Travel Of Doubles In Time And Space - Alternative View

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Travel Of Doubles In Time And Space - Alternative View
Travel Of Doubles In Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: Travel Of Doubles In Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: Travel Of Doubles In Time And Space - Alternative View
Video: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why 2024, October

Time travel capability for

1796 - Catherine the Great (and with her many courtiers) saw on the throne … her exact copy. Unable to bear this sight, she fainted, and two days later she died.

Curiously, exactly the same case happened several decades earlier with another Russian empress - Anna Ioannovna. She gave the order to shoot the ghost, and when he disappeared, she said: "This is my death." And she was not mistaken.

There are many descriptions of such facts, but few have seriously attempted to explain the phenomenon of twins. What it is? And are they the same thing - phantoms, doubles, ghosts?

The well-known researcher and theorist of the anomalous professor B. Iskakov, for example, believes that there are several types of phantom twins, or, to put it another way, the possibilities of "leaving" a part of a person's energy substance from the physical body and, under certain conditions, becoming visible.

First of all, this is the involuntary exit of the twin from the body, which was observed in the two cases above. What caused this exit? It is possible to assume that both empresses, anticipating the approach of death, constantly thought about it. Because, according to Iskakov's hypothesis, any thought is material, then thoughts, accumulating, condensing, become visible. In the same way, he explained the presence of ghosts in ancient castles, especially where their owners died a violent death.

Iskakov suggested that when a person dies a violent death, his body at that moment has the maximum energy saturation, which contributes to materialization and the release of a double from the body. And such a ghost is destined for a long existence. This is a kind of compensation for a violently interrupted life.

But it turns out to be quite possible that a double appears as a result of a purposeful and meaningful action of the person himself. Special techniques for getting out of your own body are described in many religions. They were often used by shamans and sorcerers, but they were kept in strict secrecy. And only recent experiments of scientists have proved that such a phantom double is not only mental, as they believed, but also physical reality.

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A specialist in the field of bioenergy information, Professor A. Chernetsky, proved with the help of an experiment that a double emitted by a person has many characteristics of a living object. For example, mass, density … And around it there is also a biofield, recorded by devices. Iskakov is convinced that any emotional process accompanied by an effort of thought or an effort of will emits an impulse - a cloud of tiny material particles (leptons). They, with their high concentration, can take the shape of a person and, what is especially interesting, move in space and time at great speeds. We are talking about the so-called lepton flows. These streams move both in the forward and in the opposite direction, therefore, a person can send his double on a journey both to the past and to the future.

Many strong psychics and parapsychologists are capable of singling out doubles from themselves. Most often they use it to treat patients at a distance. In this way, for example, psychic E. Dubitsky heals people. His patients can mentally, according to a certain scheme, call Dubitsky's double to themselves when they need urgent help. They feel the warmth emanating from the double, his touch to painful places, hear steps, breathing, and some even see him …

But V. Meshalkin has developed a unique technique that no one in the world knows. He can "take out" lepton twins both from himself and from others, while the number of participants in the experiment does not matter. All doubles are capable of traveling through time and space at any speed. At first, the specialist with a strong tension of thought singles out his double, which will be a guide in subsequent travels, and then - doubles from the bodies of the assembled people.

Meshalkin prefers not to talk about the secrets of this technique, emphasizing only that it has nothing to do with meditation or hypnosis. It is curious: those sitting in the hall see not only themselves in a physical body, but also doubles of the participants in the experiment. In this case, doubles and bodies are connected by rays of light: someone - blue, someone - lilac, silver, etc.

Through these rays, the twins return back to the body.

What do those who agreed to send their counterparts on a journey through time and space feel? Here is what V. Meshalkin himself says about this: “People sit on ordinary chairs and armchairs. I invite them to relax and watch their feelings. At this time, I give myself a certain setting in order to get into that information flow that will help to achieve the goal of the "journey", and I ask the participants of the experiment to be attentive and tell about what is happening to them … Suddenly one person says: "The body has become heavy … Head rested as if against the ceiling. " Another feels that his ears have begun to block. Someone hears a whistle, as when flying in an airplane. Some say: “I have already flown, like in a high-speed elevator.” In the end: “I see myself from above!”. Everybody talks with open eyes to each other and to mebut they are like a double image, a double vision.

I propose: “Let's gather upstairs, for example, near the bell tower of Ivan the Great.” Participants in the experiment see in their physical bodies how their counterparts soar, who are higher and who are lower. These counterparts hover over the bell tower. There is no feeling of fear. at the time of the experiment, let’s say, the liver ached, then at the moment of its “soaring” all pains disappear."

Wherever Meshalkin and his audience have not traveled! For example, they searched for the missing library of Ivan the Terrible, more than once and in different groups. In one of these groups there was a boy of about eight years old. This experiment has been particularly successful. Its participants "arrived" in 1570. It was July 10, seven in the morning. The king had already got out of bed. The travelers politely and courteously asked Ivan Vasilyevich to show them his library. The autocrat was displeased. Instead, he offered to see his treasure collection. There was a Chinese tea service of marvelous beauty, and a silver table for 1,000 people. The tsar led the guests through the gloomy dungeons, illuminating the road with a mica lantern, which was later described in detail and even drawn by all participants in the journey. In the end, yielding to persistent requests, he showed the library.

There were scrolls, papyri, ancient books in special boxes. Two books in red binding were especially beautiful. Meshalkin asked the boy: "Read the name!" And the child in the purest Hebrew language (doubles can do anything) read, and his companions perfectly understood that these were "The Proverbs of King Solomon." And then they asked Ivan the Terrible to tell where his library is located. But the king was angry and flatly refused to do it. He said that he could not open the location of the library, it was banned.

One of Meshalkin's acquaintances told the historian, academician Rybakov about the "journey". And the academician confirmed the historical fact that Ivan the Terrible instructed a close monk after his death to hide the library and impose a ban on it. No one should know where she is, for exactly 800 years. But only 400 years have passed … Moreover, those who will show excessive persistence in search of a priceless relic will be in trouble.

One may ask the question: why do we need this kind of travel? Experts answer that this is one of the new ways of knowing the world. But the most important thing is that with the help of doubles it is possible to search for the causes of many human diseases.

Professor Iskakov considers the application of Meshalkin's technique to treat sick people as the most promising. The fact is that modern sensitive healers are mainly divided into two categories: bioenergy and bioinformatics.

Bioenergetics can, by exerting a powerful flow of energy on a diseased organ, help it get out of some kind of energy "hole" and thus heal. Computer scientists, to whom V. Meshalkin belongs to Iskakov, do not use energy in diagnostics and treatment, do not waste it. According to Iskakov's hypothesis, all people develop different astral karmic relationships during many reincarnations.

The double of the psychic goes into the past, where unfavorable karmic knots were born, which were the result of the current illness. They could have appeared a thousand years ago. It is necessary to get to these reasons, eliminate them there, in the past, and "stretch" the result along the entire chain in "today". To facilitate this most complex analytical work, V. I. Meshalkin began to look for the causes of a person's illness not alone, but together with a group. It was then that an amazing imagination began, an unprecedented work of doubles going into the distant past …

N. Nepomniachtchi
