Cholula Pyramid - Alternative View

Cholula Pyramid - Alternative View
Cholula Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: Cholula Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: Cholula Pyramid - Alternative View
Video: The Largest Pyramid in the World: The Great Pyramid of Cholula | Ancient Architects 2024, September

"What you don't understand does not belong to you"


The four-step Great Pyramid of Cholula, the largest pyramid in North America. In the Nahuatl language, the Cholula pyramid means "artificial mountain". Another version of the translation of the name of the Cholula pyramid is “the place of those who disappeared”, that is, this is the place of memory of the fallen builders of the pyramid. Another name for the pyramid - "the place from which the gods flew away", requires explanation. Perhaps this name appeared after the pyramid was buried under the loess deposits of Noah's Flood. But traditionally, such places in mythology are considered "the place where God came down to Earth", and according to the Indian legend, the gods flew here "on a stone wigwam." Therefore, this area was considered by the Indians of the New World another "place of power." And this may serve as another explanation for such an unusual etymology of the name of the pyramid. The Cholulu pyramid is the main object of the huge architectural complex located in Cholulu. It is the largest pyramid in the New World, at 55 meters (180 feet) and 400 by 400 meters (1300 by 1300 feet) at its base. The volume of the Cholulu pyramid is much larger than the volume of the Khufu pyramid in Egypt, and is 4.45 million cubic meters, while the volume of the Giza pyramid is 2.5 million cubic meters, while the Egyptian pyramid is much higher, its height is 138.8 The multifunctional complex of Cholula was dedicated to the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl, which was the mythological symbol of the comet-retribution, and its architectural style resembles the famous Teotihuacan, and the city of El Tahini (literally “city of thunder”), located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The Cholula architectural complex is located approximately fifteen kilometers from the city of Pueblo. A few words must be said about archaeological research on the pyramids.

Unfortunately, almost all the known literature on the pyramids, including the Cholulu pyramid, is descriptive, and this does not allow us to speak specifically about their astronomical secrets and the most complex mathematical and calendar calculations laid down by the ancient priests in the architecture of the pyramids.

In addition, during archaeological excavations, each pyramid is explored separately, independently of each other. But, in my opinion, all the large pyramids of the Earth represent a single complex of astronomical knowledge, therefore, their archaeological research must be carried out in close cooperation with astronomers and mathematicians. This will allow scientists to easily identify the astronomical relationships that exist between the time of the construction of the pyramids, the period of circulation of the "retribution comet" and the dates of the Earth's global cosmic catastrophes.

After all, this is the main astronomical secret of the Earth, which the ancient architects laid in these architectural religious and astronomical complexes, regardless of where on the globe they were located and when they were built. The safety margin of the pyramids was calculated for millennia, and the calculation of the ancient architects was based on the fact that these structures could survive in the fire of the most terrible global cosmic catastrophes on Earth. And subsequent generations who survived a global cosmic catastrophe can easily determine the astronomical secrets inherent in the architecture of the pyramids. Our story will go about these secrets in a selection of materials about the most famous pyramids in the world.

The most ancient of the pyramids, for example the Akapana pyramidal complex, survived three global cosmic catastrophes on Earth: in 9612 BC, 5604 BC, and in 1596 BC. (dates are given in modern chronology). And it is almost certain that some of the pyramids will survive the coming "end of the world", which, according to my calculations, should take place in 2412. Therefore, it was the pyramids, according to the plan of the ancient priests, were called upon to preserve the most terrible secret of the Earth for posterity.

The previous antediluvian calendar eras can be easily identified by the pyramids. Indeed, due to changes in the angle of inclination of the earth's axis, occurring during global cataclysms, the previous calendar eras immediately become worthless, and the zodiacal calendar, according to which all previous civilizations lived, after each global cosmic catastrophe, needs to be adjusted. And the pyramids that survived the cataclysm helped to easily link the chronology between the old and new calendar eras.

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But academic scientists have not yet matured to such an understanding of this problem, because all research on the topic of global catastrophes of the Earth, with the light hand of the French Academy of Sciences, is still under an unofficial ban. After such a forced explanation, let's go back to the Cholula pyramid.

In 1519, the Spanish conquistadors, led by Cortés, attacked the city of Cholulu, which was then home to up to one hundred thousand people, and staged a bloody massacre, in which up to 6,000 people were killed. At the same time, the main temple of Cholulu, dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, was destroyed. The Cholulu pyramid was first mentioned in the Mexican Vaticanus codex, and its first explorer was apparently Alexander Humboldt, who described it as a pyramid with four steps.

