out constant energy exchange with the cosmic environment and radiates psychic energy into space.

Human thoughts and feelings are energetic - this is the axiom of esoteric knowledge. Their energetics goes far beyond the weakly electric impulses of the physical brain and also represents powerful outbursts of energies that are still unknown to official medicine - astral and mental. This energy of a different level is what lies at the basis of the entire universe and realizes the inner unity of the physical and energy (or parallel) planes of being.

But the whole trouble is that we know almost nothing about our multidimensional nature and, moreover, we do not know how to handle the energy of our psyche, which is called psychic energy in esotericism. Wise ancestors tried to convey this knowledge to us in the form of traditional commandments - "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal," "Do not commit adultery," "Do not be angry," etc. But a person is so arranged that he needs visible evidence of the practical benefits of any advice. And in space, alas, not everything has a visible form.

Invisible entities of the other world are popularly called mermaids, goblin, brownies, gnomes, salamanders. And the famous physician and alchemist Paracelsus called them elementals. All of them, as they say, “people” are different. Among them there are those whom our great-grandmothers called "evil spirits." They are chasing someone else's energy, instead of being fed by pure natural energy, as other spirits do.

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Suppliers of free psychic energy for the "dark" forces are often people with their strong energy of feelings.

Naturally, non-material vampires, in accordance with their own nature, need to feed the dark, gross energies of negative thoughts and feelings. Light and pure energies are simply too tough for them, since their high-frequency mode does not correspond to the low-frequency energy of vampires.

That is why they parasitize on people prone to negative emotions. Moreover, irritation, fear, despondency give food to dark forces. They also lead to a weakening of the defense system of the human biofield (aura). Strong negative emotions threaten even temporary damage to her. And this causes a leak of human vital energy into space.

It is there that hordes of voracious dark elementals catch her. It is not for nothing in yoga that it is believed that the inability to control one's thoughts and feelings wastes a person's vital energy.

And what happens to people who are accustomed to living “with loose nerves”? Their vital energy, constantly leaving into space and being absorbed by the elementals, "lays" special channels in the human aura. Thanks to them, the leakage of energy becomes unconscious and constant for a person, and at the same time controllable and easily accessible to the elementals.

Astral parasites are able not only to steal energy, but also to leave special magnetic-psychic connections in the aura of their victim and, thanks to them, provoke, inflate bad feelings and inclinations in a person. If a person does not know how to control his feelings and often falls under the power of negative emotions, astral vampires quickly establish a special psychoenergetic connection with his aura, as if sticking to it, and then completely penetrating into it. And then the unsuspecting individual does not understand why attacks of irritability or depression appear in him more and more often. The blame in these cases is dumped on the nerves. But nerves have nothing to do with it. Blame is the inquiry, which is unable and unwilling to subordinate the psyche to the control of the mind.

The natural consequence of astral vampirism, according to oriental medicine, are diseases - both physical and mental. Among mental illnesses, esotericism knows a special condition, popularly called obsession. In the esoteric teaching of our time - Living Ethics - it is said that the overwhelming majority of the mentally ill are precisely possessed. The severity of this disease is aggravated by the fact that official medicine does not have the key to its cure, since it does not recognize the other world and other material pathogens of the disease. Treatment of this kind of disease often consists of suppressing the psyche with tranquilizers, but the brain suffers. And he has nothing to do with it. The disease does not nest in him, but in the human biofield. The psychological doctrine of esotericism is harsh and immutable: whoever does not know how to control his psyche himself,he has a great risk of becoming controlled from the outside. Who needs such management is understandable. Light beings do not subjugate anyone, they do not need slaves. And the dark ones easily recruit slaves for themselves from those who themselves became a slave to their passions.

What passions are capable of leading a person to a terrible state of mental enslavement, right up to an alien invasion of his aura? Negative mental experiences, negative thoughts and feelings are perhaps the most common channel of obsession. And the fastest channels are alcoholism, drug addiction and … attempts to engage in psychoenergetic exercises without prior long and serious spiritual and ethical training. This is especially true of modern schools of extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, and even more so occult exotics such as magic and spiritualism.

What is the danger of drug addiction and alcoholism in psychoenergetic terms? They deprive the human psyche of control, release all the lower, animal instincts, which carry that very dark, coarse energy that astral vampires love so much. And finally, alcohol and drugs affect in a special way the so-called subtle, or astral, body, changing its usual vibrational-energy regime, bringing it closer to the vibrations of the lower layers of the subtle world. One can judge who the intoxicated consciousness of alcoholics meets in these layers by their own ideas: classical hallucinations in bright colors paint pictures of a parallel world.

