An Incredible Ax Was Found In The Viking Tomb - - Alternative View

An Incredible Ax Was Found In The Viking Tomb - - Alternative View
An Incredible Ax Was Found In The Viking Tomb - - Alternative View

Video: An Incredible Ax Was Found In The Viking Tomb - - Alternative View

Video: An Incredible Ax Was Found In The Viking Tomb - - Alternative View
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Archaeologists have published information about the results of a study of the Viking tomb, which they discovered on the territory of the Jutland peninsula, located in Denmark. The bodies of two man and woman were found in the burial, but the ax deserves special attention, the safety of which surprised experts.

The tomb, found in 2012, was nicknamed "the house of the dead" because of its rarity in manufacturing and methods of burial. During the construction of the road, when, in principle, the burial of the Vikings was discovered, excavations began, during which many interesting finds were already discovered, which are transferred to the local museum of Silkeborg. According to the head of the excavation, the tomb was built about 950 years ago. The burial site is 13x4 meters.

The bodies of two men and a woman were also found inside. Experts believe that noble people were buried here, because with them there were decorations and a lot of free space. If one man and woman can be called a family, then the second buried was most likely a warrior. Experts report that at that time noble warriors could be buried with their ruler. An ax was found near the body, which has already been called the most successful find.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is extremely large, which sets it apart from other weapons of that time. In addition, there were no decorations and patterns on it, which only means the menacing use of this ax. In addition, other military weapons were found in the tomb, as well as keys (a symbol of high status), beads, gold threads, remnants of fabric, silver coins minted in Asia and a vase.

Ruban Oleg