"Pyramids" And "faces" On Mars - Alternative View

"Pyramids" And "faces" On Mars - Alternative View
"Pyramids" And "faces" On Mars - Alternative View

Video: "Pyramids" And "faces" On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Why is There a Face on Mars? 2024, September

The planet Mars has long attracted attention. In the past, many astronomers believed that there were canals built by intelligent beings to irrigate waterless soil. After the flight of automatic stations to Mars, it became clear that the "channels" are just huge tectonic cracks, similar to the channels of terrestrial rivers.

But Mars turned out to be a cosmic version of an ancient eastern riddle: penetration into one mystery forces us to unravel two new ones. That is why the question arose: if there is no life on Mars now, then was it not there once? Back in 1973, at the 24th Astronautical Congress in Baku, the Soviet astronomer V. Moroz stated that “there used to be rivers flowing on Mars and lapping … lakes, the pressure was close to atmospheric. On Mars, you can find living things close to terrestrial organisms."

Questions, whether Mars was ever inhabited, whether it was visited by astronauts from other worlds, inevitably arise if we consider some photos of Mars taken by the space probes "Mariner-9" and "Viking-1".

Foreign media have accused NASA that it is hiding a number of space images from the public, indicating that it was not earthlings who were the first to send their probes to Mars. Some high-ranking officials and experts at NASA headquarters unofficially declare the existence of traces of engineering activities of extraterrestrial civilizations on Mars in the form of artificial structures resembling cities, pyramids and debris from a spaceship.

In the area of the Elysium plateau "Mariner-9" in 1972 discovered formations similar to the "field of quadrangular pyramids". In the southern polar region, "Mariner-9" captured geometrically regular structures similar to artificial structures. NASA experts are quite sure that Mariner 9 in 1972 photographed the ruins of the city.

Another unusual photo was taken in 1976 by Viking 1 in the northern hemisphere in the region of Kydonia, where other “ruins” are believed to be located, resembling the Egyptian pyramids.

However, the most interesting of the Martian formations was found about 9 km east of the "pyramids" of Kydonia. This photo was published by NASA. There is a structure on it that looks like a human face. In the immediate vicinity of the "pyramids" a strange dark ring is also visible.

As for the wreckage of the "spaceship", with reference to a Washington source, researcher R. Draker writes: "The wreckage was removed at the limit of optical resolution, about 15 miles from the NASA probe. The pictures show about two-thirds of the all-metal (?) Ship, which could be either cylindrical or in the shape of a plate … You can see the furrow dug by the ship in … the soil."

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There is also an assumption about the possible artificial origin of the "perfectly round" formation on the top of the highest volcanic Mount Olympus, allegedly built by aliens to land their ships.

A series of similar hypotheses includes the coincidence of the location of the three largest volcanoes on Mars with the plan of the three Egyptian pyramids at Giza.

Given that certain circles in the United States may really be interested in hiding information, it makes sense to objectively assess the validity of hypotheses about the artificial origin of the Martian formations in the regions of Kydonia and Elysium.

Based on the published maps and images, the researchers studied the general and local features of the relief, received expert opinions, conducted morphological and compositional analyzes, physical modeling of the Martian formations, comparison with the lunar surface, the shapes and layouts of the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids.

In addition to several craters and shapeless formations, more than a dozen objects with geometric contours stand out in the photo. Among them is a dark ring, completely unlike a crater, four large and several small "pyramids". Small Martian "pyramids" are approximately equal in size to the large Egyptian ones at Giza or recently discovered in the jungle of Brazil, whose height reaches 250 m.

But even these amazing structures look like children's toys when compared with the large Martian "pyramids", which are monstrous in size. So, the side of the base of the largest "pyramid" is about 1.5 km, the height can reach 1 km, if not more (the length of the side of the Cheops pyramid is 230 m, the height is 147 m).

The strange figures are located in a rather tight group on a plot of about 25 square meters. km. Their harsh, geometrically strict chiaroscuro stands out well against a gray hilly background and even resembles an urbanized landscape of cyclopean proportions, which again brings up the idea of artificial origin.

But on Earth there are no such gigantic artificial structures and the mind refuses to believe in their existence on lifeless Mars. But is this a strong enough argument - not on Earth? Do we have reason to unconditionally deny the possibility of the existence in the Galaxy or even in the solar system of civilizations capable of colonizing Mars, a planet that once flourished? In theory, such a possibility is not excluded.

In addition, one should not forget that the force of Martian gravity is only 1/3 of the Earth's, so the enormous size of the Martian formations seems incredible only for earthly artificial structures. With this gravity on Mars, a human-like creature could be a giant. Could it not be assumed that the mythical giants, to whom the legends attribute the construction of the Stone Age megaliths, came from Mars? Wasn't such an alien among the rock carvings photographed in the Tassili mountains in the Sahara by the French explorer Henri Lot, who called him the "Great God of the Martians"?