But vampirism does not exhaust the psychoenergetic consequences of alcoholism. The worst thing is the invisible channels of foreign influence, which persist in the aura of a former alcoholic even after recovering from an addiction. It is known that sometimes the coding for alcoholism is accompanied by subsequent suicides. This is attributed to "code glitches" and the like. And the real ones are hidden in a state of partial obsession or susceptibility of the psyche of a former alcoholic to alien psychic suggestions.

Why is suicide the result of these suggestions? At the moment of death, a huge amount of psychic energy is released into space. If the deceased was possessed or was in a state close to this ("tied"), practically all this energy will go to the entities that have stuck to his aura. Having lost a constant source of replenishment in the form of energy pumped out of the aura of an alcoholic, astral vampires are trying to take their own right away. Using the channels of psychic connection with his aura, they patiently and persistently whisper a nightmarish decision to him, laying a program of self-destruction in the subconscious. The main danger is precisely that people with a weak will cannot control their subconscious impulses. They follow the order - that's all.

Treatment of alcoholism can be successful only when not only, so to speak, the physiological, but also the psychoenergetic side of the problem is taken into account. The same applies to drug addiction.

What else can make a person an unwitting donor of astral vampires? Hypertrophied sensual desires, needs and experiences are especially attracted to non-material beings. At first, the elementals are fed by the dark energies of passions and vices, then they become more and more direct participants in orgies, and soon - not only participants, but also their instigators. The end result of such a "transmaterial" complicity is often the decomposition of consciousness and personality to the point of complete madness. Strong emotions and passions (as well as obsessive thoughts) already weaken the human body, expending psychic energy excessively, and if an elemental feeding on their energy is attached to a person's aura, the matter is completely bad.

In matters of excesses, the problem of sexual relations is especially highlighted with the eternal question: "What is allowed and what is not?" In esoteric literature, in ancient medical and philosophical sources, it is repeatedly said that the criterion of correctness in an intimate relationship is the presence of at least the slightest heartfelt affection for a partner. If this spark of soulfulness is absent and the only stimulus in the relationship is a purely sensual need, moreover, excessively manifested, the risk of "picking up" an astral larva is always great.

It never occurs to anyone what kind of psycho-energetic (they don't even remember about the spiritual now) influence erotic and pornographic production carries. Doctors, for example, state that the percentage of urological and gynecological diseases has increased dramatically. Why these particular diseases?

Because lovers of "strawberries" spend the bulk of the energy allocated to a person to satisfy ordinary physiological needs while watching the corresponding videos. And when it comes down to it - the body is energetically squeezed out like a lemon. The organs of the human body cannot withstand the load, which provokes diseases.

One of the addictions, especially attracting the lower entities of the astral, are the desire for enrichment, the love of money and the thirst for possession of them. Pushkin's The Miserly Knight, sorting through gold coins in his basement, is a real example of obsession that developed on the basis of the love of money.

The great Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo, the creator of a new spiritual teaching - integral Vedanta, wrote that money is a special power of another world. The masses of money and their distribution on the earthly plane are controlled, and often directed by a whole army of alien material beings, trying with their help to realize their own goals.

The life of the parallel dimension is very rich in its forms, and in addition to the voracious, but narrow-minded vampire elementals, there are much more far-sighted and dangerous entities that have their own plans for our physical world. Money is their trump card in many cases and situations. That is why energy (there is such a thing!) And social power is often used not only by their earthly masters, but also by beings of a different dimension standing behind them. Oddly enough, but "despicable metal" has long had its occult power, and people who carry a secret desire to possess it at any cost, often fall for the hook of insidious creatures of another world.

It is a paradox, but often tycoons, who seem to the average man to be absolutely free in their actions and desires due to their states, are in fact people with strong mental addictions, tied hand and foot by the load of their wealth, and most importantly, by the other material control that stands behind him … Big money is a really dangerous thing, and it was not without reason that it was said: "What is the use of someone who gains the whole world, but loses his soul?" It is not easy for us, who have lived 70 years under the dominance of a narrow materialistic worldview, to believe in the existence of other worlds, and even more so invisible pests that sneak into our apartments and steal our energy. But the ancient peoples did not doubt this at all. Just as modern eastern peoples do not doubt the existence of unfavorable “neighbors in dimension”. They not only know this truth, but also know how to use it in practice, keeping themselves and their children healthy.

Children, by the way, very often see and feel a parallel world. If a child is afraid of the dark, he is not necessarily afraid.

Maybe he feels the presence of some kind of negative energy in this darkness. Nightmares and fears in young children are also caused by attacks from the lower layers of the other world. The body of children, of course, is less protected than that of adults, and this makes it more vulnerable to vampirism. Although children, unlike adults, have their own other material guardian angels …

Adults, on the other hand, often attract unwanted guests of the other world with their carelessness and elementary uncleanliness.

