Toad Work - Alternative View

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Toad Work - Alternative View
Toad Work - Alternative View

Video: Toad Work - Alternative View

Video: Toad Work - Alternative View
Video: ALL Yuppie Psycho Secrets, VHS Tapes, Endings, and Hidden Details Explained (Base-game only) 2024, October

The toad is not the audience's favorite. Pupyrchata, earthy, - in a word, unprepossessing. But we are in too much of a hurry to meet her by clothes. The benefits of this amphibian are much more than harm. And in all areas of human activity.


At the moment, biologists know 579 species in the toad family, the number of genera is beyond counting - there are so many of them. Besides, no, no, and scientists will find a "fresh" copy, not yet assigned to any "surname". Only last year, 2015, in the tropical forests of South America, Brazilian zoologists discovered seven previously unknown species of toads at once: one smaller than the other. The bodies of these "new arrivals" do not exceed even one centimeter in length. It is difficult to imagine miniature, but zoologists are convinced that the main discoveries are still ahead …

In general, the New World is lucky in this regard - it is there, on the territory of the Americas, that 2/3 of all known species of toads are found. It was they who got all the exotic - both hallucinogenic agi, and ovoviviparous toads, coupled with one of the largest representatives of the entire toad genus - Blomberg's toads …

We, living in the Central European region, mostly deal with representatives of the Bufo clan. These are the same "gray toads, or ordinary", when we meet with which we frown in disgust. And, perhaps, thereby we terribly offend them. After all, these amphibians live up to 40 years. During such a period, they manage to get used to specific people. And even something like attachment appears in them.


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By the way, observant people began to suspect the ability to empathy a long time ago. Even in old English books one could find such advice. If the object of your feelings stubbornly does not notice you, wait a minute to poison yourself with belladonna - you can and should help. You should go to communion and keep the holy bread in your mouth until the end of the service. Leaving the church, sooner or later you will meet a toad - and feed it this bread. Everything is done: you can go buy a wedding dress or clean a tuxedo. Do not doubt: an unreasonable lover will realize the next day that he almost lost his only happiness in your face and will make (accept) an offer.

The toad will also come in handy for further family life - especially on the farm: there would only be a garden, a vegetable garden, or at least a flower bed under the window. Wait to smile. In Paris - in Paris itself! - The “toad market” survived well until the beginning of the 20th century: the trade was carried out in bulk. Hundreds of toads were bought to be set free in gardens, fields and orchards. With the most prosaic purpose - pest control. Toads eat almost anything that moves. Their vision is unique: they see only moving objects. They simply will not notice your strawberries, but they will eat slugs on it for a sweet soul. Therefore, even today, experienced gardeners recommend in all possible ways to preserve and breed toads on the land. Here the “toad market” would come in handy, but there is none … Just as there are no “toad” or “horsemen” now.


Representatives of this now derived profession possessed power over horses, pigs and … women (no comment). And they also knew how to remove warts. These exceptional skills made them the most desirable workers on any farm. But their universities were also difficult! After all, they had to take possession of the "toad bone". Why would the future "frogs" catch a toad, feed it to the bone to black ants. Then they waited until midnight and threw the skeleton into a fast stream. The bone that went to swim against the current became that very magic "toad". It was possible to recognize her, however, by the voice accompaniment. All the failed "frogs" claimed that they did not dare to take it in their hands just because the bone uttered screams that literally chilled the soul. But further - even worse. What is the secret of success for the future ruler of women and pigs? He must be determined and fearless. After all, only a real daredevil will dare to enter the stable three times in the middle of the night, especially knowing that the third time he will certainly be met by the devil, with whom he will have to fight hard …: now you are a "toad". This means that all pigs, along with horses and other representatives of the fair sex, will be at your feet.all pigs, along with horses and other representatives of the fair sex, will be at your feet.all pigs, along with horses and other representatives of the fair sex, will be at your feet.

You will laugh, but back in 1950, in the vicinity of English March, Peterborough and Stamford, you could meet people who would not only recommend themselves as "frogs", but also provide appropriate recommendations from the owners of nearby farms.


Toads are quick-witted, intelligent, easy to train and have an excellent docile character. Confirmed by scientists. But medieval witches knew this without any scientific research. Therefore, the toads served them regularly: they went to the indicated address with orders to poison someone, maim someone, and send damage to someone. They accompanied their mistresses to the Sabbath, and from there they descended straight to the underworld, where they were engaged in torturing sinners …

In a word, they have earned the most disgusting reputation for themselves. No wonder that they began to kill them in all countries and continents. True, for different purposes. In the Old World, toads were persecuted for intercourse with the devil and his minions. But in the New …

During excavations of the most ancient Mayan cities, archaeologists discovered a huge number of toad remains at the temple walls. Pundits quickly identified them as a traditional inhabitant of these places - the aga toad.

It is worth noting that in itself it is the indisputable pride of Mexico: one of the largest amphibians in the world reaches 25 cm in length and weighs up to 2 kg. But she gained worldwide fame with her completely different talents. Aha is deadly poisonous, but mankind has got the knack to make a potent drug from its poison. Archaeological excavations helped to establish: not only current drug addicts pay tribute to the age - “serious” people of the past also constantly used her services in sacred rituals. It seems that under the influence of toad hallucinogens, the Mayan priests made more than one prophecy and more than once looked into the future.


It's amazing how, with this treatment, the toads even survived to this day. And the thing is that they are extremely tenacious. They safely wait out frosty winters under water. The main thing is that the reservoir does not freeze to the very bottom. And if it does freeze, it doesn't matter either. The amphibian will fall into suspended animation and will come out of a saving sleep when the sun's rays melt the ice that bound it. Why is there ice! There are countless accounts of toads found alive in solid stone, coal, or wood.

So, in the 17th century, a similar miracle was enthusiastically described by Ambroise Paré, who was successively a surgeon under Henry II, Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III in France. A century later, or more precisely on May 25, 1776, the English chronicler Gilbert White did not pass by such an event: in London, a toad was found walled up in a stone - alive and unharmed.

Scientists still cannot explain this unique survival rate of the toad tribe. And while they are pondering, the gray Azov rats, according to some biologists, use the phenomenal vitality of toads for their pleasure. They bite off their spine and leave the immobilized amphibians for storage in their burrows for future use. Always fresh product, no freezing and other tricks to preserve the presentation and edible qualities. Dream!