Life Keeps The Secret Of Death - Alternative View

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Life Keeps The Secret Of Death - Alternative View
Life Keeps The Secret Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Life Keeps The Secret Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Life Keeps The Secret Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Skyrim: Alternate Start-Live Another Life: Death Alternative Alternate Start Add On (Mod Showcase) 2024, September

Death embodies the mystery of life. The Greatest of Delusions

“Thoughts about death hang like a heavy fate over human consciousness. The shadow of death stands like an inevitable cup, and after passing through the entire path of life, the spirit (man) comes to the conclusion that the phenomenon of life ends here. Such is the walking of the spirit (man), disconnected from the Cosmos. Not knowing the beginning and seeing only the end, the disunited spirit (spiritless ignorant person) passes life aimlessly. However, everyone can deserve Immortality by accepting Infinity into consciousness”.

"The thought that a person dies with the body is one of the greatest delusions."

"How is it possible that a rich, bright, really existing, but invisible inner world of a person would die when he throws off his physical body?"

“Death is the destruction of the vessel in which our spirit resided. Do not mix the container with its contents. When all the experience that a person was able to extract while being in this body has been collected, further being in it loses all meaning, and the person is freed from it."

Obstacles in the Transition

Robert Monroe says: “… A bright flash! I was hovering over the alley of some town. I looked for the source of the signal and saw it right below me: a man hiding behind garbage cans. Two police cars were parked in the next street, flashing red and blue lights, sirens were heard. A crumpled body lay in a pool of blood in an alleyway in front of a store. A crowd of onlookers had already gathered around, on the other side of the stretched yellow ribbon.

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I headed straight for the trash cans. A thin boy of about 17 was sitting behind them, and I briefly thought that he would never get older. At least not in this life. Approaching, I invited him to get up. The guy straightened slowly and uncertainly, but remained alert, preparing to run away as soon as possible.

- How did you find me?

I said I wanted to help him.

- I don't need any help, especially from cops …

I asked why he was hiding if he did not need help.

- What a question? This goat had a cannon in the store, and he started shooting!

I said that you don't have to worry about it. The boy looked at me suspiciously.

I added that he would never have the chance to steal something and there was no need to fear that someone would shoot him. You don't have to worry about prison either.

The guy stared at me blankly.

- Are you crazy?

I said that the bullet hit him right in the heart and he lived exactly as long as it took to run out of the store and fall right in front of the door. A whole storm of conflicting feelings was reflected on the guy's face.

- What are you talking about? If I died, I would stand here with you, how!

I waved my hand back towards the street and asked him to verify for himself the correctness of my words. He nodded. Still looking at me, he crept along the wall and peered around the corner. At the same moment, the boy completely forgot about me and glared at what was happening on the street. A minute later he turned, slid helplessly along the wall and buried his face in his knees.

I could hear him sobbing, went up to him, patted him gently on the shoulder and said that we had to go. The boy raised his head, then looked at his palms.

- I remember, before falling, put my hands forward so as not to hit the asphalt. And I also remember that before that I almost went crazy when that guy grabbed a cannon from behind a counter and shot me. It feels like they were given a tire iron in the chest. I jumped out and wanted to run around the corner … fell, got up and hid here. But … who are you?

I said that Uncle Ben sent me. The boy began to laugh:

- Ben? Drunken Ben? How does he know I'm here! He died when I was little! Yeah, I get it! Another cop trick, you want to split me! Okay. Take me and stop talking all this nonsense about death.

I said that if he needed proof, we could go to the body lying on the street and have a good look at it. At first, the guy refused, but I invited him to hide behind my back, turned around, went outside and made my way through the crowd of onlookers. I felt that the guy was sneaking up behind.

When we saw the body, an ambulance was already standing nearby. We were right in front of the corpse. There was blood everywhere. The guy watched as the body was turned over in search of signs of life, and then transferred to a stretcher. A sheet was thrown over the face of the corpse, but the boy who was behind me managed to examine it. Be that as it may, I had no doubt that he would be able to see his face even under the sheet.

After the stretcher was loaded into the ambulance and the rear doors slammed shut, sobs were heard again behind. I gently took the boy by the hand and led him out of the crowd. He no longer resisted, simply walked thoughtlessly after …

“It is wrong to think that“beyond the threshold of death we leave our sorrows, anger and various grievances, debts and debtors, hatred and dislike”and“that we are reborn again and again without these qualities on earth, supposedly pure and bright, worthy to enter the eternal kingdom."

Death is a birth in a New Life

"If a person knew the truth, if he could be convinced that for a bright and striving spirit the moment of death is a moment of great bliss, then the fear of death would leave him forever."

