Top 10 Haunted And Poltergeist Shops - Alternative View

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Top 10 Haunted And Poltergeist Shops - Alternative View
Top 10 Haunted And Poltergeist Shops - Alternative View

Video: Top 10 Haunted And Poltergeist Shops - Alternative View

Video: Top 10 Haunted And Poltergeist Shops - Alternative View
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Ghosts inhabit not only old dilapidated castles, monasteries and other ancient structures, but also quite prosperous modern buildings, for example, shops. According to parapsychologists, the appearance of spirits in them is by no means a rare phenomenon.

In this regard, half jokingly, half seriously, they say that, apparently, after death, the phantoms of people do not lose some of their physiological needs and earthly habits and, in the old fashioned way, continue to visit their once favorite places.

We bring to your attention the TOP 10 trading establishments, where a surge in paranormal phenomena has recently been recorded.

The buyer from the other world bought nothing

In one of the Krasnoyarsk supermarkets, an unprecedented influx of buyers has recently been noted, some of whom, however, are not concerned with buying food, but with a desire to see a real ghost with their own eyes.


The fact is that recently a photograph was shown on local television, which captured the real ghost of a woman in a hoodie, standing near a food counter.

Promotional video:

The mysterious woman allegedly appeared out of nowhere, stood at the counter for a little less than a minute and, without buying anything, vanished into thin air.

The ghost was seen by dozens of people who were nearby. Most of them turned out to be not shy and, instead of screaming and swooning, began filming a ghostly customer with mobile phones.

What is the spirit of the sorcerer displeased with?

In Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory, for several weeks at the door of a grocery store, local "ghost hunters" have been on duty, taking over the "post" immediately after the owner of the store asked them for help and showed the footage taken by an outdoor video surveillance camera. They clearly show how a ghostly Something appears in front of the store door. According to the entrepreneur, this very Something regularly walks next to the outlet.


Some of the residents of neighboring houses, watching the video, recognized in the restless ghost a local witch who died several years ago, who healed from any illnesses during her lifetime and helped with unrequited love. Her house used to stand exactly where the store is today.

Urban paranormalists are now studying the unique video recording on special equipment, hoping to unravel the mystery of the phenomenon recorded by an impassive video camera.

He has been here since those times

In Ulan-Ude, a ghost "wound up" in one of the flower shops. Far from being a superstitious owner of a retail outlet, Tatyana has repeatedly noticed before that incomprehensible creaks and rustles are heard in the room, and bags of seeds, lying quietly on the rack during the day, ended up on the floor every morning.

However, strange noises, as well as the regular movement of bags of seeds, are rather dubious evidence of an otherworldly inhabitant in the store. Therefore, the owner of the store did not turn to experts for help.

A weighty argument in favor of the presence of a ghost was the photo taken by the woman's son. One evening, he went to the store with his dog to take over for his mother. “I was sitting here, Mukhtar was lying as usual, doing nothing. And abruptly as he began to growl, his fur rose and bark. I quickly photographed this place with my mobile phone,”the teenager told the journalists of the TV company“Arig Us”.

While experts are studying the photograph, which shows a blurry ghost of a person in the corner of the room, a local shaman who visited a flower shop said after examining it: “He is here from those times, he is a wandering spirit here. I can see it, even the dog feels it, the dog starts to get angry spontaneously."

The spirit, according to the shaman, could appear because the store is located on an old burial place or the place where people were tortured or shot.

The merchant's spirit "awakened" after the start of the renovation

Another “flower” ghost has chosen the “Flowers” store, located in the very center of Kazan. According to the sellers, he appeared or "woke up" immediately after a major overhaul was started in the room.

The first spirit "made happy" the accountant when she was sitting at night over a report in her office in the basement and suddenly heard someone coming down the stairs. I went to see who got into the store, but there was no one at the top, and the front door was locked. As soon as the woman sat down to work again, steps were again heard on the stairs …

Soon, according to the newspaper Vechernyaya Kazan, the store got used to the fact that an invisible visitor got into the habit of going to them every day and got so accustomed that day and night began to be confused. Now, the employees assure, the steps are distributed both in the morning and in the afternoon if there are few visitors in the store.

This ghost appeared on a surveillance camera in an English mobile phone store


And the store director claims that she recently even saw a ghost. Like, staying late at work until late, dozed off and woke up from the "otherworldly" melodic music and steps that were heard very close. The next moment, the woman saw in front of her a vague silhouette of a man who immediately disappeared.

Local historians believe that the spirit of Mikhail Kvasnikov, a merchant who at one time opened the first flower shop in Kazan, settled in the flower shop.

Tuzik knocked a chair out from under the client

In neighboring Belarus, in Pinsk, the ghost also made itself felt for the first time after repairs were made in the warehouse of a shoe factory, which was rented out for a computer store.

“When we dismantled the air duct here,” the entrepreneurs told the ONT channel, “we immediately heard a knock, so light, turning into a howl. We were, of course, interested in this, but looking inside the pipe, we saw nothing and nobody there."