As for the most intriguing formation - "face", some even believe that this is a woman's face, because it is framed by something like hair. Indeed: the eyes, mouth and nose are so symmetrical, chiaroscuro is so anthropomorphic that it is difficult to believe in its natural origin. In addition, the "face" is oriented strictly along the meridian of Mars, which is difficult to explain by chance.

The “face” is about 1500 m long. Since the angle of incidence of the sun's rays in the NASA photo is about 20 °, the height of the “bas-relief” can reach 550 m.

What is it? A death mask that captures the tragedy of a hypothetical Martian civilization, a dumb call directed to brothers in mind? A kind of Martian Sphinx, as mysterious as the Egyptian? Or is it still a play of nature?

Official science claims that both the "face" and the "pyramids" are really a play of nature, nothing more. And chiaroscuro is snow or areas of high reflectivity. Although he admits the obvious: a number of relief elevations have a geometrically regular shape.

Of course, in the Martian "shadow theater" it is not easy to find the shadows of artificial formations, even if they really exist. The results obtained must be evaluated with all this in mind. However, the appearance of the contours of light and shade on the raised ribs, the shape and length of the cast shadows, the different density of the shadow on the unlit side, at least in the largest formations, are typical not for open faults, not for outbursts or cones of volcanoes, but for elevations, square and rectangular in plan.

More cautious researchers cite both natural and artificial analogs of Martian figures as examples. Among the natural ones are the television image of the central hill of Alphonse crater on the Moon, taken by Ranger 9, and the weathering "pyramids" in the vicinity of Cappadocia in Turkey. Among the artificial ones are the shadows of the Egyptian pyramids.

Artificial structures and their ensembles differ from natural formations by a higher degree of ordering, certain patterns in the planning. Are there any geometric patterns in the ensemble of Martian figures, are there any analogies with architectural complexes on Earth? However, none of the representatives of official science looked for such patterns.

The compositional analysis undertaken by the researchers unexpectedly showed that if the contours of the "pyramids", "face" and the dark ring are defined more or less correctly, then they are not chaotically located, but form an ordered, complex system.

The axis of the "face" and the largest "pyramid" are in the first approximation parallel and oriented to the north (like the Giza pyramid complex). The axes of the other three large "pyramids" are parallel to each other and rotated in relation to the meridian by about 16 ° (angle alpha).

It is curious that the angle of 16.36 ° is the basis for the layout of Stonehenge, the oldest megalithic monument on Earth, and, as established by many researchers, determines the geometry of many other ancient structures.

The shadows of the Egyptian pyramids can also be cited as an artificial analogue of the shadows of the Martian formations.

In this case, the position and dimensions of all figures are, as it were, mutually consistent and depend on the axial lines and tangents to the sides of their bases. The dark ring is located in the middle of the field occupied by the “pyramids” and the “face”, so that a circle drawn from the center of the ring covers the entire composition.

In terms of their absolute dimensions, the large Martian "pyramids" have no analogues among man-made structures on Earth. But in the compositional aspect, some analogies come to light. The arrangement of the figures of the Martian complex is, in principle, comparable to the layout of the Mexican pyramids, for example, the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in Teotihuacan, the pyramids and temples in Uxmal and Chichen Itza. The analogy lies in the rather dense, interconnected arrangement of the pyramids and, most importantly, in the same rotation of the axes of the Martian formations and the terrestrial pyramids in relation to the meridian by the same angle.

However, a thread of evidence of the artificial origin of the Martian "pyramids" that has appeared can hardly serve as a guide. The fact is that it is at this angle to the meridian that a series of faults passes through Kydonia. And not only in Kydonia, but also on the Elysium plateau, almost everywhere on Mars, faults have a western or eastern deviation from the meridian at an angle of alpha or two alpha. A similar pattern is typical for earth faults. It is possible that we are dealing with some new regularity in nature and … the architecture of the ancients, which is no less interesting in itself.

And yet, having seen the face of the "Martian Sphinx", having comprehended the geometrism of the forms, their orderliness, it takes a lot of effort to agree with the seemingly natural idea of the natural origin of these forms.

Analyzing the Martian formations, it is impossible to avoid the question of the purpose of the construction of the terrestrial pyramids and their possible Martian counterparts. The inconceivable dimensions of the latter, if they are really pyramids, call into question the ideas of the pyramids-tombs of the pharaohs and religious buildings now accepted in science.

If the images of Mars are really artificial structures, then this radically changes our ideas about the origin of intelligence in the Universe. Aren't the Martian "pyramids" and "face" material evidence of the existence of alien civilizations?

And if we add a lot of objects such as heads, faces, figures, hands and other "sculptures" discovered by researchers in color photographs taken already in our century, then the sacramental question "Is there life on Mars" can be answered in the affirmative: "At least it definitely was!"