"For some, death is very terrible, while for others, death is liberation and the possibility of interesting experiments, observations and study of spatial life."

“Death is nothing more than a haircut, matter is also given away … Many times everyone has already crossed this threshold (between the Worlds), and there is nothing new here … We destroy all fear of death. We remove from it the veils of mystery, hopelessness and mystery … Death is a birth in a New Life, richer in possibilities, beauty and breadth than earthly existence."

“Some believe that a person is constantly dying, others know that a person is constantly being born. Some emanate from horror, some from joy. Some inspire themselves with death, others know life. In this way, a person largely determines his future. One can be sure that those who determine death for themselves do not know about the Higher World … The human spirit is immortal, but this simple truth is not close to people, because they care more about the (temporary) body than about the (eternal) spirit."

No need to wish for death

“There is no need to wish for death, because everything has its time, but one should not be afraid of death either. You need to radically change your attitude to the transition to the Subtle World - beautiful in its amazing possibilities."

Robert Monroe spoke out based on his research: “… I sincerely believe that death is really only a transition. I will very much regret many things that I cannot finish here, but I am sure that that deep longing, that great aspiration that I awkwardly tried to satisfy in this world, will remain with me even when I find myself “at home”. Now I firmly believe that the physical body is only an adaptation that is convenient for the "personality"; when the “I” leaves, the body no longer means anything. The grave, the crypt, the flesh - none of this matters at all. My "I" does not live here at all."

“You are right in denying death. Of course the body is mortal. But the body is not spirit. One must think about liberation from the body with joy and understanding, striving to take from earthly life all the experience that it can give. When this reception is completely exhausted, we go over to the Subtle World, in order to acquire and deepen the supermundane experience there too. Study here and there. The Dense, the Subtle, and the Mental Worlds are all a school for the spirit of the immortal."

"One can imagine such a state when death will be trampled upon, and the transition of being will become a common achievement."

From the practice of Philip Kaplo

“Several years ago, I spoke for a long time with one of my students who experienced clinical death. He was in the hospital when his heart stopped. He told how at this time he felt that he was slowly floating out of his body and was watching the desperate attempts of doctors to bring him back to life. He informed me that he could read a small inscription on the other end of the room. He also saw the worried face of his doctor, although the doctor had his back to him. He also read the mind of this doctor. Later, when my student came back to life and talked to the doctor, he confirmed that he had such thoughts then. According to my student, he experienced incredible peace, and he was surprised by the vanity that reigned around him. Finally, the thought of parting with his wife and children made him return to his body,though reluctantly.

This experience had an indelible effect on the young man. Soon after his health returned to him, he sold his business and began to engage in work in a completely different direction - the one that he always dreamed of doing, but thought that it was not available to him. He also made some significant changes in his life - all for the good. He also told me that the experience of near death had completely eliminated his fear of death. “Death,” he said, “has lost its mystery to me. I'm not at all afraid to die."

So what's going on? Some physicians (due to their ignorance) reject these types of messages, considering them hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in the brain - reactions provoked either by a lack of oxygen, or the presence of painkillers in the body. Others admit that they really have no idea what is going on, but it is clear that something is happening.

From a spiritual point of view, this "something" is actually happening. What these people experience is the initial stage of the path to reincarnation - and this is the first stage of death. Clinical death is like landing at the airport in a completely unfamiliar country. We will have a lot of impressions, like everyone on board, but until we leave the airport and begin to explore this country, our impressions of it will coincide with the impressions of other passengers.

Many of the people who have gone through clinical death, as well as some researchers, mistake this state for life after death, not realizing that there are certain stages of death leading to inevitable reincarnation into another life.

In the laws of karma and reincarnation, we see the basic principles of human development. “Reincarnation is not, as some hastily thinking philosophers think, a pagan doctrine; its roots go back to the very foundation of the spiritual world. It explains the meaninglessness of life in the light of reason and offers us comfort in the deepest sense of the word. It clearly shows that our inconveniences and our sufferings are not imposed on us by anyone's hand, this is the fulfillment of just Laws.

This doctrine tells us that opportunities we missed are not lost forever. We are given new opportunities and chances so that we can learn and develop … Nothing that has real value disappears without a trace, just as our evil deeds, our cruel, vile and treacherous deeds, forgotten until that time, do not disappear until we redeem them. It's not that anyone writes down our thoughts and deeds, we keep their full records … we reap the harvest of these thoughts and deeds in each of our incarnations."

The innermost secrets of life and death are within our reach. If we realize that life keeps the secret of death just as death embodies the secret of life, then we will be able to live with more peace in our hearts and with greater love for all living beings.

"Interesting newspaper"