And in 1666, at the top of the Cholula pyramid, the Spaniards built the Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin of the Comforter. And we should say that after the conquest, the Spaniards traditionally built their churches and temples on the site of the most famous architectural complexes of the Indian tribes of the New World, which indicates that the holy places of the Indian tribes, at least, did not contradict the traditional religious values of the Catholic religion.

The pyramid was hidden for a long time under a thick layer of sediment, and looked like a huge hill, which gave rise to several versions.

According to one version, the Spaniards did this to permanently hide the Indian sanctuary, on top of which a Catholic church was erected. According to another version, the Indians themselves did this to hide their sanctuary from the Spanish conquerors approaching the city. But archaeologists believe that the abandoned and partially destroyed pyramid was hidden under a thick layer of loess deposits, and looked like an imposing hill, long before the arrival of the conquistadors. And, it should be said that such loess deposits over ancient structures in Mexico are found everywhere. Therefore, we must assume that in this case we have the opportunity to observe the traces of one of the incredibly powerful cosmic cataclysms (flood), the mud showers of which buried the pyramid in Cholulu. The researchers noticedthat the difference in the astronomical orientation of the pyramid in Cholulu, and the astronomical orientation of the Road of the Dead in Teotihuacan, is approximately one and a half degrees, which suggests that the pyramid was built after the global cataclysm of 5604 BC.

Archaeologists have found traces of different cultures within the city of Cholulu, and it must be assumed that each of them took part in its construction. This version is supported by the continuity of the masonry style of the Cholula complex.

But after Noah's flood, apparently, they tried to restore the Cholula pyramid, as evidenced by traces of inept masonry, which differs sharply from the previous style of stone work.

Probably, the post-Flood civilization tried to restore the structure, partially destroyed during Noah's flood, on which the labor of many previous civilizations was expended, because, according to archaeologists, the pyramid could be built within two thousand years (?!). But the destroyed infrastructure of the post-Flood civilization simply did not allow making high-quality repairs using the previous technology. This is evidenced by the primitive clay masonry at the very top of the pyramid reported by Alexander Humboldt. But the lower tiers of the pyramid consist of granite blocks, carefully processed and fitted to each other, with an Olmec-style ornament applied to them. There are also steles from super-strong quartzite brought here by archaeologists, discovered not far from the Cholulu complex. And this suggeststhat the Cholulu pyramid was built not far from the place of the iconic cosmic explosion, for the steles (lit: a) "pillar"; b) a star.”), like the pyramids themselves, were traditionally installed at the sites of cosmic explosions.

Probably shocked by the size of the Cholulu pyramid, modern researchers put forward a fantastic version that the Cholulu pyramid was allegedly built by the tribes of giants, whose height reached five meters. In my opinion, this version cannot be reliable, if only because the height of the underground galleries is too small for people of such height, and the height and width of the steps of the stairs of the Cholulu pyramid are inadequately small for five-meter giants. In addition, in mythology, the term "giant" is used to designate the pillar of the cosmic electric-discharge explosion, and the name itself comes from the ancient Egyptian name for "retribution comet" - Hyksos. (for more details see the article "Hyksos"). The flood version of the legend about the origin of the Cholula pyramid reports that once upon a time, before the "creation of the world", the entire area where the Cholula pyramid is now located,was covered by the waters of the Flood and darkness. And when sunlight broke through the darkness, giants appeared here. They were so delighted with the sunshine that they decided to build a pyramid here with stairs, along which it would be possible to climb up to the sky. Enraged by unprecedented audacity, the gods destroyed the constructed structure and scattered the builders of the pyramid all over the world. Confusingly, this version of the legend is very similar to the biblical story about the construction of the Tower of Babel. Perhaps it is a direct borrowing from the Bible. But, it is possible that this legend is another indirect evidence of the once existing single pracivilization of the Earth. And the reliability of the flood legend is now reminiscent of a thick layer of loess still uncleared by archaeologists, still partially covering the pyramid, as evidence of giant mud showers,once fell upon this region.

Under the Cholulu pyramid, archaeologists have dug up a whole gallery of underground multi-level passages. Their length, open to tourists, is about eight kilometers. It is still impossible to say what the total length of these passages is, and whether there are any other underground rooms there. But there is no doubt that they had some kind of practical purpose, and it is possible that they could be used as underground storage facilities, or a refuge in case of natural disasters. At least Alexander Humboldt reports that, according to local residents, many Indians hid in these passages, from the conquistadors of Cortes, during the Cholulu massacre.

