Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View

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Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View
Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View

Video: Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View

Video: Angels Exist - Rescued By The Angels - Alternative View
Video: The Angel You Have Never Heard Of - You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away 2024, September

Angels come to the rescue

From time immemorial, people have seen Angels. Recently, more and more talk about the appearances of Angels. Are these people composing or hallucinating? Or did the Angels actually approach them?

Who are the angels?

In Christianity, an Angel is an inhuman, perfect, morally pure and immortal being. The word Angel comes from the Greek word "angelos", which means "messenger". Traditionally, it is believed that all Angels were created by God to help man on his long pilgrimage to Him. Their task was to illuminate this path, and therefore Angels are considered messengers, guides, a link between God and people. Their nature did not provide for the body, although sometimes they can be seen in the body shell when they appear in human likeness. All religions, to a greater or lesser degree, believe in beings with similar appearance, virtues and "functions."

When angels appear

The lives of many people changed dramatically after they considered meeting an Angel as a sign of God. Often, meetings with Angels are associated with healing: they provided some people with practical help, while others were given comfort and a sense of calmness in times of pain and anxiety or lifestyle changes. The incidents described below were told by people who were angels. And only the most skeptical reader will have doubts about whether these meetings were real experiences.

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Saved by an Angel

Hillary Russell, a six-year-old girl from Miami Beach, was caught in a whirlpool one nasty winter day in 1978. Parents saw her from the shore and were shocked, there was practically no chance of salvation. At that moment, her father Richard noticed a dark-haired man in his 30s who was standing next to Hillary. As Richard said later, the strange stranger "just took her out of the water in his arms."

Hillary recalled that the man was dark-haired, "the hair on his arms was black and he shone despite the cloudy weather." Hillary's mother Susan was surprised that the man walked with ease but the waves that reached his chest, although it seemed that he was very far out to sea. When the man came ashore, he handed Hillary into the arms of Susan, Richard and Hillary hugged, and when they turned around, the man was gone.

As you know, Guardian Angels (or protectors) can take human form, just like the Virgin Mary.

Freeway rescue

Jessica Bellman from Los Angeles, drove with her mother on the multi-lane freeway around Hollywood. It was during rush hour, the track was overloaded, cars were moving at high speed literally bumper to bumper.

Suddenly, the huge van ahead of them lost control, turned around and stood across the road. If this happened in the back lane, then they would have a chance to turn off the motorway and avoid a car accident. But Jessica was out of luck. She had only a split second left to slow down and turn to the side. Her car flew over three lanes of fast moving vehicles. The collision was inevitable.

But a miracle happened. Time seemed to slow down, and there was a strange silence. Jessica felt as if the car, along with her and her mother, were inside a deep well. Contact with the outside world was completely lost. This is indeed a very common feature of many paranormal activities.

Jessica remembers that she passionately prayed for help - such a prayer is said only in the face of imminent death. She remembered her mother's eyes, frozen in horror. Then she saw a close-up of two men in the car, laughing and completely oblivious to the fact that Jessica's car was going through them, as if through a fog. There was a thud and Jessica's car stopped.

Jessica looked around and saw the rows of vehicles passing by. She and her mother were in perfect order, and there was not a single scratch on the car. In some incomprehensible way, they were saved from certain death.

White angel light

1992 July - Donna Therodi and her husband Peter sailed from Palm Beach, Florida, to the Bahamas on their yacht. They were caught in a violent storm and the yacht capsized. Donna was sure she was going to die, and she really wanted to, because she had been suffering from kidney pain for four years and was in bed almost all the time.

During the storm she began to pray: "Lord, make death easy and painless." However, then she felt how an unknown force pushed her upward, and at the same time she saw a light, white, shining and very powerful. “As I plunged into this light, a feeling of peace and tranquility came over me. Many angels appeared, hovering towards me and filling me with healing light. " Of course, Therodi thought she was already dead.

And then she heard a voice telling her: “You still have business. You have to go back. The voice came from a huge angel, which quickly disappeared. She was left feeling well. “The angels healed me. They brought me back to draw them,”said Donna. Since then, she has devoted herself to painting and painted hundreds of angels. She is convinced that these paintings comfort people and help them contact the Angels.

Fateful event

This happened one day in 1991, when Kate Bridger was traveling to work in Chentem Kent by bus. The bus was heading down the hill. Suddenly Kate heard the driver screaming that the brakes had failed. The bus was heading straight for a brick wall. Disaster seemed inevitable. Suddenly Kate saw several figures floating outside the window. They were beautiful, fair-haired creatures in long robes. She immediately decided they were Angels.

Kate noticed that they were positioned between the wall and the bus, and as the bus squealed to a halt a few inches from the wall, the creatures disappeared. Thanks to this supernatural intervention, none of the passengers were injured. Kate was the only witness to the miraculous rescue. Later, when the bus was towed to the garage, the mechanics were puzzled. The brakes completely failed, and no one could explain how the bus managed to stop on this hill.

Miraculous salvation

One day Gary Corner, a forester, went with three volunteers to rescue a climber who was hanging on a wall. 1994 Aug 30 - Gary falls off the flat face of Cape Disappointment in Washington State. When he flew from a height of 27 m and about ten meters remained to the ground, he stopped falling and felt something pushing him in the opposite direction to the rocky surface of the cliff. “It was definitely the hand of God or the hand of an Angel,” says Corner. - In my chest I felt this incredible force that slowed my fall. Suddenly I felt a huge warmth in my heart, as if love itself embraced me. Corner managed to get to the top of the mountain. And at that time, something incredible was happening at Corner's house: his wife heard a quiet voice that said that Gary had fallen, but that he was fine.

Sometimes, when they meet, the Angels inform us about the emergence of danger, and in other cases they help to dispel fear, that is, they do not change the circumstances, but the attitude towards them. The common thing in these cases is changes in people's lives after communication with the Angel.

The case with the old lady

This is an amazing story that has nothing to do with a miraculous cure, but still no less incredible than the rest. The story was told by 85-year-old Elizabeth Hortin from Plymouth (England). Once in a supermarket, she had a great effort (due to problems with bones, an aggravation began) to put food in a cart. But then a small elderly woman stopped next to her and offered to give her a ride home.

Mrs. Hortin accepted the offered help and even allowed the newly-minted assistant to look after the purchases, although as a rule she did not entrust this to strangers. She clearly heard the words in her mind: "He will make His Angels take care of you." At that moment, she saw that her assistant for a moment turned into a large shining angel. An elderly woman graciously accompanied her to the parking lot, where a gentleman was waiting for them to load their purchases in the car and drive everyone to Mrs. Hortin's house without asking where she lived. The food was brought into the kitchen, but when she turned to thank the helpers, they were gone. Ms. Hortin is confident that God sent Angels to help her when she really needed help.