The Poltergeist Terrorized The Woman Even During Her Pregnancy. - Alternative View

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The Poltergeist Terrorized The Woman Even During Her Pregnancy. - Alternative View
The Poltergeist Terrorized The Woman Even During Her Pregnancy. - Alternative View

“Someone jerked my legs and I fell. When I regained consciousness, I saw arrows that looked like chicken legs burned on my feet

The house of a 23-year-old resident of the Dnepropetrovsk region has been run by … a poltergeist for more than a year. Recently, the evil spirits appeared again. She twice attacked the young mother, forced her to sign some kind of contract in a dream and scrawled the word on her hand … "drink"

I must say that I entered a brick house with a poltergeist, where repairs are going on in full swing these spring days, not without fear. Alena smiled: “Don't be afraid! The reel is only interested in me. But people don't know this! Not like coming to visit, sometimes even on the street they are afraid to speak: they think that evil spirits can be infected."

The devilry that took place in the house of Alena and Zhenya, "FACTS" was first told to readers in June 2010. Materialists, who believe that the polteregeist is either a joke, or echoes of physical phenomena unknown to science, or a consequence of a mental illness, capitulated to an undeniable argument: an arrow twenty centimeters long was burned on the stomach of a pregnant woman, stretching from the chest to the navel …

The drummer first tried to strangle a pregnant hostess last year at Christmas

In the house, built in 1962, the barabashka stomped and spanked with "bare feet" for a long time, but these sounds from the other world did not frighten the household. True, the owners once invited the priest to the house to consecrate the house. But, as soon as he entered the gate, he immediately turned back, saying that he would not do anything here.


Soon Alena, who inherited the house after the death of her grandfather, divorced her first husband, met a loved one and became pregnant. From her first marriage, she already had a six-year-old daughter, Masha. This time, too, a girl was expected … And then the drum showed itself in all its glory. It thundered day and night. I dropped it out of the bag and sprinkled the vermicelli in the kitchen. AND

On January 7, 2010, he completely overstepped all boundaries - he tried … to sit in bed next to the hostess.

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“I was already asleep,” Alena recalls. - And suddenly I felt some icy touch. I opened my eyes - I see nothing. And then someone began to choke me. I screamed. When my husband, who was sleeping next to me, woke up and turned on the light, we saw red marks on my hands, as if … from handcuffs. The same marks were also on the neck and legs. It became so scary that we immediately took our daughter and ran away to spend the night with my mother, who lived in her house on the same street.

Alena and Zhenya did not tell anyone anything. They only prayed hard, hoping that this would frighten the unclean one.

But on Trinity, Barashka again tried to strangle the pregnant mistress of the house. The husband, who woke up from the scream, rushed to call an ambulance out of fright. Alena began to speak excitedly: “What ambulance? This is not at all! Do you feel it smells burnt?"

“And then I saw that on the back of my wife’s hands there were ten centimeters long burns, similar to the marks of a chicken paw,” recalls Eugene, Alena’s husband. - On the stomach - a red scorched arrow of twenty centimeters point down. And there was a strip on the neck, as if someone had strangled Alena with a thick fishing line and a trace remained.

Having run away that night from the house to their parents, the couple were afraid to call the police. Who knows, the guards would have believed the words about evil spirits. And the young husband could well have been suspected of bullying his wife.

Only relatives knew about the incident. Nobody could understand what happened. And most importantly, what information did the unknown guest from the other world try to convey with scorched signs? Okay, more marks on the arms and neck. Otherwise, right on the belly of a pregnant woman!

The priest said that there is no threat to the child's life

A neighbor, who knew how to bewitch in wax, announced to her parents that, obviously, evil spirits did not want this child to be born.

“We went to church,” Alena says. “They helped to conduct the rite of consecration and purification of the dwelling and advised to throw out all the old things - to clean the space. We threw away all the old stuff, placed poppy seeds, wine and sweets in the attic: we wanted to appease the little one … Suddenly, I had a threat of termination of my pregnancy. However, later it turned out that it was okay. But when the doctors began to examine me, they saw a burnt arrow on my stomach.

They did not believe my explanations. They said they would not give birth if I didn’t tell the truth. They started shouting at me: “You need to get tested for a mental illness. What if you are sectarians? Maybe you can do the same to a child?"

“At that time, my son Zhenya was with Alena,” recalls Valentina, Alena's mother-in-law. - He was indignant: “What sects? I am a believer. I work as an electrician in my career. And whether my head is in order, every year the medical board checks."

