Find Sotomayor - Alternative View

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Find Sotomayor - Alternative View
Find Sotomayor - Alternative View

Video: Find Sotomayor - Alternative View

Video: Find Sotomayor - Alternative View
Video: Sonia Sotomayor - “Just Ask!” & Life as a Supreme Court Justice | The Daily Show 2024, September

I suspect that I belong to a multitude of people inclined to romanticize archeology and other professions associated with the search for traces of the past. We see only the result, presented in the form of unique findings that allow us to create an image of the most ancient civilizations. The painstaking, titanic work of researchers remains "behind the scenes", but gradually they achieve their goal: there are fewer blank spots on the world map.

However, they will definitely be enough for the next century: for example, in South America, archaeologists are still making amazing discoveries. This does not always require any special preparation, knowledge or desire to find something: sometimes simple luck is enough (there is a huge risk of just passing by and not noticing the ancient ruins - too abundant greenery). Otherwise, how can you explain that the most interesting finds are sometimes made absolutely by accident?

This happened to Elias Sotomayor during his work in Ecuador. A geologist by profession, in his research he was quite far from archeology: the task of the Sotomayor group was to search for minerals in the territory of the canton of La Mana, famous for the wealth of its bowels. This area is replete with caves, under which endless underground labyrinths stretch: once metal ores were mined there, and now Sotomayor had to determine whether there was anything useful in the old mine working, and together with his team he went into one of the passages, having descended to a depth of almost 90 meters. There, a unique cache was discovered with objects not typical for Ecuador in particular and South America in general: after consulting, the researchers decided not to mention it in the reporting documents, and kept the find secret for several decades. Right before his death, Sotomayor told his family about the treasure of 350 exhibits: the geologist's relatives told the world about the find in the old mine.

What did Sotomayor find?

The treasure consisted of objects that, according to the author's impression, belonged not only to different eras, but also to different civilizations. As a material for their manufacture, unknown craftsmen used stone, clay and metal, and on some artifacts Sotomayor considered symbols unknown to science. Some of them vaguely resembled letters, the other consisted of spirals and completely incomprehensible squiggles.

Especially the geologist was hooked by a small pyramid only 25 cm high, the black-and-white surface of which was adorned with a very skillful engraving, imitating 13 steps of brickwork. On the upper part of the item, using the same engraving method, the master depicted an eye and inlaid it with gold. Just like the Masonic pyramid that can be seen on the US $ 1 bill. The geologist noted that if you shine a little by eye with a flashlight, then after that it shone in the dark for a short time. Sotomayor described four symbols that he was able to see on the bottom edge, however, he did not understand what they mean.

A set of 13 bowls was also found there: one large one contained exactly as much liquid as was placed in all the others (of a smaller volume) at the same time. The same symbols were on the bottom of the containers.

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Among other things, many stones of various sizes were found, and the irregular shape was artificially given, by long grinding: some were convex, others concave, others with a depression in the center, or simply flat. Each stone was decorated with a simple drawing: all the same spirals or circles. On one, the researcher found a projection of a pyramid: the lines on the polished surface depicted a triangle, and rays diverged from its center to each of the vertices. Several more were carved in the form of snakes, and quite recognizable: "whole" individuals, curled up in a ring, or made separately heads with drawn eyes and a hood. On the throat of the one with the hood, the master drew 33 lines, possibly symbolizing a staircase. On both sides of the "ladder" he put 7 points, and connected them with lines. Remarkablythat in the snakes depicted on the stones, cobras are easily recognizable: the drawings are very realistic, and are clearly made from nature. And all would be fine, but only in South America cobras are not found.


Cobras were also found in anthropomorphic sculptures: small, but very precisely executed figures stood, sat and lay in different poses. One of them sat in the lotus position, and held a cobra in her mouth; the lying ones had a clearly visible bare navel, marked in the form of concentric circles. None of the figurines in appearance resembled the inhabitants of Ecuador, but they all had pronounced features of the Indo-European race, decorated with all the same symbols.

