Unusual Ghosts - Alternative View

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Unusual Ghosts - Alternative View
Unusual Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: Why This Rare Bug Turns Everything into Unkillable Ghosts 2024, October

Meetings with ghosts - the ghosts of dead or still living people - are not so rare on Earth. Such things have long found their explanation from the point of view of occult sciences. However, there is a category of ghosts that is surprising even to researchers of the paranormal. This category includes the ghosts of animals, as well as inanimate objects, the nature of which remains a mystery to representatives of both official and non-traditional science.

Mysterious elevator

In 1969 in Wales, builders began to demolish an old seaside hotel. The building was de-energized, and the workers dismantled all communications and elevator equipment. But one day the builders heard the distinct noise of a working elevator, and soon saw a cabin rising from the shaft. They rushed to the top floor, entered the shaft and waited for the mysterious elevator to arrive, but they never saw any cab …

A similar story happened in 1942, when a machine-building plant was evacuated from Belarus occupied by German troops to Barnaul. One winter evening, workers found in an empty workshop, adapted for a warehouse of finished products, a lonely standing milling machine of an old design - the same one that was used at the enterprises of Moscow and St. Petersburg before the revolution. The chief engineer who arrived at the shop after reporting on the strange find, to his surprise, did not find anything in the room. For the workers who saw the machine with their own eyes, it became a big mystery. For several days, the mysterious machine now appeared in a closed workshop, then disappeared in an incomprehensible way.

Train from nowhere

Many mysterious stories are associated with the ghosts of vehicles. Among the experienced drivers transporting goods along the Chuisky tract, there is a legend about a ghost truck, which seems to appear from time to time on the section of the M 52 highway between the villages of Chibit and Kurai. Sometimes in the pre-dawn time here at high speed an old "lorry" silently rushes, frightening rare drivers and even more rare pedestrians.

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Old-timers of the villages located on Cape Olyutorsky remember the story of the ghost of an old sailing ship, which in the first half of the 20th century was seen more than once in the waters of the Bering Sea. In 1945, when the Soviet Union went to war with Japan, the Coast Guard mistook a ship that appeared on the horizon for an enemy ship. The sailing ship, which did not respond to inquiries, was torpedoed. Despite the fact that all the torpedoes went exactly to the target, there were no explosions, and the sailing ship soon disappeared without a trace in the fog.

Anna Mikhailovna Styupina, who in the 40-50s of the last century worked as a lineman at a railway crossing near the village of Shirga on the Trans-Baikal Railway, recalls how in 1956 she and three other railway workers had a chance to observe a strange train late at night. walking from the Ukurei station. An unlit train - a steam locomotive and three old carriages - suddenly emerged from the darkness, thundering at the rail joints, quickly passed the crossing, without giving the expected sound signal, and… disappeared into thin air. Anna Mikhailovna told the management by phone about a mysterious train that appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere, but the railway authorities knew nothing about it.

Talking animals

Since ancient times, different peoples have associated a large number of "bad" signs with the ghosts of animals. So, in Western Europe, many legends and legends tell about ghostly black dogs "living" in deserted nooks and crannies, in cemeteries and country roads. In Russia before the revolution it was believed that ghost dogs appear where someone committed suicide. In England, Germany and France, it was believed that ghost dogs roamed the places where people were once hung. It was believed that encounters with such creatures, as well as ghosts of white or black birds, snakes or large spiders, foreshadow a person's imminent death.

Hunters of the Krasnoyarsk Territory know the legend about the ghost of a huge black wolf with a single eye the size of a saucer in the center of the forehead. The ghost wolf makes blood-chilling sounds, only vaguely reminiscent of a wolf's howl, from which the inhabitants of the taiga seek to escape wherever they look. It is believed that this ghost comes when the wolf population is almost completely exterminated by hunters. The ghost of the black wolf was seen in 1946, 1959 and 1964 - it was then that whole campaigns were organized to destroy the gray owners of the forest that had bred in countless numbers.

One of the most famous animal ghosts in the West is the mongoose ghost named Jeff. He appeared to the inhabitants of the small town of Dalby, located on the Isle of Man, which is between Ireland and England. In the early 30s of the last century, Jeff settled on an old farm on the coast of the island and pestered the owners by gnawing food, jingling dishes and blowing out candles. Most unusual, however, was that the mongoose ghost spoke in a human language, calling himself Jeff and claiming that he was a real ghost.

In 1916, in the circus of Nizhny Novgorod, the artists repeatedly saw the ghost of a rabbit, speaking in the voice of one of the trainers. Shortly before the appearance of the eared ghost, one of the circus performers had just died a rabbit, whose performances had great success with the public …

Occult controversy

According to the statements of most world religions, of all living creatures living on the planet, only man has a soul. In accordance with this, the substances of souls that appear in our world, perceived as ghosts, can only belong to humans. The ghosts of animals or inanimate objects, according to a number of occultists, are nothing more than a manifestation on our - material - plane of the will of elementals - the lower spiritual essences of the nature around us. By creating phantoms of various objects or assuming their outlines, the elementals, as they say, "fool" people in order to arouse fear in them or interest them in their existence.

However, there is another point of view on the nature of such phenomena. So, Nikolai Mikhailovich Artemiev from Yekaterinburg in the early 90s of the last century had a chance to spend several months in Tibet. It was there that he became acquainted with the teachings of the lamas about the infinity of spiritual evolution in the Universe. According to this teaching, figuratively speaking, after passing through certain stages of development, stones are reborn into plants, plants - into animals, animals - into people, and people, after numerous reincarnations - into beings of a divine spiritual essence. However, no matter at what lower stage the body of the material world is and no matter how complex structure it has, whether it was created by nature or by the hands of man, there is always a soul in it - the perpetual engine of the evolution of the universe. That is why, according to Artemiev, we can sometimes observe the ghosts of dogs and birds,ships and trains, war chariots, huts and thousands and thousands of other objects of the material world, in each of which there is an invisible and indestructible divine spark of the soul.

Sergey Kozhushko. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 46 2010