Rostov Mysticism - Alternative View

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Rostov Mysticism - Alternative View
Rostov Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Rostov Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Rostov Mysticism - Alternative View
Video: The Mystical Secrets Of Water - Sadhguru 2024, September

Stories about the mystical sights of Rostov and the Rostov region. Mysterious dungeons with ghosts, mysterious phantoms guarding treasures and others.

In Aksai, there is a landmark that causes superstitious horror among local residents. This is a unique system of underground passages. The first local catacombs, dug for cult purposes by the inhabitants of the ancient Kobyakov settlement at the beginning of our era, were diligently entangled by subsequent generations with a network of new labyrinths.

As a result, under modern Aksai and its environs there is a real underground city, about which there are various rumors. They say that a woman with loose black hair in a white dress with an elegant corset wanders here. They say she guards treasures. There is something to protect. According to one of the legends, the treasury of the Zaporozhye Cossacks is hidden here - a gold reserve of 32 barrels filled to the brim with gold ducats and Venetian guilds.

And also, according to rumors, somewhere here is buried a golden horse, which at the end of the 17th century the Don Cossacks stole from the Turks. Another legend says: a wealthy owner of a winery, leaving abroad, hid several barrels of jewelry in one of the dungeons, which, upon his return, were supposed to ensure a comfortable existence for himself and his descendants. This treasure is allegedly also guarded by a ghost woman.

The only thing that is not among the legends is the spare bunker of the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District, built in Aksai in Mukhina Balka in 1967 in case of the third world war. The residents of Aksai learned that a super-important object was located within the city limits only during perestroika - the military knew how to disguise themselves.

The underground bunker was built in the best traditions of the Soviet era - for centuries: one meter thick walls, three underground floors. In this underground city, without fear of nuclear bombings and without going to the surface, one and a half thousand people could live for three years. The heating system, in principle, was not provided, but in winter and summer in the bunker the temperature is 18 degrees (it is still unclear how the drainage system works).

In the late eighties, the military abandoned the facility, destroying its stuffing. The catacombs were empty for a decade and a half. Bare walls remained, or rather, the rounded arches of a huge hole in a tunnel divided into compartments. And now it is difficult to imagine that here, under a 10-meter hill, poured specifically for a secret facility, everything was equipped to the highest standard: the walls were tiled, the floor was parquet. There was a sewerage system, a diesel power station, special filters purified the spring water. The hall, five meters high, contained one of the first computers in the field, and a lamp - a huge colossus under the ceiling.

At the initiative of Vladimir Gladchenko, a museum of the history of wars will now appear here. A nearby open-air museum of military equipment is being formed: cars, cannons, armored personnel carriers, tanks, planes and helicopters. As a result, under modern Aksai and its environs there is a real underground city, about which there are various rumors. They say that a woman with loose black hair in a white dress with an elegant corset wanders here. They say she guards treasures. There is something to protect.

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According to one of the legends, the treasury of the Zaporozhye Cossacks is hidden here - a gold reserve of 32 barrels filled to the brim with gold ducats and Venetian guilds. And also, according to rumors, a golden horse is buried somewhere here, which at the end of the 17th century the Don Cossacks stole from the Turks. Another legend says: a rich owner of a winery, leaving abroad, hid several barrels of jewelry in one of the dungeons, which, upon his return, were supposed to ensure a comfortable existence for himself and his descendants. This treasure is allegedly also guarded by a ghost woman.

The only thing that is not among the legends is the spare bunker of the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District, built in Aksai in Mukhina Balka in 1967 in case of the third world war. The residents of Aksai learned that a super-important object was located within the city limits only during perestroika - the military knew how to disguise themselves.

The underground bunker was built in the best traditions of the Soviet era - for centuries: one meter thick walls, three underground floors. In this underground city, without fear of nuclear bombings and without going to the surface, one and a half thousand people could live for three years. The heating system, in principle, was not provided, but in winter and summer in the bunker the temperature is 18 degrees (it is still unclear how the drainage system works).

In the late eighties, the military abandoned the facility, destroying its stuffing. The catacombs were empty for a decade and a half. Bare walls remained, or rather, the rounded arches of a huge hole in a tunnel divided into compartments.

And now it is difficult to imagine that here, under a 10-meter hill, poured specifically for a secret facility, everything was equipped to the highest standard: the walls were tiled, the floor was parquet. There was a sewerage system, a diesel power station, special filters purified the spring water. The hall, five meters high, contained one of the first computers in the field, and a lamp - a huge colossus under the ceiling.

