Who Controls The Maniacs? - Alternative View

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Who Controls The Maniacs? - Alternative View
Who Controls The Maniacs? - Alternative View

Video: Who Controls The Maniacs? - Alternative View

Video: Who Controls The Maniacs? - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Views: Who Rules America? Part 1 2024, September

“I came to the city. Where to go, why am I here? I do not know. Then I was led by a woman in white. Then I saw another woman. The first one ordered: you must give us "this one." I understood what these words mean. And I strangled …"

These are lines from the diary of the Rostov strangler Vladimir Mukhankin, who is responsible for 8 ruined lives.

At first glance, the written lines resemble the delirium of a madman. But during a medical examination, the maniac was found sane. Just like his "colleague" Anatoly Slivko is a pedophile maniac who operated in the Stavropol Territory. The school teacher tortured and killed 7 boys.

“They” said that if you look a child in the eyes for a long time, you can see how the soul leaves the body,”said the killer Slivko during the trial. Who "they" is, he did not specify.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Rostov State Medical University, Alexander Bukhanovsky, investigated the bloodiest and high-profile stories. The scientist came to the conclusion: almost always serial killers acted as if under hypnosis … But who forced them to commit bloody atrocities remains a mystery.

Ufologists, in turn, suggest that the maniacs were sent by aliens from other planets. According to them, there are two types of aliens: good and bad. And while the former help people develop, the latter study us. Experiments are made, sometimes very strange.

Celestial explorers need new objects - human bodies. They themselves do not kill, but find an executor - a person with an unstable psyche, who can be instilled in a thought from a distance. "Material for research" is collected from different continents. Obviously, that's why America, China and Russia have an equally high percentage of serial killers.

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The desire to kill can be contracted like the flu

There is another opinion: a maniac is … a viral infection. Like the flu.

- The medical world community is inclined to think that it is still a disease, - Professor Bukhanovsky is convinced. Moreover, it is contagious. Can be inherited. For example, the eldest son Chikatilo also became a murderer and is now serving time.

It is possible that the virus can also be contracted through personal communication. They say that Anatoly Onopriyenko, later nicknamed "the Ukrainian beast", communicated with the above-mentioned Slivko shortly before the capture and execution of the latter in 1989. In the same year, Onoprienko committed his first crime. Over the next 7 years, according to the investigation, he killed 52 people.

It is noteworthy that in the entire history of forensic science in the world, only two cases of the appearance of female maniacs have been recorded. But both turned out to be transsexuals - "masculine nature" in a woman's body. Obviously, "maniac" is a disease of the stronger sex.

Another version: the place is to blame. Negative energy accumulates at certain points on the earth. And then this energy is released into the atmosphere - the Earth, as it were, gets rid of the negative. The most ordinary person can accidentally find themselves in such a place and receive a gigantic dose of "radiation".

“You can even make a map of where serial killers have appeared at different times. And a certain pattern will be traced, - says Mikhail Vinogradov, head of the center for legal and psychological assistance in extreme situations (his center was looking for a girl who disappeared in Rostov). - For example, the same Rostov-on-Don - the birthplace of Chikatilo - gives birth to maniacs more often than other cities. The list also includes the Krasnodar Territory, and the south of Russia in general. Why this happens, I don't know. I can only state a fact.

Mister Evil demands bloody sacrifices

Researchers of the unknown, who had to communicate with serial killers, noted that electrical devices in their presence literally went off scale. The concentration of negative, "black" energy was such as if Satan himself was in the room.

The operatives told that a priest was invited to the "Bitsa maniac" Pichuzhkin, who killed 48 people. At the sight of the priest, the murderer suddenly began to thrash in a fit, his body cramped.

“This is a classic version of behavior during the so-called“infiltration of demons”- the substance of the“subtle”world,” Vyacheslav Klimov, the leader of the Moscow organization “Ghostbusters”, is convinced. - The person himself, who has undergone the "introduction", ceases to control his behavior. Although for all medical reasons, he remains sane.

It is believed that the hand of the killer is directed by the devil - he needs bloody human sacrifices. Children are especially “interesting” - inexperienced souls.

Horoscopes of killers and their victims intersect

The famous Moscow astrologer and psychologist Pavel Sviridov for several years compiled and carefully studied the horoscopes of maniacs and their victims and came to the shocking conclusion: the personal horoscopes of maniacs had much in common. And the astral maps of the killers and their victims not only intersected at a certain point in their life, but also turned out to be incomprehensibly connected at the time of the birth of both!

From which the astrologer concluded: the souls of maniacs and the souls of victims have a karmic connection from a past life. For example, in a past life, a person did a terrible thing. In this life, the maniac acts as an instrument of retaliation.

“A serial killer is like a program embedded in a person’s life path at the moment of his birth,” Sviridov believes. - Until the maniac implements this program, it is impossible to understand him. For example, in the horoscope of the "Bitsevsky maniac" the number 48 was clearly read. Therefore, I am against the death penalty. If a maniac is caught, he must be isolated, not killed. Otherwise, another person will appear with the same program - after all, the "mission" must be completed. This is a kind of higher plan, which is still impossible for us to comprehend.


Having started working on the topic, we found a letter of curious content on one of the sites. “Chikatilo is not dead! It read. - I have proof! He flew off to another world. I regained my strength and returned …"

We tried to contact the author of the message. But no answer came. And the psychic Amir, looking at the photo of the Rostov maniac, said: "A person has a very dark energy, strong and … alive."