Angels Of Disasters - Alternative View

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Angels Of Disasters - Alternative View
Angels Of Disasters - Alternative View

Video: Angels Of Disasters - Alternative View

Video: Angels Of Disasters - Alternative View
Video: Making sense of Revelation - Brett Davis & Glenn Packiam 2024, September

Train wrecks, plane crashes, road accidents … In all cataclysms without exception, there are always people who have escaped disaster. Someone was late, someone changed his mind to go, someone simply could not fly out due to illness or changed circumstances … The tragedy with the Tu-134, which crashed in June near Petrozavodsk, is no exception. Several more people were supposed to fly on that ill-fated flight. But they didn't fly.


“We had tickets for a flight to Moscow,” says Igor Goldberg. - There we had to immediately change to the ill-fated TU-134 to get to Petrozavodsk. But the Ekaterinburg-Moscow flight was delayed for an hour and a half. And this circumstance saved our lives. In the capital, we handed over the tickets and went home. And in the morning we learned about the tragedy.

The terrible plane crash near Perm, which happened in September 2008, was not without a miracle. Then five passengers survived. The lucky ones simply missed that ill-fated flight.

In August 2004, six young people who bought tickets for the Moscow-Sochi flight were not allowed to board because they were very drunk. The unlucky passengers were very indignant and threatened the airport employees with ships. And in the morning, having learned that on the approach to Rostov-on-Don, the plane on which they could not fly away crashed, they came to thank the strict employees.


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Believers call it a miracle and the intercession of a guardian angel. Materialists who doubt that higher forces exist at all try to find some rational explanation for this.

In 1958, the American sociologist James Staunton, after analyzing more than 200 train wrecks in the previous 30 years, came to a startling conclusion. It turned out that trains that ended their journey tragically were, on average, 61% full of the maximum possible number of passengers. At the same time, at least 76% went on successful trips.

Shocked by the results, Staunton concluded that the mysterious 15% difference can only be explained by the existence of angels who divert trouble from people.

The famous American mystic writer Stephen King, who never passes by the mysterious and incredible, once noticed that 16 passengers did not appear on the plane flying from Denver to Boston and crashed. King, interested in this strange coincidence, found out that thirteen of them returned tickets without explanation, and three simply missed the fatal flight. While usually no more than 10 people refused to travel, and those who missed the plane were quite rare.

Mathematician Valery Isakov, who heads a small group of researchers of anomalous phenomena, decided to continue the research of Staunton and King. The statistics he collected speaks for themselves. Over the past twenty years, flights that ended in disasters have been abandoned by 18% more passengers than those who have been successful. And this, according to the scientist, cannot be a mere coincidence.

So there are guardian angels? It looks like it. As for Stephen King, he put forward such a hypothesis. “Sometimes a“subconscious alarm system”awakens in people. The one that at first was well developed among our distant ancestors and did not allow to fall into the clutches of saber-toothed tigers, and then withered out of being unnecessary. The remnants of this system sometimes appear in the form of intuition."

And what do those who miraculously survived think about this?

Between 75 and 80% of people who survived disasters, natural disasters, extreme situations and wars believe that they were saved by God or a guardian angel.

It is noteworthy that people adhere to such a belief, regardless of their religious affiliation. Almost everyone, after experiencing a miracle, is convinced that God has a plan for them and sends a guardian angel to help in difficult times.


According to a study by a group of scientists from the University of Texas, deeply religious people are more likely to survive in critical situations. An example of this is the story of New Yorker Stan Praymont, who was saved twice during the World Trade Center bombings. In 1993, he was having lunch in a cafe on the 80th floor of the South Twin Tower when an explosion occurred in the parking lot under the North Tower. There was a hustle and bustle all around, but Stan continued to eat dinner, repeating to himself, “God, if you loaned me not to come home today, so be it. All is thy will, Lord."

When Stan looked out of the window on September 11, 2001, while at his workplace on the 77th floor of the south tower, he saw a huge plane rushing straight towards him. With the words: "Lord, I am powerless to do anything, help me!" - he fell under the table, and the plane crashed into the building at the 78th floor.

Children are in second place after believers. In a passenger plane crash, when most of those on board die, and one manages to stay alive, then most often it turns out to be a child.

- On June 30, 2009, an airbus A-310 fell into the ocean off the coast of the Comoros. Of 153 people, only a 14-year-old girl survived, who did not know how to swim.

- Two days earlier, a single-engine Cessna plane crashed in the United States. Everyone on board died, except for the pilot's five-year-old daughter.

- In 2003, when a passenger Boeing crashed off the coast of the Red Sea, 117 people were killed. Only a 3-year-old boy from Sudan survived.

And this is another argument in favor of the fact that our salvation is the work of the hands of light-winged creatures, and not at all by blind chance or luck.

Max Maslin


A man died, and his soul flew over the sea of life, and she saw a sandy shore and two chains of footprints in the sand. One dragged on for a long time and continuously, the other was interrupted every now and then.

- What it is? the man asked.

“These are your footprints, the way you walked on Earth,” God answered.

- And whose footprints are next to mine?

- Your guardian angel.

- Why do my tracks appear and disappear? Perhaps the angel was leaving me?

- No, he carried you in his arms.


Dionysius the Areopagite in his work "On the Heavenly Hierarchy" wrote: “Angels have nine ranks. The first, highest and closest hierarchy to the Most Holy Trinity is made up of Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. Second, middle - Power, Dominance, Power. The third includes the Beginnings, Archangels and Angels”.

According to some beliefs, the souls of the dead are also accepted for the lower angelic service.


To the angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven to keep! I earnestly pray to you: you enlighten me this day, and save me from all evil, instruct me to a good deed, and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen.


Holy Angel, stand before my cursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me a sinner, do not depart from me for my intemperance. Give no place to the wicked demon to possess me, the violence of this mortal body; Strengthen my poor and poor hand and guide me on the path of salvation. Amen.


Angel of Christ, protector from all evil providence, protector and benefactor! As you take care of everyone who needs your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, a sinner. Do not leave me, heed my prayer and protect me from wounds, from ulcers, from any accident. I entrust my life to you, as I entrust my soul. And as you pray for my soul to our Lord our God, do your best for my life, protect my body from any damage. Amen.


And finally, the shortest and most memorable prayers that are not a sin to read every morning, leaving the house: "My angel, come with me, You are in front, I am behind you." Or: "Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me."