Doubles At Will - Alternative View

Doubles At Will - Alternative View
Doubles At Will - Alternative View

Video: Doubles At Will - Alternative View

Video: Doubles At Will - Alternative View

However, doubles can appear not only spontaneously, regardless of the will of a person and without his knowledge. It turns out that there are facts in history when some people could create their own counterparts of their own accord.

For example, the famous historian of antiquity Herodotus says that the soul of the great Aristotle at times left his body and, having visited distant worlds and gaining new knowledge, returned to its corporeal shell.

The famous ancient Roman writer and historian Pliny wrote in one of his works that the soul of the Roman Harmonius, leaving his body, was worn in spaces and when he returned, he told about the miracles he had seen.

The 10th century Byzantine scholar Svydas argued that the soul of a prophet from Crete, whose name was Epimenides, left his body for as long as he wanted.

Nostradamus also argued that he often dwells outside himself, that is, his consciousness left the boundaries of earthly being, passing into astral being.

It is possible that the famous Cagliostro, too, could create a double at will and even send him on some errands. This can be judged by some of the papers that have survived after his death.

Particularly interesting is the letter in which the Freemasons of Lyons express their special gratitude to Cagliostro for his appearance at their meeting. However, as follows from other sources, Cagliostro was in London at the same time.

Another, also quite mysterious person, was a certain Pinetti, who, like Cagliostro, lived in the 18th century.

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Once Pinetti was in St. Petersburg. Due to his wide popularity, he was invited to an audience with the Emperor Paul. The meeting was scheduled for seven in the evening. Here is how the continuation of this story is described by V. A. Mglinets in the book "Doubles", published in 1990 in Leningrad:

“However, when the clock slowly struck seven times in the oval hall, where Paul and those whom the emperor saw fit to invite, Pinetti did not appear. He was gone after a minute, and after ten minutes, and even after half an hour. No one at court could afford that.

Pinetti had the audacity to appear exactly one hour after the appointed time. When the audience expressed their extreme displeasure, he, throwing up his hands in surprise, invited everyone to look at the clock. On all clocks, the hands were at seven, including those large ones that struck seven times an hour ago. However, exactly a minute later, when Pinetti finished his apology, the clock again showed the time it really was - eight hours.

The next day, Pinetti was asked to appear for the fee at noon in person to the emperor, in his office. The difficulty of such a visit lay in the fact that according to the condition proposed by the emperor, the guards were ordered not to let any person into the palace at all.

However, the next day, not relying on the guards, the emperor ordered to lock all the gates and all entrances of the palace and put the keys on his table. This was done.

At five minutes to twelve, a dispatch was pushed through the cast lattice of the closed gate, which was immediately transferred to the emperor's office. It was a message from the head of the police department that Pinetti did not leave the house. The Emperor had barely had time to read this message when Pinetti was already entering his office.

The following conversation supposedly took place between Pinetti and the emperor.

“You are a dangerous person,” Pavel remarked.

“Just to amuse your majesty.

- Are you going to leave St. Petersburg?

“Yes, unless your Majesty wishes to extend my performances.

- No.

“In that case, I'll leave in a week.

On the eve of his departure, Pinetti asked to notify the emperor that he would leave the capital of Russia tomorrow also at noon through all fifteen city outposts. The news of this immediately became known to the inhabitants, and the next day a crowd of curious people stood at each of the outposts.

At noon, at each of the fifteen outposts, the police and the crowd saw Pinetti and the carriage that took him away. Moreover, in a report submitted to the emperor by the police department, it was reported that Pinetti's departure and his passport were registered at all fifteen outposts of the city.

One must think that, having received this message, the emperor was only confirmed in the correctness of his decision."

A. Gorobovsky in his book "Other Worlds", published in Moscow in 1991, describes the following story, which in 1950 happened to the French traveler P. D. Geso and his four companions in Guinea.

The Frenchman made the following entry in his diary about this case: “On the way we stopped at the local sorcerer Vuane and settled down to sleep in his hut. A sorcerer is sleeping opposite me.

Suddenly, the creak of the opening door is heard. On the threshold is Vuane in a short robe, in short pants, with an uncovered head. But he is here, at my feet, on his mat. He lies on his side with his back to me. I can see his shaved head. There is a lamp on the ground between us, burning dimly like a night light. I dare not move and hold my breath as I stare at Voyane. He hesitates for a moment, bends down, passing under the hammocks, and slowly settles into himself. This whole scene is played out in a few seconds.

In the morning, when Vuane and I were alone, I ask him:

- Did you go out tonight?

- Out, - he replies calmly.

And a barely noticeable ironic smile appears on his lips."

Some Siberian shamans are also famous for their ability to create their counterparts. So, once, when the authorities tried to arrest the famous Yakut shaman Kychakan, he appeared in seven places at once. And no one could determine which of them was real, and which was just a phantom of Kychakan.

The famous explorer of the East Alexandra David-Neel mentions the ability of Tibetan lamas to bring their own counterparts to life in her book "Mystics and Magicians of Tibet".

One day she and her Tibetan cook, going up to the tent, saw a familiar hermit lama, who was sitting at the entrance on a folding chair.

“This did not surprise us,” she writes, “because the lama often came to talk to me. The cook only said:

- Rimposh came. I'll go and make him some tea quickly.

“Okay,” I said, “make some tea and bring it to us.

He went to do it, and I kept walking, going to the lama, all the time looking at him, while he sat motionless.

When I was a few steps away from the tent, a kind of misty haze arose in front of me, like a curtain that slowly moved aside. And suddenly the lama was gone. He dissapeared.

A little later the cook came, carrying tea. He was surprised to see that I was alone. In order not to scare him, I said:

“Rimposh only came to tell me something. He couldn't stay for tea.

Then I told the lama himself about this vision, but he only laughed and did not answer my question.

Nevertheless, he did it again. We were talking to him on the road when he suddenly disappeared. At the same time, there was no house, no tent, no shelter at all”.

From all that has been said above, it follows that a double can arise not only involuntarily, but also at the request of some trained people.

Bernatsky Anatoly