At the initiative of Vladimir Gladchenko, a museum of the history of wars will now appear here. A nearby open-air museum of military equipment is being formed: cars, cannons, armored personnel carriers, tanks, there will be planes and helicopters.

Phantoms of the ancestors guard the treasures

In 1972, in the N-kolkhoz from the Seversky Donets River, they decided to start up water for irrigation of fields. They began to dig a trench. At first everything went well, but on the way I met a large stone that had grown into the ground.

Sometimes you can hear the grinding of metal, some

scary sounds …"

The tractor driver decided to lift it, but it was not of course. The tractor slips, but the stone does not move. I had to dig out the stubborn man, only then they moved him. So, they removed the stone, and under it there was a passage: it lies shallow from the surface, where half a meter, where a meter. All lined with large stones.

Before the war, there was a farm in these places. Then he was gone. The underground passage runs through the entire farm. Maybe there was a sewage drain?

I found an old resident of this farm, O. Ulyanov (in the same 1972), and asked several questions about the unknown move. I just tried in vain.

“I’ve lived here, my dear, since childhood, but I haven’t heard anything about the move. And then I probably would have known. And my grandparents did not say anything about it.

Twenty years have passed since then. The marks were overgrown with grass, the excavations were flooded with water, the secret of the passage remained sealed …

In connection with the appearance of an anomalous phenomenon (AY) over the mountains "Two sisters", not far from Belaya Kalitva, one of the ufological groups conducted research on the site of the disappeared farm. Above the mysterious course, the bio-frames behaved strangely. One of the expedition members says:

- We explored the area adjacent to the mountains, over which the AU was noted, and suddenly bio-frames began to indicate the presence of large areas of voids under our feet. Some extraordinary stones were also found. In ancient times, such stones were probably placed at the graves.

What is this unknown move? Dry masonry with overlapping, chipped stones. The size of the stroke is approximately 50X50 cm.

In 1991, researchers visited here three times, the same number of times this year, but it is too early to talk about any concrete results. There are a lot of versions about the purpose of the move, but we settled on three, taken for workers, which we are working on.

1. Perhaps the passage and the stones are indicators of the burial place of the dead soldiers of the Igor's army.

2. It is possible that this move was used by robbers who robbed merchants on a nearby trade route.

3. It is known that the Don is the forge of the leaders of the peasant wars, and the goods taken from the rich were hidden here, in our places (not in Turkey?). (Why not Alaska? * Typesetter's note)

Remember when they were taking Stepan Razin to the execution, he said, at the last moment, to his brother Frol: “Look, don’t tell the story, bastard, where the treasure is buried! And remember: on a hill, not far from a river, at a turn, by a tall tree ….

The most interesting thing is that bioframes in this particular area show the presence of gold here.

But that's not all. Along with visual dowsing and nature studies, we use such a non-standard method as meditation. When using it, all members of the research group, independently of each other, received confirmation of the presence of gold, moreover, processed by human hands.

Of course, mysterious phenomena and unusual situations may be associated with the still unexplored capabilities of the person himself, his energetic potential and not strictly scientific evidence, but if they are insufficiently studied, this does not mean that they can be discounted. It is possible to treat the information obtained in this way in different ways, to talk about its quality, but it is still interesting to us.

In the area of the “Two Sisters” mountains, where the frames showed “gold”, one of the group members felt the presence of some mysterious creatures with enormous superhuman strength. They are visible only at night in the form of small light formations, reminiscent of both human figures and the contours of other, very different formations.

They are among themselves in a constant struggle for these meta and areas. Sometimes you even hear the grinding of metal, some terrible sounds …

Perhaps these are phantoms of ancestors or "zombies" guarding treasures. If we assume that this is exactly the case, then it is clear that “they” simply will not allow anyone to visit these places …

Underground world of Rostov

Even Herodotus of Halicarnassus in his "History" asserted that some Cimmerians are the guardians of the underworld. And in the Rostov and Novocherkassk museums they keep things confirming that the very Cimmerians lived on our land. And who was this Hades? According to Greek legends, this is the World of the Dead and its location underground.

It turns out that there are huge geological lenses under Rostov. Even the Cimmerians used them as caves, shelters, sanctuaries. Perhaps this was due to the rite of burial of the dead. And the Greeks who saw all this considered that the Cimmerians were the keepers of some Underground gates.

