Guardian Angels - Heavenly Patrons - Alternative View

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Guardian Angels - Heavenly Patrons - Alternative View
Guardian Angels - Heavenly Patrons - Alternative View

Video: Guardian Angels - Heavenly Patrons - Alternative View

Video: Guardian Angels - Heavenly Patrons - Alternative View
Video: Differences between Angels and Archangels 2024, September

Guardian angel

Their personal guardian angels play a special role in people's lives. From time immemorial, people believed that each person has a guardian, a kind patron spirit (personal god). The Zoroastrians called these patron gods "Fravashi". The ancient Greeks believed in family spirits, they called them demons. These family spirits came during the birth of each new family member, then accompanied him throughout his life. The Romans believed that patron spirits were divided according to gender: a man's spirit was called a genius, a woman's spirit was called youth. There are quite a few references to patron angels in the Bible, they are mentioned in it more than 300 times.

In the Epistle to the Hebrews, Saint Paul wrote: "Aren't they all ministering spirits sent into ministry for those who will inherit salvation?"

It happened several years ago, in the fall. It's raining outside. It gets dark. A strange thought came to my mind - to go to work, I don't remember exactly why, I remember only that for some nonsense that needs to be seen. The most important thing was what the idea came to me to go, this thing I did not need at all today. I could take it tomorrow and do everything without any problems. However, for some reason the thought came to me that I should urgently go today. And this thought was constantly spinning in my head. I tried to persuade myself - well, why go. I just don't need this now, even if I go and bring it, I still won't do it today - but tomorrow I still have to go to work. Rainy weather. My thoughts seemed strange and stupid to myself. Rain stopped. In general, so that these thoughts would not torment me, I got on a motorcycle and drove off.

Before reaching the settlement where my work was, I saw a man barely emerged from the forest. This man lived in my own village and he was not all right with his head - he was sick. I saw he was walking, he didn't even look where - glazed eyes. He stopped and called him. He walked over. As it turned out, in the morning he went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. He was not aware of where he was, where he was going. He already had difficulty moving his legs. Okay, he was thin. Putting the motorcycle on the ground, he helped him step over it with one foot - he himself could not do this anymore. He lifted the motorcycle with him. It may seem strange, but it worked. It turns out possible. And perhaps some force helped. At least until I met him, I was tormented by the desire to go to work. But as soon as I met him, everything went. Everything became somehow calm. In general, I took him home. I put him in the same way, he couldn't do that either. I almost brought him into the house.

Since that time, I have been asking myself the question, who made me go in such weather, on a case that was completely unnecessary at that time, to the place where a person could die. And if he hadn't gone, he would have died for sure. Either he died in the forest, or he drowned in a swamp. Probably his guardian angel lifted me off the couch.

Archangel Raphael, when he accompanied young Tobiah on a risky journey, played the role of his personal guardian angel. The Church, over the centuries, has changed its attitude towards angels several times. So, in 325 A. D. e. The Council of Nicaea declared the belief in angels a dogma, but already the Laodia Council saw the worship of angels as idolatry.

In all world religions there are angels who are set to protect people from evil forces and the machinations of the devil. Angels, saints and martyrs are mediators between God in heaven and people on earth. All their actions are directed for the benefit of people and for the salvation of their souls. People under the protection of guardian angels can live a completely prosperous life and, after leaving earthly life, appear before the Creator as He would like to see them.

Promotional video:

R. Mole, 31, and his partner N. Biagioni are tower crane operators by profession and their working day begins at 7 am. However, that afternoon, January 16, 2013, both of them were late for work for the first time for a banal reason - they overslept. The tragedy occurred at 8 o'clock when a helicopter hooked on a construction crane near the 50-storey St George Wharf Tower under construction in central London and crashed onto the cars below. The victims of the crash were the pilot Agusta 109 and a passer-by. Mole and Biagioni were supposed to be in the crane tower at this time.

We live in a dual world, and together with the bright angel in a person's life there is also his antipode - a demon-tempter, who, under the guise of a patron, tries to impose his will on a person and deceive him into unseemly acts and crimes.

So, already at the end of the 4th century, the Christian Church firmly established the belief that there are good angels in the spiritual world who move a person to pious deeds, and evil ones who tempt him and prevent him from reuniting with God. Between these two angels there is an invisible battle for the soul of each person. A personal guardian angel stands behind the right shoulder of a person, and an evil (demon) - behind the left. This point of view was widespread also in Judaism.

In Christianity, it is believed that God at baptism gives all people a guardian angel, who invisibly guards throughout his earthly life, protecting his soul in the earthly world. Therefore, it is not by chance that a Christian angel is called a guardian: his main mission is to protect a person from attacks by demons, that is, dark entities. Their main task is to preserve his soul, and if a person deviates from the commandments, violates the laws of the Universe, then the angels try to awaken his conscience, trying to return him to the path of Truth.

Saint Theophan the Recluse gave instructions: “Each of us has sins, delusions, mistakes, sorrows and misfortunes, and yet all this should not be between us when each of us has our own guardian angel. But when someone goes to a quagmire or abyss, plugging his ears and closing his eyes, what will you do to him and how will you help?

