Transcendental Woman - Alternative View

Transcendental Woman - Alternative View
Transcendental Woman - Alternative View

Video: Transcendental Woman - Alternative View

Video: Transcendental Woman - Alternative View
Video: Zizek: "The Parallax of Ontology. Reality and Its Transcendental Supplement" 2024, July

It so happens that the afterlife unexpectedly penetrates our reality. Most people who have witnessed paranormal activities try to talk less about it, fearing hurtful jokes about it. However, the secret is very difficult to hide, and you need to get rid of it somehow. That is why people begin to publish stories, telling about their trials in them. So did a mother with many children, who had a chance to survive an emergency.

This woman inherited from her mother, who suddenly died, a small cozy house, located far from other people, next to an irrigation canal.

The house needed some minor repairs. The whole family was very pleased that the house was on the outskirts, and there was not a single living soul around. However, immediately after the woman crossed the threshold of this house, she instantly felt an incomprehensible anxiety, the presence of some incomprehensible supernatural power, which frightened her to madness.

Still, the family wanted to see the house from the inside. However, after they entered the middle, they smelled a fetid odor. A similar smell is exuded by rotting human remains. After examining room after room, they reached the oval hall in the middle of the house. There, the foreboding of something ominous was felt much more. The couple tried to close the door, but, in spite of all their efforts, it inexplicably swung open again.

The husband did everything to eliminate the disgusting sensations. But all their efforts were in vain, they could not overcome the smell.

Once, after they moved into this mysterious house, the unexpected happened when darkness fell. The couple were already fast asleep, but suddenly "she" crept in with silent steps! A massive, smelly, badly dressed transcendent woman, she held a dagger. The hostess suddenly felt a severe pain in her hand and jumped up screaming from the bed. She thought she was having a bad dream. But she was mistaken, because when she came to her senses, she saw a deep cut on her hand.

The family immediately wanted to get rid of the inheritance. In addition, strange things also happened in the mysterious house: the ceiling became wet, even when it was sunny outside, dirty marks appeared on the floor, and things put in the closet turned out to be scattered throughout the apartment. The couple decided that this was the intrigue of a transcendent woman.

But one fine morning, the tenants suddenly saw that suddenly a red beam of light appeared, and then disappeared. After that, they realized that all their sorrows were over.

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