The Ghost Of The Mother Came To The Child - Alternative View

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The Ghost Of The Mother Came To The Child - Alternative View
The Ghost Of The Mother Came To The Child - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost Of The Mother Came To The Child - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost Of The Mother Came To The Child - Alternative View

In the photo: The same ghost in a blurred haze. We managed to find only a photo of this quality and size.

Believing or not believing in ghosts is a personal matter. But the facts speak for themselves. Recently, the Tyurin family contacted the editorial office of Chronometer-Astrakhan. Nadezhda accidentally photographed a transparent silhouette of a woman on her mobile phone and asked for an expert examination of this picture

The Tyurins' family celebrated the birthday of five-year-old Anya. Many children gathered in the apartment of the house on Victory Street. Balloons, music, contests - the kids were delighted. Nadezhda Tyurina decided to capture their joyful faces on her mobile phone.

- The picture was not very successful, - says Nadezhda, - but I still saved it. Later, examining the frames, I noticed on one of them a "blurred" image of a female figure in a white dress … She was standing behind the birthday girl. It became somehow uncomfortable - after all, no one had ever seen this woman.

Nadezhda suggests that the picture shows the girl's late mother, who "came" to her birthday.

- Before this incident, incomprehensible things had already happened in our apartment. Once, lying in bed, I felt that someone sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his hand over his head, says Nadezhda. - I did not doubt for a minute that it was my daughter Yana. But, opening my eyes, I did not find anyone nearby.n

Armed with photographs of the Astrakhan people who met with ghosts, we decided to conduct our own investigation. The pictures were shown to specialists.

“I can show you a lot of such shots,” experienced photographer Anatoly Tulnikov tried to dispel our doubts, “we call them“marriage”and do not pay attention to glare, which is simply a play of light and shadow.

The opinion of his colleague on the lens - the head of the children's and youth photography studio Alexander Gavrilov turned out to be completely opposite.

- These pictures are not a photomontage, - Alexander Vasilyevich diagnoses, peering at the images. “Apparently, they are paranormal. In my practice, I often came across the fact that out of nowhere in photographs, silhouettes of people and incomprehensible objects appeared.

In the forensic laboratory, our photographs were thoroughly examined. The experienced eye of the forensic scientist Nikolai Pyzhov peered at the image for a long time through a double magnifying glass. And after reflection, Nikolai delivered his verdict.

“In a black-and-white photo, most likely, there is a defect resulting from the development or printing of this image,” says Nikolai Pyzhov. - It can be a blown out area of the negative or damaged photo paper that was printed on. It is difficult to say unequivocally about the reason for the appearance of a shadow in a picture taken with a camera of a mobile phone. I would hesitate to talk about the presence of a paranormal phenomenon in a low-quality picture taken with a camera with a resolution of 2 megapixels.

The "diagnosis" of the criminalist was confirmed by the skeptic physicist Denis Merkulov: "Definitely - this is a marriage in print." It turned out to be more difficult to comment on the image of the woman in white. Denis Yuvenalievich could only state: "So far, science cannot explain such phenomena."

As you can see, neither the physicist, nor the forensic scientist, nor the photographer began to write off the photo taken by a cell phone camera as a "marriage".