Thus, if you want to use angelic guidance and assistance, tame your inner disorder, gather your attention inward and stand at your heart, start to be zealous for salvation, then the guardian angel will not only take you by the hand, but will lift you up. He will teach you everything: what, when and how to do and what not to do, and when necessary, he will give you an external sign as a guide.

If we do not see such tactile angelic assistance on ourselves, there is no one to blame: we ourselves are to blame, we ourselves do not fall into the hands of the angels and make all their cares about us futile. The Angel of God will be beaten, be beaten with us - and will retreat; it will start again and again retreat, and so on until we die. And when we die, the angel will present to the Lord the book of our life and say: "I did everything to make us understand, but this soul did not listen to anything." And there will be an inscription of our condemnation on the book of life, which will certainly be fulfilled at the Last Judgment."

Being absolutely mysteriously connected with people, their guardian angels rejoice with them when they do godly deeds and suffer from unworthy ones.

When the Archangel Michael decides the fate of the human soul brought by the angel and the righteous are separated from sinners with the help of scales, showing what will “outweigh” - the virtue or sins that a person committed during his lifetime - the angels experience exactly the same feelings.

Rarely, but there are times when a guardian angel is assigned to you a person who did not love you during his lifetime.

For instance. A young girl came to the psychic's session. As it was found out, she had a grandmother on her father's side as a guardian angel. The girl was very surprised, since her grandmother simply hated her during her lifetime.

It turned out that the grandmother was appointed by the angel as a punishment for all the evil that she caused to her granddaughter during her lifetime. Now the grandmother protects her granddaughter much more strongly than all the other angels, since, unlike them, she fulfills old debts. She is more diligent because her life in Heaven depends on how she handles her duties as an angel.

It is believed that a person can have several guardian angels - up to nine. The more guardian angels there are, the more successful and successful a person is in his life. Conversely, those people who have many problems in life have only one angel. However, by their good deeds, people can increase their number.

According to many authors of modern angelology, most people have three guardian angels.

But if a person from above is endowed with the talent of creativity, then he is guarded by up to nine guardian angels. It is just bright, talented people that the dark forces try most of all to seduce from the true path, therefore they are given a larger army of angels for protection. If a person really deserves awards from above, then the angels first of all reward him not with money and power, but with the love of loved ones and sincere reverence for fans.

It is believed that a greater number of guardian angels are not among representatives of official politics, oligarchs, wealthy businessmen who have both power and money, but among writers and poets, singers and actors, artists who inspire people with their creativity, and folk healers who selflessly give their spiritual gifts to help people.

The famous actor Alexander Abdulov managed to avoid mortal danger twice. The first time he was leaving the theater, he suddenly heard an internal order: "Bend down!", Bent down - and at that very moment a can of sulfuric acid flew over his head, which was unexpectedly thrown by a crazy fan. Hold on to Alexander even for a moment, and the consequences could be simply terrible.

Second case:

Abdulov got on a plane that flew to Moscow. A few minutes before takeoff, the stewardess took him out of the plane and put him on another liner. Already in Moscow, A. Abdulov learned that the first plane crashed shortly after take-off, everyone died.

Our contemporary writer Linda Jordan from America, in her book "Your Guardian Angel" writes that although angels constantly help people, even when they do not ask them, their help will be much more effective if a person himself asks for them about it. The guardian angel communicates every day with the person he patronizes. Talk to him, listen, trust him, requests should be sincere, keeping in your soul love for all that exists, and thank God for giving you a guardian angel.

Guardian angels also have their own special ministries. Their activities can be compared with certain professions of the person whom they patronize. Each angel provides a person with a special kind of assistance, and if you need help of a certain kind or any specific qualities, you should contact an angel who "specializes" in this. If you do not know the name of the angel, then it is possible to call him according to the order of his ministry, corresponding to the area in which you need to enlist patronage.

1999, April - Russian alpine skier Valery Kobelev at a competition in Slovenia unsuccessfully fell from a 185-meter springboard. It should be noted that skiers reach speeds of over 100 km / h on the springboard! The impact on the ground was of monstrous force that the protective helmet on the head shattered to pieces. But Valery survived! Guardian angel saved.

A guardian angel helps a person to protect him, to be always close to a person in all difficult life situations, to give the right advice in difficult times. He will always answer you when you really need it.

Angels can pray for you and intercede for you before the Lord; through dreams and visions to transmit messages and messages to a person, helping him to make the right decision. A person who has received a sign or a message from an angel should not ignore them, as they are not accidental. The angel either warns you of impending danger, or informs about changes in your life for the better. An angel helps a person at his deathbed and does not leave his soul after death.

One old man, being on the verge of life and death, suddenly saw his whole life, which looked like a long chain of his footprints in the sand, but there were still someone's footprints nearby.

- Why, this is my guardian angel walking next to me! the old man realized. But, to his chagrin, he also saw that in those parts of his life, when it was especially hard for him, only footprints were visible in the sand.

- How so? the old man said reproachfully. - In difficult times, you left me!

- No, - answered the guardian angel, - in those years I carried you in my arms …

Guardian angels instill good thoughts in the people they protect and guide them to good deeds. And if a person listens to his guardian angel and lives like a Christian, then the guardian angel protects him from various dangers and intercedes for him before the Lord. If a person does not listen to the signs given to him by the guardian angel, then the angel moves away from such a person, and evil demons surround that person instead of him.

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