Playful Ghosts - Alternative View

Playful Ghosts - Alternative View
Playful Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Playful Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Playful Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: The Proper Response to GHOSTING 2024, October

It turns out that such frightening phenomena as ghosts and ghosts can not only terrify people, but also show their sense of humor by poking fun at them.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, namely in 1911 in Canada, in the city of Vancouver, a castle was built called Hickroft House. Today this building is famous for its ghosts. For some time, the building housed a local morgue. According to the old-timers, now the souls of the dead are outraged by the fact that their former "home" today is only a place of entertainment. The ghosts living here are famous for their excellent sense of humor, which helps them enter their victims into a kind of stupor. There are several pieces of evidence for this.

During the filming of the television show, actress Tami De Schutter decided to go downstairs to the bathroom. After the actress went, water began to pour in all the booths at the same time. However, De Schutter knew that she was alone in this room. When the girl returned to the set, her friend asked who it was. The actress did not understand the question, and a colleague explained that when the girl went to the ladies' room, a strange dark figure slipped behind her.

An hour later, De Schutter and a friend decided to investigate the story. Together they went down to the first floor, where there was a toilet room. In the room, pitchers filled with water were displayed along the entire wall. When the actress and her friend came back, one of the containers stood right in the middle of the room. There was no one on the floor except them.

But the victims of ghosts do not always get away with everything, as in this case. The next team that worked at the castle was not so lucky. Ghosts had caused a lot more problems then. In turn, three workers, descending the steps, received a powerful push in the back. As a result of the falls, the victims suffered limb fractures.

Also, the ghosts played pranks in a restaurant that is located near the building. Arriving at work, the waiter found that all the cutlery - forks, spoons and even knives - were bent. After that, the employee followed the director, but after their return everything was in perfect order. Both men claim that they constantly thought that someone was laughing from behind.