Is The Amityville Horror Repeating Itself? - Alternative View

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Is The Amityville Horror Repeating Itself? - Alternative View
Is The Amityville Horror Repeating Itself? - Alternative View

The New Jersey Supreme Court has begun hearing an astonishing lawsuit from tenants of a spacious ranch in Toms River. A young couple looking for a cozy nest for a happy family life claims that the landlord rented out their housing without warning that someone from the other world already lives in it!

37-year-old Jose Chinchilla and his girlfriend, 36-year-old Michelle Callan, who has two teenage daughters, lived in the "damn" house for only a week.

At the court hearing, they stated that the poltergeist immediately began to behave very aggressively. During the day, he threw out linen from the cupboards, "covering" the floors in the rooms with them, and at night he not only made eerie sounds that rushed from the empty basement and reminded the noise of a working sawmill, but also slammed doors, "walked" in the kitchen, "played" with electricity, set off "wandering lights" in the corridor and constantly whispered something in his ears. During sleep, he pulled the sheets from the spouses.

And once Jose was awakened by the touch of something very cold to his hand and, opening his eyes, in horror realized that he was grabbed by the wrist by a real ghost! The man managed to get a good look at his outline next to the bed.

In the end, not themselves from what was happening, Jose and Michelle in the second hour of the night, leaving everything, left the house, settled in the nearest hotel, and then turned to professionals - ghost hunters.

Those who promptly arrived at the scene, recorded with the help of special equipment and infrared cameras, the presence in the house of some "evil spirit".

“We were shocked,” says Marianne Brigando, research team leader at NJ Paranormal Investigators. - Of all the studies that we have conducted before this incident, this one contains the most concrete evidence for the existence of the paranormal. The house is a place of active manifestation of poltergeist and certain entities from the other world."

Just in case, apparently - in order to be not one hundred, but two hundred percent sure of the correctness of her conclusions, Brigando invited pastor Terence Sullivan from the church in North Brunswick to the "bad house", who, after spending several hours inside the ranch walls, categorically stated, that the house bears the "stamp of obsession"!

Promotional video:

Having enlisted the support of such qualified experts, Jose and Michelle are now refusing to pay for the days spent in a terrible house, and through the court they demand from the owner of the ill-fated home to return the money they paid as rent for a month, as well as to pay them compensation for moral suffering. and forced treatment in the clinic.

The fact is that the paranormal experience experienced by Jose Chinchilla had a serious impact on his mental health, as a result of which he was hospitalized and underwent a rehabilitation course in a specialized medical institution.

Burn it all

Among the clues confirming the dangerous neighborhood with ghosts, the hapless tenants, in particular, showed a video, in which already at the 20th second, among the “otherworldly” noises, the words uttered in a man's voice are clearly heard: “Burn it all!”

The authenticity of the record is beyond doubt even among experts. Therefore, the footage from this video serves as the main evidence of the prosecution.

For his part, the landlord - renowned local dental orthodontist Richard Lopez - disagreed with the arguments against him and filed a counterclaim, accusing the tenants of libel.

He believes that it was not the poltergeist and the spirits that scared his tenants, but the monthly rent of $ 1,500, which is why they came up with a "ghost story" as a cover for their "personal financial problems."

Dr. David A. Semanchik's lawyer adds to what his client said that the ranch, located at 100 Terrace Ave., has been leased by Richard Lopez for more than 10 years in a row, and no one has ever made any claims to the comfortable three-bedroom home - not the usual ones. nor otherworldly.

In turn, Jose Chinchilla says that he has no problems with money, and if there were, he did not spend 4 thousand dollars on the move.

However, observers note that he has few chances to win the trial. “For the judge, who always has the final say, in principle, everything is clear,” says Sherlyn Gardner of the Paranormal Old Pueblo Ghostbusters. - The only thing that matters to him is the terms of the lease. If there is not a word about ghosts in them, then they are not in the house either. Therefore, even the testimony of paranormal detectives is unlikely to be considered in court as documentary evidence of the tenants' rightness."

In conclusion, it should be noted that the story described is very reminiscent of the bloody incident that happened in the famous Amityville, about which "Anomalous News" reported in detail in No. 40 for 2010.

Moreover, the shooting of the first film about the Amityville tragedy, which was released in 1979, took place in Toms River, in a house located from the ranch, which was filmed by Jose Chinchilla and Michelle Callan, just 10 minutes away …