The Second "I" - Alternative View

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The Second "I" - Alternative View
The Second "I" - Alternative View

Video: The Second "I" - Alternative View

Video: The Second
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According to the alternative concept of cognition of reality, each person in this world has his own double.

There are several hypotheses that, although approximately, can explain such a mysterious phenomenon as "doubles". The main explanation, oddly enough, lies in the scientific plane. Quantum physics admits the possibility of the existence of several spaces on one time interval. If you think about this theory, then you can imagine that each of the people living on earth simultaneously in different spaces live several unique lives. Whether or not performing certain actions, a person simulates his Universe every day and every minute. But we always have a choice, which means that in another Universe, we would have acted differently, and our life would have flowed along a new channel. The number of possible options and steps is infinite. Thus, the twins are ourselves, but only living in other dimensions. The phenomenon of "other options" is described in detail in R. Bach's novel "The One". The heroes of the book travel across parallel worlds in which they meet themselves, but living a completely different life. A similar plot can be found in the cinema. The cult series of the nineties "Sliders" tells about the heroes meeting with their counterparts from parallel universes.

Skeptics consider the phenomenon of doubles to be a morbid fantasy of especially subtle natures. But people who have personally encountered this phenomenon immediately change their minds. By the way, there are few such skeptical personalities among people with higher technical education. These people are not used to being guided by emotions. For them, anything is possible until proven otherwise.

Vladimir is a scientist. He teaches higher mathematics at one of the capital's institutes. Several years ago he was invited to Mexico to give lectures. Mexico is the cradle of civilization, this corner of the Planet still keeps many secrets over which scientists from all over the world are fighting. It was in Mexico that Vladimir had a chance to see his double. He pulled up to the parking lot in front of the supermarket, and was about to get out of the car, as he was literally numb with surprise. In front of him, he saw the brightly lit parking lot, the glass doors of the supermarket, and himself walking towards the store. The doors flung open affably, and "Vladimir" went inside. For several minutes, the man was dumbfounded trying to comprehend what he saw. Until this moment, he only read about such phenomena, but he himself never saw himself from the outside. Some difficult feeling held him backand he did not go to the store right away, but stayed in the car. He waited a few minutes, then he made up his mind and went into the supermarket. Vladimir did not see his double in the store, but he did not look for him on purpose. Made some purchases and returned to the car.

The mathematician told about the incident to his Mexican colleagues. They just smiled knowingly and nodded their heads: "This is Mexico, here we have various strange things happening." The scientist himself explains this phenomenon by "temporal and spatial overlaps." In simple terms, he saw himself in the future tense and in another space.

The second theory, explaining the possibility of seeing one's double, belongs to parapsychologists. They believe that every person has his “astral twin”. An intangible copy of the personality that exists in the body of every living being. Under certain circumstances, it can even be seen. Among the people, the appearance of a double has always been considered a bad omen. It prophesied death to a person to whom his astral image appeared. There is a legend that a few days before her death, Empress Catherine II saw herself in the throne room, dressed in ceremonial clothes. By this time, Catherine was already unwell, and she regarded the meeting with her “copy” as news of an imminent death.

As contemporaries testify, even the ardent materialist and leader of the world proletariat V. Ulyanov had an astral double. Already on his deathbed, grandfather Lenin suddenly appeared in the corridors of the Kremlin, which greatly embarrassed his comrades-in-arms, who knew that the leader had not been getting out of bed for a long time. That evening, the Kremlin was not visited by the leader himself, but to say goodbye to places dear to his heart, his astral copy came.

Esotericists, parapsychologists and practicing magicians advise against approaching your double, engaging in conversations with him and trying to somehow influence him. Who knows, suddenly physical contact with the etheric body will be fatal for a person. Therefore, seeing yourself in the crowd, you do not need to make any attempts to approach and speak. Even if you really want to know how other life develops in a parallel universe.

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Live for others

Parapsychologists and representatives of official science believe that human diseases often occur not only due to a genetic predisposition, or an improper lifestyle in the literal sense of the word. The wrong way of thinking can also cause serious illness. Give up negative thoughts, open your heart to love and compassion, enjoy every day. People often brush aside simple truths, and only when trouble happens to them or their loved ones do they begin to understand the true meaning of these words.

When Svetlana found out about her illness, she decided that her life was over. However, for her it ended a long time ago: a year ago she lost her beloved daughter, unable to withstand the tests, her husband left her, and the “loving” mother-in-law blamed the already broken woman for everything. Now she was overtaken by a terrible diagnosis. Every day she spent in the hospital ward, Svetlana cried. She did not want to fight for herself and believed that an early death was the best scenario. She had no one else to live and enjoy life for. The attending physician was worried about the patient's condition, he persuaded her to gather strength, but it was all in vain. The tests got worse day by day, and the chemotherapy sessions did not work. Svetlana was preparing for death. She decided for herself that this spring will be her last,and she will not see the first green leaves on the trees.

But one night she woke up with a strange sound. It seemed to her that something was moving between the window frames. With difficulty, the woman got out of bed and went to the window. Butterfly! A real, live butterfly beat against the glass from the side of the chamber. “How did she get here? Indoors, and even March outside. The very beginning of spring, and the snow is still there,”thought Svetlana. She decided to set the poor insect free. With difficulty overcoming her weakness, she opened the window wide. Fresh air rushed into the hospital room. But it didn't smell like the city. Amazing smells of melting snow, approaching spring and freshness filled the space around Svetlana. She, as if spellbound, inhaled these wonderful aromas. And suddenly, for the first time in the last year, I felt happy. A weightless butterfly glided into her palm and fell silent.

The woman opened her eyes and found it was morning. The window was closed. Svetlana thought with regret that it was just a dream. But suddenly she saw on the back of her hand the pollen left by her night guest.

From that day on, a different life began for Svetlana. She suddenly felt new powers in herself, which seemed to heal her from within. Moreover, she discovered a gift in herself, thanks to which she began to help other people. The doctor who observed the woman was only surprised at the striking changes in her health and mood. He tried to pacify her zeal for helping the sick, like her, but Svetlana was adamant. She spent hours sitting with seriously ill patients, holding their hand, talking. She told the doctor that she herself becomes much better when she helps others, and the doctor believed her. There were many such cases in his practice. He, like most doctors, knew that love can heal.

More than five years have passed since then. Svetlana regularly visits the doctor, and he does not find any relapses of the disease in her. A young woman who has discovered in herself the gift of healing actively helps people and does not take any material reward for her work. She says that the words of gratitude spoken to her are much more valuable and valuable than any money. Her personal life improved, Svetlana met a wonderful man. They don't think about children yet, but the woman hopes that fate will give her this happy chance too. You just have to believe.