In Cholulu, the number of churches and temples is approaching a hundred, and it can be assumed that since ancient times the city has traditionally been a religious temple complex and one of the most revered Indian sanctuaries, located near the epicenter of one of the major cosmic explosions. Researchers report that the Great Pyramid of Cholulu, like the Great Pyramid of Chichen Itza, was built on top of another, more ancient pyramid. And it was a much more ancient religious complex than is currently believed. In 1997, during the winter and spring solstices, here, as in Chichen Itza, the light "effect of a creeping snake" was discovered, which makes it reasonable to believe that the pyramid was associated with ancient calendar cycles and, among other things, was an astroarchitectural object. And apparentlyCholulu has long been an object of pilgrimage for Indians who came here to worship the supreme god of the tribes of the New World Quetzalcoatl, "a snake covered with green feathers." Archaeological research of the pyramid continues, and there is no doubt that it will give archaeologists many more great discoveries.

The Cholulu complex is usually compared with the legendary Tollan, (literally "paradise", for more details see the article "Paradise"). Unfortunately, modern researchers, using this comparison, do not understand its meaning. Therefore, we will make the necessary explanation. In the mythology of the tribes of the New World, including the Toltecs (Toltecs), the word Tollan was called "the place where the reed grows." And in order to clarify the meaning of this term, it should be said that in world mythology, the term "reed" was the designation of the place of a cosmic explosion.

That is, the word Tollan was used to designate the places of cosmic explosions, and therefore it was usually used as a prefix to the name of a city or area, or simply as the name of the place of a cosmic explosion. And this is recorded in the names of Indian cities. For example, the capital of the Aztecs, the city of Tenochtitlan, was sometimes called Tollan Tenochtitlan, the city of Tula (Tola), the city of Tulancingo, the city of Cholulu (Tolula), the city of Chichen Itza (Tollan), and so on. Therefore, in the mythology of the Toltecs, Tollan is the home of the supreme god of the tribes of the New World Quetzalcoatl (it was a symbol of space, "retribution comet" and a global cosmic catastrophe), who, according to legend, after being defeated in the fight against Tezcatlipoca, retired to Tollan, promising to return.)

Researchers report that the Great Pyramid of Cholula was built over an older, smaller pyramid with 180 meters (590 feet) of stairs leading to the top of the pyramid. Let's pause and think, why, in both Chichen Itza and Cholula, a new pyramid was built on top of another, older one? After all, it was easier and cheaper, they had to be built in another place, on the sites of other space explosions. The explanation is simple. The faces of the pyramids, during construction, were always traditionally oriented by the ancient architects to the cardinal points. The former pyramid at Cholula, apparently, was built before the cataclysm of 9612 BC, and its edges fixed the position of the cardinal points that existed before this cosmic catastrophe.

And the new pyramid, built on top of the old one, but after the cataclysm of 5604, due to the displacement of the earth's axis, had a different astronomical orientation, which was different from the astronomical orientation of the older pyramid. Therefore, the builders needed a complex of two pyramids in order to clearly record the difference in the astronomical orientation of both pyramids. It is because of this that additional costs and difficulties during construction did not prevent the ancient priests from realizing their plan. After all, this knowledge was focused on the benefit of future generations, and this is especially important to emphasize, because the ancient priests knew that all civilizations are developing progressively. And even knowing about the inevitable death of their civilization, they believed that subsequent earthly civilizations, after long millennia of their development, would one day achieve their perfection,and become "like their gods." After all, the idea that once people were "like gods" is present in all the ancient myths of the Earth.

The development of this mythologeme by the priests consists in the fact that people must believe that in the future they will return their lost divine principle, for it is laid within us. This is the essence of the ancient unified religion of the Earth, which now exists in the form of five independent most respected faiths.

In the small museum of the Cholula pyramid complex, there is a model of the pyramid, in the form that modern archaeologists imagine it, and if you climb to the top of the pyramid, you can see the snow-capped peak of Popocatepetl volcano, the main symbol of many flood legends and myths.

In Cholula, in 1563, the famous Aztec manuscript Codex Telleriano Remensis was compiled, which consists of three sections. The first section describes a 365-day solar calendar called shiupoualli (literally "counting years"). The second section describes the 260-day ritual calendar. The third section of the code is the chronicles. And this is indirect evidence that the Cholula pyramid was directly related to the ancient calendars, but, unfortunately, this hidden relationship between the Cholula pyramid and the ancient calendar eras has not yet been revealed by archaeologists and astronomers.