The Secret Of Spreading Rumors About UFOs - Alternative View

The Secret Of Spreading Rumors About UFOs - Alternative View
The Secret Of Spreading Rumors About UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Spreading Rumors About UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Spreading Rumors About UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Recently, more and more "reliable" evidence of unidentified flying objects has been published in the media. Moreover, references are often made to very competent sources - for example, representatives of the special services. What is behind this?

The British Ministry of Defense issued a statement that it does not deny the possibility of the existence of an alien intelligence and is investigating cases of UFO sightings in the country. Ministry officials have declassified and made public hundreds of documented episodes of unidentified flying objects. It included only testimonies from people who were trustworthy - for example, the military and pilots. Eyewitnesses claim that they observed glowing white and multi-colored balls, triangles and cylinders making turns in the sky.

Officials say: "So far nothing is clear, but they (UFOs) seem to be doing no harm to the state." Shortly after the statement by US President George W. Bush in the spring of 2005 about plans to build a space base on the lunar surface, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier appealed to his country's parliament with a demand to hold a public hearing on the topic "Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations." He expressed fears that the construction of a base on the moon by the Americans could lead … to a war with alien civilizations! In addition, Hellie said that he has information about these very "aliens".

True, the parliament has so far prudently refused the former minister to hold hearings on this topic. Every now and then in the press there are interviews with people who claim that they used to work for the defense, special services or the air force. Sometimes this information is confirmed. They all talk about some UFO-related incidents. So, in December 2010, the entire UFO community celebrated the 45th anniversary of the so-called "Keksburg incident".

It is about the fact that in 1965 in the forest near the town of Kexburgh (Pennsylvania) an alien aircraft in the form of an acorn with strange symbols on the casing fell, which, according to one of the former Air Force employees (again - "competent authorities"!) cordoned off by the military and taken to the Lockbourne air force base near Columbus (Ohio), and then to the Dayton air base in the same state. His further fate is unknown. Why is the stream of all this information hitting our heads right now?

And we are talking about the population of all developed countries. And the information is presented, as a rule, in one of two variants: either the relevant authorities declassify certain documents, or private persons related to those same authorities are "split". Now let's pay attention to the content of this information. It comes in three forms. Either some objects are observed, sometimes pursued by the military, or aircraft of unknown origin fall into the hands of the same military and special services, or, what is coolest of all, space aliens, dead or alive, are captured by earthlings (take, for example, the famous Roswell incident). At the same time, official comments are given only in relation to the first type of "contacts" with UFOs (that is, simple observations).

Mostly “private individuals” talk about “flying machines” and “little green men”. And their stories, to tell the truth, do not look too impressive against the background of numerous UFO stories published in the yellow press, the facts in which are practically not verified. What do we have? Well, the military saw UFOs, so none of them can really explain what exactly he saw. And the stories of “former pilots” and “former CIA agents” are not supported by any documentary evidence, except for their own words or, at best, some very dubious photographs and photocopies.

An interesting picture turns out! The conclusion suggests itself. The shaft of "revelations" about UFOs is a planned action! Why is this needed? The answer to this question is already more difficult. Maybe they are trying to hide the real facts from us, slipping "misinformation" in the hope that this will distract from attempts to get to the bottom of the truth? Or maybe these are some kind of political games? Like, it is better to let the people be interested in "flying saucers" than corruption in higher spheres? You can't say anything, cleverly …

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There is another version though. What if we are being prepared for the legalization of aliens on Earth? So as not to daze right away - they say, are they already here? Can you imagine how many people will end up in psychiatric hospitals after suffering nervous stress? And how will all this end for earthlings in general? Better not to think …

Margarita Troitsyna