Dishes not washed in the evening, left overnight, stale water in a vase of flowers whose stems have already begun to decompose, a trash can filled with food waste - such banal things attract visitors from another world to our apartments. It is worth remembering: the boundaries of our and parallel worlds are very conditional.

Creatures of other planes, invisibly present in our physical world, can easily choose a corner they especially like for permanent residence. Such corners may well become people's apartments, where the sources of their favorite energies do not dry out.

But if the problem was only physical purity!

After all, there are not so many particularly unscrupulous people.

Another source of nutrition for the elementals is the energy that is released into space during our negative mental manifestations - bad thoughts and emotions (anger, irritation, greed, envy, resentment). The energy of psychic "explosions" is much more attractive to other material vampires than physical dirt. According to psychics, an irritated or indignant person looks energetically like a fountain - like streams of water, streams of precious psychic energy erupt from his aura into space. This is what the astral vampires need.

What happens to the donor person? Alas, the emissions and leaks of vital energy, inevitable with negative emotions and feelings, leave cracks and breaks in the aura of an unrestrained person, disrupting his natural energy protection from negative influences from both the physical and other worlds. It has long been noticed that stress leads to physical (not to mention mental) illness. This is caused precisely by disturbances in the human energy complex: the aura deprived of integrity, energetically depleted makes the body defenseless, open to harmful influences from the outside.

Wise eastern peoples have long used the technique of astral cleansing of their homes from other material vampires. Aromatherapy, in particular, is not only a means of calming the human nervous system. It is also a means of scaring away and smoking dark elementals from the premises.

Beings of another world are very partial to smells and aromas.

The latter attract some creatures and drive away others according to their quality. The law of analogy also works here: the smells of putrefaction and decomposition attract negative entities, and incense - oils of rose, eucalyptus, mint, - on the contrary, cleanse space of them, having a positive effect on the energy complex of a person and his nervous system.

Fumigation of premises with incense and incense sticks, spraying rooms with fragrant essences of sacred plants, used in the East, are not caused by whims of luxury. In the same way as burning lamps. Living fire cleans the astral space not only from the dark essences of another world, but also dissolves the negative psychoenergetics of bad thoughts and feelings accumulated in houses. That is why many healers recommend at least once a week to cleanse your home by walking along the walls in the direction of the Sun (clockwise) with a candle in your hand and mentally “washing” the walls with a wave of light flame.

You can also "clean" yourself with the fire of a candle. If you are not feeling well or you are just in a bad mood, you can spend half an hour sitting alone and silent next to a burning candle and mentally immerse yourself in a warm and bright stream of warming, healing flame. Both in illness and simply in difficult life situations, a person can be provided with both psychological and energy help by the healing forces of nature. Bad thoughts, mood, physical ailments can be “removed” from oneself with the help of fire and water. To do this, you should stand in front of the candle and make movements, as if cleansing, shaking off dirt from the body - from head to toe, from top to bottom.

Movements should begin above the head, since their purpose is to align the outer edge of the aura, if possible, to “cleanse” the subtle-energy complex of a person. Mental cleansing of your body and aura, combined with smooth hand movements, can actually free the body from excess negative energy. And the candle fire will intensify their effect many times over.

With energetic self-purification, you can use ordinary running water from the tap. If you are upset about something or have a runny nose when you come home from work, don't rush to sit down to dinner right away. First wash your hands and then your face with warm water. You can do cleansing passes with your hands along the entire body (starting above your head), periodically rinsing your hands under the tap to “wash off” negative energy.

Only after cleansing can you eat. Esoteric teachings say that if a person takes food in a state of grief, excitement, irritation and other negative emotions, then such food in the body will turn into a kind of energy poison. In this case, it is better to refrain from eating for 3-4 hours until the psyche comes to balance.

Since we are talking about food, it is impossible not to mention its energetic effect on the psyche. The most difficult, undoubtedly negative energy information is carried by “killer” meat food. The animal always feels in advance that they want to kill him, and the energy of the feelings that it experiences before death is preserved in the meat that comes to our table. It is better to eat meat of warm-blooded animals as little as possible, replacing it with fish. And one more thing: elementals are very attracted to blood.

Thus, due to its energetic properties, meat food is involuntarily a dark magnet that attracts all negative things. In addition, it dulls the psyche, making it coarser and more primitive and the entire energy of a person. Similarly, by the way, smoking and especially alcohol affect a person. There is no need to talk about drugs.

There are many ways to energetically cleanse the body. But in any case, one must remember that the main factor of both purification and pollution is the quality of thoughts and feelings.

Human thought in combination with natural means of fire, water, aromas - can be a powerful means of purification and self-healing. But it is also the main factor in the pollution of both our home and our aura. So shouldn't we, as soon as possible, adopt the well-known proverb: "It's clear not where they sweep, but where they don't litter"?

Nikolai Nepomniachtchi