Immediately after that, the invisible otherworldly entity began to play naughty recklessly in the premises. The shop owners initially looked for rational explanations for what was happening, but in the end they decided to consecrate the premises.

However, it didn't help. Moreover, Tuzik, as the ghost was affectionately nicknamed, began to play pranks at the neighbors' - behind the wall - in the jewelry workshop.

In principle, entrepreneurs say, Tuzik doesn't fix big problems and even warns about clients in advance. They are just approaching the store, and he is already banging on the door.

True, he disliked one buyer. Or just miscalculated something with a sense of humor. “I was just about to sit down, and then the chair literally bounced to the side,” he complained to the sellers. - I almost fell. It struck me, of course, at first I thought it was some kind of joke."

The indignant client had to present a computer mouse for moral damage. And then the shop owner scolded Tuzik.

Who is the bully in the sex shop?

The further to the West, the more terrifying and terrifying. In the same “land of ghosts” in Great Britain, ghosts living in shops are more active in their actions and sometimes aggressive.

According to sex shop workers in the city of Kent, every morning, when they come to work, they see the same bleak picture: women's underwear scattered everywhere and various accessories for love pleasures, which hung, stood and lay in their proper places in the evening.

“I've never believed in ghosts, but something supernatural is definitely happening here,” says store manager Alan Butler. Lost in conjecture, he makes a cautious assumption that "there were some ghostly prostitutes here."

The ghost froze the saleswoman

In a 24-hour grocery store in the city of Carlisle, a strange white formation, similar in shape to a person, was recently recorded by cameras of both internal and external video surveillance.

Saleswomen Trish Nolan and Sonya Hurd, who worked that eerie night shift, saw on the monitor how the mysterious spirit entered and left the store about 10 times within one hour.

42? summer Nolan, whose ghost, swimming by, literally froze his right hand, after which she spent a week on sick leave, says: “I didn’t believe in any paranormal stuff before, but if no one explains what we saw, then I will. Moreover, it was not only me who saw IT, but also the buyers. They stood dumbfounded and stared at the monitor."

According to parapsychologists, the ghost was disturbed by workers carrying out repairs to an apartment across the road, which had long been considered "bad."

Luftwaffe pilot's revenge

At 21? Summertime Sofia Duck-Steiner, owner of a shoe store in Dorset, has more serious problems. In the spring of 1940, a shot down German bomber crashed into the building where a shoe boutique opened 10 years ago. And now, 72 years later, the ghost of the Luftwaffe pilot, who calls himself Heinz, for some reason “awakened”, began to literally haunt Sofia, her sellers and buyers.

Frightened employees say they hear heavy footsteps when there is no one else in the store. They also feel that someone is watching them closely all the time. Sometimes tubes with shoe cream fly up into the air by themselves, and boxes of shoes scattered on the floor are now and then found in the warehouse.

The name of the ghost was recognized by mediums invited to the store. After a spiritualistic seance, they found out that the spirit of the Nazi pilot is still eager to "punish the damned English" and is unlikely to calm down in the near future.

“It's a little scary to be here alone,” says Sofia. - There are sellers and visitors who saw Heinz. In some he even threw various objects and shouted something in German!"

Revelation of otherworldly forces in "The Godfather"

Several frightening incidents of ghost appearances and activities were reported by the management, employees and customers of the Godfather pizza shop in Ogden, Utah, US, asking for an investigation by experts from the Utah Paranormal Society (UPER).

In the hall of the store, the ghostly figures of a man, a woman and two boys were repeatedly seen materializing from the air. It happened more than once that the jukebox, even when the power was off, began to play by itself, and a mysterious whistle was heard from the kitchen.

At least 40 fluorescent lamps flew out of their nests and shattered on the tiled floor, which, for some unknown reason, and in front of numerous eyewitnesses, swelled to a height of at least 30 centimeters, and then became even again. Subsequently, inspection showed nothing unusual under the tiles and the concrete was intact.

Researchers at UPER were able to photograph shoplifting ghosts. They also found out that the store was built on the site of a very old cemetery for the poor. And it is this fact that is the reason for the revelry in the store of otherworldly forces.

Pasta boxes fly too

A strange phenomenon was recently recorded by a CCTV camera at an IGA supermarket located in the South Australian city of Brompton.

A box of fruit cakes flew off a shelf full of groceries, as if from someone's strong jolt, and ended up on the floor six meters from the original place!


At the same time, none of the people were nearby, and the guard was a few meters from the shelves and was quite surprised to see a box that had fallen to the floor in a completely empty passage.

When watching a video posted on YouTube, it is clearly visible that the box does not really fall by itself (as if it suddenly lost its support), but flies off to the side under the influence of some external force.

Store owner Norm Hirst claims this is by no means an isolated case. Not so long ago, one of the employees witnessed how a box of pasta flew off the rack and flew 12 meters!

When buying the building in October 2011, the former owners warned Hirst that strange things could be happening here. True, then the businessman did not attach any importance to this.

Today, he arranged with the head of the local paranormal society Adelaide Paranormal Detectives to have his experts “work” in the store and, possibly, perform a cleansing ceremony.