We found ourselves in complete isolation. I was afraid of everything: that my son might be suspected, that he did something to Alena, that the daughter-in-law would not give birth, that the bastard would start attacking again. Therefore, I called the newspaper "FACTS".

The head physician of the 1st Kryvyi Rih city maternity hospital confirmed that she really saw 1st degree thermal burns on the woman's stomach and arms. “They do not pose a threat to the fetus,” the head physician told the FAKTOV journalist. “I don’t know what happened there, but I don’t believe in poltergeists.” (Poltergeist is a term used to refer to unexplained paranormal phenomena associated with noise, knocking, unauthorized movement of objects, spontaneous combustion, etc. - Auth.)

Archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Oleg Melnychuk explained what happened to Alena as a manifestation of devilish power, which can only be driven out with the help of God's power. And he recommended to find a confessor - a priest who would spiritually improve the young couple. And also more often to confess, receive communion and read prayers.

The priest said about the signs on the woman's body that it is better not to look at them and "not to wind up" yourself. “All these signs and symbols are incompatible with the idea of spirituality and the concept of religion,” he explained. The priest rejected the assumption that the evil power does not want the birth of a child, saying that God has given a blessing to man to be fruitful and multiply, and no one can prevent this. Father Oleg believed that there was no threat to the baby's life.

The head of the Ukrainian research center for the study of anomalies "Probe", Candidate of Technical Sciences Artem Bilyk said that a classic alien from a parallel world had apparently appeared in the dwelling.

“This phenomenon loves to feed itself on other people's emotions, fear, and creates such situations to cause this fear,” explained Artem Bilyk. - Our center for the study of anomalies constantly encounters manifestations of a poltergeist. Poltergeist gravitates towards tectonic faults, cemeteries, slaughterhouses, houses with a bad history and families with a disadvantaged climate. And although these factors are excluded here, in the place of Alena and her family, I would leave this house immediately, so as not to risk the health of my mother and unborn child.

Half-year-old Katya constantly looks towards the stove, as if she sees something there, and always cries at this moment

Alena and Zhenya spent the night with their relatives, then again at their home: it was impossible to leave the animals unattended. Barabashka no longer showed himself. Alena was reminded of what happened only by the scars on her stomach, arms and legs, which turned white over time, but did not disappear. Nevertheless, everyone expected the birth with excitement.

To forestall excesses on the part of evil spirits, Alena's mother sewed her daughter in a shirt, in which Alena went to the delivery room, a prayer against the Antichrist, a mother's prayer for her children and a prayer to the Honest Cross. And the husband was present during the birth.

The girl was born healthy. Weight 3700, height 53 centimeters. Fortunately, no deviations and marks on her body were found. The baby was named Katya. Father Oleg advised to baptize the child as early as possible and to receive communion on a regular basis. And not be afraid to live in the house. However, first sprinkle it with holy water.

It seemed that Alena's story ended happily. And here is the unexpected news: the "barabashka" became active again!

… Alena met me with a baby in her arms. Katyusha, who, while still in the womb with her mother, survived an attack by a guest from a parallel world, has already been for six months. The girl grows and develops normally. True, according to my mother, very often she looks towards the stove, as if she sees something there, and at that moment she cries. And six-year-old Masha, Alena's daughter from her first marriage, sleeps only in the light. The girl once saw a man walk through a wall and has been afraid of the dark ever since.

Alena, I was told that after meeting with the little drummer you almost became clairvoyant?

- This is an exaggeration. But I really did have the gift of foresight, I began to have prophetic dreams. I remember how in a dream I saw the funeral of my neighbor, and the next day she died. Or she predicted to her husband that there was no need to go on a moped, to see off the guests: there would be trouble. And so it happened. I predict the weather: I always feel when it will rain. But, basically, I have a presentiment of bad events. And Zhenya, leaving the house, warns: "Alena, just don't say anything!" Afraid, if I say, it will come true.

Has Zhenya somehow changed? After all, he had to endure so many worries: constantly beat off his wife from evil spirits

- We noticed that when a husband goes to church, he feels bad there. Although we are both baptized. He begins to feel sick, dizzy, and pale. Thought allergic to the smell of burning candles. But earlier, before the first attack of the drum, he entered calmly, there was no "allergy". Now Zhenya is afraid to go to church. He says: “You need to, go, but I won't go in!..” But otherwise he remained the same. He loves his daughter Katyusha very much. Already shaking over her.

