The Story Of The Brownie - Alternative View

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The Story Of The Brownie - Alternative View
The Story Of The Brownie - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of The Brownie - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of The Brownie - Alternative View
Video: Of Lady Managers and Great Fires: The History of the Brownie 2024, September

The story of the Brownie, who lives at the Bolshakovs' dacha, has become a popular "bike" among our friends. My cat has become the subject of public attention. The first question to me was always: "How is Tikhon Vadimovich doing?" Tikhon did not care at all what he was suspected of

He reveled in satiety, warmth, our love, and the right, won on the very first day, to urge our dog, which, according to all dog-cat rules, had to "command the parade" - after all, she had lived in this house for 6 years before him. But Sanka gave up immediately, and until her last days for nine years she loved him faithfully and faithfully. In early spring, Alexei had a birthday, and this became a worthy occasion to visit the country again. We were taken straight off the train and taken there.

And again the friendly company was preparing dumplings, jingling with guitars, rolling each other out in the melted and darkened snow. The first night passed without incident. "No Tikhon - no miracles!" - summed up someone and … wrong. In the evening, Sasha had the idea of sleeping on the stove. The owners discouraged, reasonably referring to the fact that for this they would have to disassemble and take out the deposits of old things that had been collected there for years. But Sasha, as always, was unshakable in his decisions.

He climbed onto the stove and began to rake and dump the caked junk on the floor. The room smelled sharply of cats. It was the heavy smell of unwashed barrack entrances.

- Did you have cats? Lika was surprised no less than us. "Never!" Parents bought a house eight years ago, since then not a single cat has been here - the mother is allergic to them! "The smell was such that it was not necessary to talk about one random cat, even a super unclean one. To create such an ambergris, a cat must be the size of lioness and live on the stove for at least a season.

There was no question of pushing things back. They were thrown out for ventilation and, cursing at Sasha, they began "washing and disinfection work." Sashka, naturally, snapped angrily: "Say thank you that at least it will be clean!" During the cleaning process, a hole was found in the farthest corner behind the stove. It was small, five centimeters in diameter, went into the wall, but not through.

The tucked-in wire, bent, did not rest on anything, but did not come out. There was no blowing from the hole, but it was from there that this suffocating smell emanated. And we "putty" it - plugged it with a rag and sealed it with paper. After airing, the room became fresh again, smelled of spring and forest. Sasha made a rookery for himself on the stove.

We all went to our places and got ready to sleep. But it was not there. From the darkness came Sasha's voice: "Guys, stop!" He claimed that one of us, taking advantage of the darkness, pulls off the blanket from him. We turn on the light - the blanket was in place, we extinguish - again the indignation. Not finding out which one of us is this already annoying joker, we decided to sleep in the light …

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The morning picture brought us into a state of hysterical fun. Sasha slept curled up in a ball from the cold, and a blanket hung from the ceiling in the center of the room, dressed on a hook for a lamp sticking out of it!

To this day, it remains a mystery to us how this trick could be performed in practice. It is possible to reach the ceiling only while standing on the table, but in order to move the table to the center of the room, it was necessary to drag it over the two sofas on which we were lying. At the same time, it was almost impossible not to step on someone and it was absolutely incredible to do it so quietly so as not to wake someone up - the table was old and literally falling apart in his hands.

There were no stairs or other items that could replace it in the house. It was possible, of course, to do a truly acrobatic trick: one person must stand on the shoulders of another (by the way, we took off the blanket). But for this, you would first have to move the sofa - it was exactly under the hook.

The "Investigative experiment" showed that standing on the side to reach the hook, it is impossible to reach the hook, but it is impossible to stand on the springy surface, holding someone on the shoulders - the pillows fell through, everything was shaking, and even one person had to balance with his hands to hold on We have not been able to solve this riddle.