On the territory of the Don, there were thousands of burial mounds, in which there were underground chambers. In these chambers, the leaders were buried with horses, gold and weapons. It turns out that dungeons, caves, secret passages were known on the Don for a long time. They were used in such a way that even foreigners noted it.

Cossacks and dungeons

One of the founding points of Rostov is the Temernitskaya customs, and therefore it was set up because once it was through these caves - the undergrounds, the Cossacks smugglers very famously smuggled smuggled fabrics, tobacco, wine, weapons. In ancient dungeons created from caves, they hid goods. They were taken ashore to the berthing areas of the contraband ship. And they literally disappeared under the noses of the customs officers. They hid in caves after being wounded with fresh wounds. Scars and gunshots. And again it turns out that thanks to the secret underground life, Rostov arose. This was one of the reasons. Collect taxes from Rostovites, which to this day do not change their morals. We can say that underground life and the presence of dungeons formed the way of life and character of the future Rostovite

Once again, the dungeons arose from the fortress of Dmitry Rostovsky. What a fortress from which one cannot secretly escape. It is the underground passages laid under the present Sadovaya Street that are best preserved in the city center to this day. With all its ramifications and exits to the top.

Rostov legends. Underground strawberry

In the 80s of the 19th century, snide old-timers willingly told a curious anecdote about the best people of the city. On the territory of the Park. May 1, around Med. The university had a rotunda. Tea room. Solid, bearded, successful merchants, who cared about their reputation, were surprisingly willing to drink tea there. And across the street, on the contrary, on the site of the present Philharmonic, there was one of the most expensive Establishments with girls. Luxurious Secret Public House for the most respectable public.

He had one drawback; the approach to him was with Sadovaya. And this greatly deterred potential visitors who cared about their reputation. And one day the workers accidentally found a section of the underground passage that began under the Restaurant and led to the Tea Room on the adjacent side of the street. The owners of the institution realized instantly. The passage was cleared. Covered with wallpaper, covered with parquet. Merchants, officials, military men with golden shoulder straps flocked to visit the rotunda "with tea". They went in there, and then went out from there. The prestige was respected. In the tea room nothing but tea and sweets were served.

Only visitors knew about the strawberry that was waiting for them on the other side of the road. The income of the Establishment has increased eight and a half times in two years since the opening of the passage. The girls began to be discharged from Berlin and Paris. Bring from China and the Caucasus. For all tastes. The institution began to allocate money to all charities. At Homes for Orphans and Bunkers. It was on the best account in the city as a support of culture and education. The passage, after the rotunda was destroyed after the revolution, was visible for a very long time and gaped until the 60s. He was remembered by those who climbed there as boys.

The secret plan of the Donskoy mystery scientist A. P. Zimin

Andrei Petrovich Zimin, nicknamed “the patriarch of the Don Cossacks,” was an architect by his specialty and one of the recognized experts in Don history. He gathered around him historians, writers, archivists, artists and collectors. They were part of the "Sholokhov Circle" as the first honorary chairman he was. In which he led the topic of Occult Science. And the undergrounds of the city were one of its most serious Secrets.

It was rumored that he had a map of the Rostov catacombs and dungeons. Perhaps it was one of the pearls of his unique collection of things that turned over ideas about the historical process. During the Soviet era, such information was strictly classified. Zimin, who worked in architectural circles, received a pre-revolutionary copy of the map and a lot of people came to him with a variety of purposes to buy or copy it. Interest in the secrets of the Rostov catacombs has been enormous since the 1980s. Perhaps documents were hidden there during the Civil War. Perhaps the criminal world of the 19th and early 20th centuries found refuge there and had warehouses of stolen goods.

Undoubtedly, during the Great Patriotic War, our underground workers used the dungeons for secret military operations. From there they got out and attacked the Germans. They hid leaflets and weapons there.

In the 80s, those who wanted to search for ancient treasures of the dungeons, as well as those who dreamed of setting up secret religious organizations there, hovered around Zimin. Of course - they got nothing

In the second half of the 80s, many prophets secretly prepared their flock, and it would be very tempting for them to get an underground temple uncontrolled by the state.

Zimin himself said that the abundance of underground passages under the city is explained precisely by the convenience of their creation from geological voids, which people adapted according to their needs. A. P. Zimin died in the mid-90s. Where the document disappeared, about which so much talked is unknown. Until now, in different parts of the city, passages of an extensive network of catacombs open, about which few people know for certain.