You said that Barabashka visited for the third time in December. That is, he waited seven months. Ufologists say: this phenomenon needs such periods in order to accumulate energy and attack again. Was it scary this time?

- Not so. This time, evil spirits attacked me on St. Nicholas Day. Guests came to us. Was late. I went into the nursery to rock the baby. Then she went into another room to the closet to get dressed. She did not turn on the light, she shone it with a mobile phone. And then someone abruptly grabbed my legs and pulled …

“Having done what the FAKTOV experts advised, we got rid of the bastard for seven months”

- I fell on my back, my husband and guests came running to the roar, - continues my interlocutor. - When the light was turned on, I began to examine myself out of habit. I had arrows scorched on my feet! The guests' eyes became round. They saw it for the first time! Again she ran to the priest. He read prayers.

Have you considered the attacker? They say that the "barabashka" looks like a woolly creature with short legs and long arms, with which it tries to grab, strangle or scratch the victim. But if you talk roughly with him, show that you are not afraid of him, he will get upset, wither and get out of the house. After all, these monsters feed on the energy of fear

- But when was I to consider him, and even more so to talk to him, if he always attacked quickly and in the dark?

The last, fourth, time a barabashka attacked me quite recently, in February, when I was watching TV. First, something flashed in the corner of the TV, and it was as if I … fell somewhere. I dreamed that I was lying on the asphalt. And a man with a naked torso bends down, takes a handful of earth and throws it in my face. I ask: “Who are you? What are you doing? I'm cold!" He does not respond. Then further from the ground a pillar of light appeared and I saw the figure of my husband with Katya in his arms. But the husband and daughter were not "real", but like robots in films. And then this man, who was throwing earth at me, went in their direction. I started crying: "Don't touch them!" He stopped and said a strange phrase: “Let him drink. You will die."

Then he dropped some paper. I realized that I had to sign. For some reason, she signed her maiden name and asked: "Do not go to them!" And then I felt that someone was waking me up. I opened my eyes and saw: I was lying on the floor, my head was near the bedside table with the TV, my feet were on the sofa, the light was on, and Zhenya, with a frightened face, was bothering me: “What happened?”

My God, what did you sign in your dream? Hopefully not a pact with the devil?

- I hope so too! I remember that I had neither a pen nor a pencil in my hands. Zhenya examined me. He says: “There are no burns, thank God. But there are scratches. " A cross was scratched on one hand, a strange word on the other. Either "drink" or "lei" … Or "leo"? (Alena shows me the scratch marks (see photo)). What does this mean? Or did he not have time to finish? (Laughs nervously.)

Some illiterate got caught. Although experts on anomalous phenomena claim: entities from a parallel world have different levels of intelligence. There are primitive creatures who do little mischief. And there are instances that really scare, turning, for example, into family members. One woman in an interview with a popular Moscow newspaper said that she saw her son, who silently went to wash in the shower. At this time, her real son called … from the airport, and she heard the noise characteristic of such places. When my mother ran to the bathroom, there was no one there. Only water was pouring from the open tap …

- Well, our little darling has not yet reached such refinements, thank God. I tell my mother that I’m already used to this devilry. She replies: “Alena, but this is not normal! You have to do something! " What? We have already tried everything: we consecrated the house, read prayers, and turned to the priests, and hung the house with icons, and went to the paths. They wrote to STB, to the "Battle of Psychics". We hoped that the winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Khayal Alekperov would come to us and be able to come to terms with the "spirit" of our house, or at least understand what he wants. But there is no answer yet.

- For the first time, when we rushed about, not knowing what to do, when we were afraid for both Alena and the child, FACTS helped us a lot, inviting specialists to help - Archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Oleg Melnichuk and Kiev ufologist Artem Bilyk, - says Zhenya, Alena's husband. - Firstly, the publication rehabilitated us in the eyes of doctors, employees and even relatives and friends, who touched the scars on their wife's body and still said: "This cannot be!" Secondly, having done what the ufologist and father Oleg advised, we got rid of the bastard for seven months. But now the evil has shown itself again …

Maybe we should give up everything and move out of here?

- Where? We decided that the drum was over and started a grand renovation, invested a lot of money. And it is difficult to sell a house now: there are problems with documents. I read on the Internet that often a poltergeist, having reached the maximum

manifestations, weakens, and then disappears completely. But who knows whether this maximum was or will only be? We still want to find a board for the drum.