Anomalous Zone Near Kolchugino - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zone Near Kolchugino - Alternative View
Anomalous Zone Near Kolchugino - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zone Near Kolchugino - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zone Near Kolchugino - Alternative View
Video: ETS 2 GAGS - Quest: Anomalous Zone - Mod Concept for Euro Truck Simulator 1 2024, September

Journalists of the Meshcherskaya Storona newspaper (Ryazan) went on an expedition to a forest near the town of Kolchugino to check for themselves the stories of eyewitnesses about anomalous phenomena in those places

The first information about the Kolchugin anomalous zone leaked, oddly enough, from the neighboring region: a Muscovite hunter shared the details of his adventure. A year ago, in the summer, he habitually went to the forest. One. It was on the 24th. After a while, the experienced forest man was surprised to notice that he had lost his way, and although the perimeter of his movements was small, he wandered through the forest for two days. Finding his way back with great difficulty, the Muscovite got to the city and the first thing he did was to go to the station - to buy a ticket home. Knowing for sure that he spent two nights in the forest, the hunter expected that the ticket he was buying would be dated on the 26th, but was amazed to see that the number of sales was 24! Having double-checked the information, he was forced to admit: those two days that he spent in the forest were only for him. For the whole world around him, he came out of the forest at the same time,when I entered …

Having found out this information, our Kolchuga colleagues began to add stories about the place named Chronozona from the light hand of a Muscovite. It turned out that the tales are more than enough for a small collection of fantastic stories.

… A hunter from Kolchugino hunted in the Chronozona area (if she says anything to someone, she is located near the village of Konyshevo). It was not the first time that he had hunted, having habitually built an ambush on a tree, hiding in anticipation of prey. After a while, rustles were heard below, a man was approaching the ambush site. Taking a closer look, the hunter almost fell from the "roost": below, slowly, he walked … he himself! The doppelganger paraded past a tree and was lost in the forest.

… One of the local residents, who had been familiar with the local forests since childhood, was returning to his village in a clearing. A straight clearing led clearly to the exit from the forest, but a man walked along it for several hours in a row. The gap loomed before my eyes, but it was impossible to reach it. He made his way to the village towards evening, literally with the last bit of strength. And while he was walking, every now and then he heard a quiet female laughter behind the trees.

… Another story has been passed on by the locals for several years already. Mushroom pickers found a tent in the forest with abandoned things. The ax, gun, personal belongings were neatly folded, but the owner was never found. Moreover, things were clearly released no later than the beginning of the last century, in extreme cases - pre-war. The mushroom pickers reached the village, intending to call for help and continue the search, but when they returned, they could not find the tent, although they left notches in the trees.

In general, we decided that it was impossible to pass by such an interesting place, and we gladly accepted the invitation to “scare the demons”.


When we got together, it turned out that the number for such an expeditionary event is very suitable - exactly 13 people. Naturally, how else to look for evil spirits, if not by the "devil's dozen"? However, the situation was saved by Father Vladimir, a priest of the Orthodox church in the village of Demidovo. Batiushka agreed to go with us, representing the side opposite to evil, and if something

happens … We stocked up on the necessary provisions, a compass and a map. The map, by the way, was drawn by the same Muscovite, from whose submission, in fact, the epic began. Judging by it, the matter did not seem so complicated: from the entrance to the forest to the zone itself, indicated by a forest glade with a diameter of 30 meters, to go only three and a half kilometers. With a blessing, we started.


However, we were overjoyed early. Two hours later, it became clear: three and a half kilometers stretched out in the most impudent way, we walked, walked, and the landmarks indicated in the map were stubbornly invisible. However, 94 and 95 squares, forest clearings, we found without difficulty, but further … Judging by the map, the zone should be between them, but we could not find it.

First, the compass began to "fool". We are going strictly towards sunset, respectively - to the west, and the compass shows that we are moving north. Further it gets worse. The gap can be clearly seen through the windbreak and is even located in the direction in which we need - on the map. But … It looks at a maximum of 200 meters, and it doesn't get any closer even after an hour's journey. We did not hear women's laughter, but taking into account the size of the company, the witches could snitch in the bushes - we would hardly have heard them, busy with choral singing, heated discussions of the map and professional skills of the cartographer.

The only clear landmark is Stromynka, an old tract. The road, of course, is already overgrown, and the fallen trees are dark on it, but for some reason the path to Chronozone in a strange way almost coincides with it. Is this a coincidence?

In short, after four hours of the march, a collegiate decision was made: if thirteen sober, adult, fully sane people are marking time in one place for such an amount of time, it was not without an anomaly. Having made adjustments to the plan, we announced Chronozone found!

True, Father Vladimir found his own explanation:

“Foolish ones,” he gently persuaded, “so the demons would let you in with the priest! They averted your eyes, so we “walked” around. There are places like Chronozona, but you can't just get into them. And do you really need it? Were looking for demons, or maybe they found something more important? God in your heart, for example?

By the way, believe it or not, but we walked back in our own footsteps four times faster: instead of four hours - less than an hour. Apparently, the evil spirits, on the joy that we have lagged behind her dwelling, "averted eyes" stopped.

Promotional video:

By the way

Scientists explain such tricks: the loss of people, stopping time, etc., geomagnetic radiation. Either deep cracks in the earth's crust, or the intersection of underground rivers. They say that this is how the legend of the lost Kitezh-city is explained. The place where, according to legend, the fabulous city sank, fleeing the Tatar-Mongol invasion, according to experts, has as many as three faults. And according to one version, a temporary corridor could well have formed here.


"Meshcherskaya Side" (Ryazan)