American Physicist: "Martians Were Destroyed With Hydrogen Bombs" - Alternative View

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American Physicist: "Martians Were Destroyed With Hydrogen Bombs" - Alternative View
American Physicist: "Martians Were Destroyed With Hydrogen Bombs" - Alternative View

Video: American Physicist: "Martians Were Destroyed With Hydrogen Bombs" - Alternative View

Video: American Physicist:
Video: The UFO Challenge-Chasing Flying Saucers, The Stanton Friedman Farewell 2024, September

Evidence of Massive Thermonuclear Explosions in Mars Past, The Cydonian Hypothesis, and Fermi's Paradox - this is the title of the report of the famous American physicist Dr. John Brandenburg, a specialist in Plasma Physics from the University of California, prepared for the annual conference of the American Physical Society.

In the report, the scientist proves that a civilization once existed on Mars, which died in a nuclear war with aliens.

Back in 2011, Brandenburg came up with a hypothesis explaining the red color of Mars. They say that these are radioactive oxides that appeared as a result of some natural, but very powerful thermonuclear explosion. It is also indicated by the isotopes contained in the Martian atmosphere. They are similar to those that appeared on our planet after the test of hydrogen bombs.

Brandenburg refers to the traces of the explosion as a high concentration of Xenon-129 in the atmosphere, and on the surface - uranium and thorium. These substances were discovered by the Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

Now the scientist has slightly revised his views and now believes that the explosions were not of natural origin. The Martians were specially bombed. Some unidentified aliens bombed. Large centers of the Martian civilization were then in the regions of Cydonia Mensa - where the famous Martian Sphinx is located, and in Galaxias Chaos. In these places, according to Brandenburg, craters from two powerful explosions are visible, which destroyed all life on the planet.

Explosion sites of two powerful hydrogen bombs


At the time of the alien attack, the Martian civilization in terms of development was similar to our ancient Egyptian - during the construction of the pyramids. Why did they not please? No answer. But there is a caveat: it's better to stay away from aliens. They are evil. Maybe they killed each other. From this they are not shown.

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The surface of Mars has turned to glass in places

It is possible that there is other evidence of the bombing. And elsewhere.

Large areas literally covered with glass have been reported by American geologists Briony Horgan and Jim Bell of the Arizona State University in Tempe. As if melted dunes - a total of about 10 million square kilometers of surface - they made out in the images transmitted by the Mars Express probe, which has been operating in orbit of the Red Planet since the end of 2003.

The images that caught the attention of scientists belonged to the so-called dark regions of Mars. They are located mainly in the northern regions of the planet. And they got this name due to the fact that they poorly reflect the incident light.

Briony and Jim suggested that the glass covering the dunes was formed by volcanic eruptions. What if these are traces of nuclear explosions? Glass fits very well into the Martian war hypothesis. After all, it could have formed as a result of exposure to high temperatures on the sand. Simply put, these places are melted.

Melted dunes


In support of their version, anomalous enthusiasts cite finds made during excavations in the late 70s of the last century on the territory of present-day Pakistan of the ruins of the ancient Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro - the center of the Harappan civilization. Archaeologists have discovered vast patches of melted sand that has turned into glass. Like on Mars.

Back in 1996, the English researcher David Davenport declared that this glass is the result of nuclear explosions that thundered here 4 thousand years ago.
