Aliens Are Also Curious - Alternative View

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Aliens Are Also Curious - Alternative View
Aliens Are Also Curious - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Are Also Curious - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Are Also Curious - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

Like any rational creature, says the famous ufologist Scott Waring, aliens are very curious. This is confirmed by many cases when they are watching us, earthlings, clearly not for any purpose, but simply by showing curiosity.

Aliens caused an accident

In Mexico the other day on the road number 53 of the state of Nuevo Leon, a Coca-Cola company truck, transporting empty containers, suddenly turned over. The incident, in general, is an ordinary one, but the company's employees who arrived at the scene of the accident to investigate the accident did not find any serious reasons for the truck to suddenly pull over to the side of the road, and therefore considered that the driver was simply dozing off.


In the course of this investigation, one of the participants in the accident, having nothing to do, filmed everything that was happening. To his surprise, when he began to look at the images obtained after the authorities left the scene of the accident, the photo showed UFOs in the sky.

We can assume, says Scott Waring, that the driver did not doze off, but simply stared at the UFO, and therefore pulled over to the side of the road, after which the car turned over. But does any of the modern inhabitants admit this: after all, they will be considered a psycho, isn't that so? This is especially true of angry bosses …

However, the ufologist continues, pay attention to the fact that the UFOs did not leave the crash site, but circled nearby, which proves their curiosity. It is difficult to assume that they themselves caused an accident and studied something at the same time …

Aliens are constantly circling around the ISS

Promotional video:

Probably for the same reason, continues Scott Waring, we constantly spot alien flying vehicles near the International Space Station Earth. As for the study of the ISS by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, they, I think, have already scanned it a long time ago, and to every screw in the structure itself and to the last thought and innermost feeling of astronauts.

However, UFOs continue to fly near the station - apparently, they are interested in what the earthlings are doing there: simple "human" curiosity.


The video (see below) captures the inner space of the ISS and, in particular, its most interesting compartment - an observation dome with seven large observation windows made of super-strong quartz glass ten centimeters thick.

However, in the video material provided for public viewing, ufologists Brent and Blake, better known as the "cousins", discovered a passing UFO that appears from the starboard side of the station, then dives under the hull of the Soyuz MS-02 spacecraft docked to the ISS, changes its flight angle and continues on its way, quickly out of sight.

The UFO is small, obviously it is located at a great distance from the station, but this does not matter for the aliens: they can observe us from any distance.

Of course, it's easier to assume that this is just a UFO accidentally flying past the space station, although this is an interesting fact. But on the other hand, what attracts aliens to the ISS?..