Non-existent world

The find contained not only stones and a pyramid: among the artifacts, two helmets were found - metal and stone. The first resembled the hats we were used to, and at the base of the second, in the neck area, there was a triangular opening of unknown purpose. He practically did not cover his head, maximum - the back of the head. It is assumed that when worn, the stone edges of the helmet rested against the shoulders. From the inside on its surface, as on many other objects, dots glowing in the dark were found.

Other finds with luminous dots included an egg-shaped boulder. At first glance, it was decorated with chaotic lines that do not carry any semantic load, however, if you look closely, you can see the outlines of islands and continents.


Sotomayor was a geologist, and he saw it perfectly, but he hardly liked what he saw: among other continents, he managed to find Atlantis, and instead of the Japanese islands, the legendary continent of Mu was found. The same eye as in the pyramid inlay was drawn on a thick white line outlining the boulder. In fact, it was a prototype of a modern globe, only the world marked on it ceased to exist a very long time ago, if it existed at all. Therefore, Sotomayor was in no hurry to share his discovery, but preferred to keep silent about it.

The Creator's Son Will Come

Immediately after the discovery of artifacts in 1984 and in subsequent years, their secret was preserved, but sooner or later everything becomes clear. Apparently, someone from the geological team decided to share his secret, and reporters immediately found out about it. There were people eager for sensations. The first was Klaus Dona, a connoisseur of the unknown in certain circles and a big fan of Erich von Daniken. Archaeologists were reluctant to share their opinions and comments on the finds, but Dona still tried to give them a relatively accurate description in his work, calling them one of the most important discoveries of the century.

Being an addicted person, he was not going to stop at half measures and used all his connections to find professionals from the field of linguistics. Having found those who arranged it, Klaus Dona provided them with a description and photos. Linguists came to the conclusion that the inscriptions on the bowls and the pyramid were made in Prasanskrit, and the phrase in the latter translates as "the creator's son will come." The same team of researchers is convinced that in ancient times the entire population of the planet spoke Prasanscrit, including the inhabitants of today's Africa, Europe, India, China, both Americas and other territories. Significant changes in the language subsequently led to the fact that unity in this regard was lost, however, such conservative languages as Sanskrit and the Slavic group have still retained this connection.


Don also brought in anthropologists. These experts, having studied the figurines, came to the conclusion that the images have features characteristic of the Hindus. Naturally, such a conclusion became a sensation, because not a single scientist could provide a coherent version of how the Indians got to the territory of South America in prehistoric times - Dona named the approximate age of the statues, and according to his calculations they were made in the VI millennium BC …

Other guesses were also voiced. Some researchers saw Semitic features on the artifacts, which could not but rejoice the descendants of the tribes of Israel. By the way, signs like the all-seeing eye, pyramids and the like speak in favor of the notorious "knees", and spirals and circles are perfectly combined with Indian mandalas and the beliefs of North American Indians about a round world. Not without assumptions about the alien origin of the treasure: the supporters of this theory easily examined the outline of the constellations known to us in the luminous points inside the stone helmet. Ufologists considered them to be a kind of map of the starry sky, which indicates the path traveled by the colonizers from another galaxy, that is, "the gods who descended from heaven."

Padre Crespi collection

It is possible that all researchers are right: those who attribute the artifacts to the Masons, and those who saw the features of the Hindus in them, and the rest too. The fact is that the items discovered by geologists differ too much in manufacturing technique, style, quality and other parameters. They simply cannot be attributed to any one nation. It is very likely that a collector brought them into the cave, wanting to hide them from the whole world.

A similar mess of times and peoples was characteristic of the collection of Padre Crespi. For half a century, he collected everything that, for some reason, considered an artifact of the past. He was not interested in authorship of objects, their age and place of discovery. After the death of the priest, the huge collection was gradually lost, and its traces were lost in time. It is possible that it was Padre Crespi who brought some of his treasures to this cave so that lovers of easy money would not find them. They did not find them, but Sotomayor accidentally stumbled upon the cache.


And the most interesting thing. Official science has not yet denied the authenticity of these items in writing, preferring to orally call them forgeries and "irrelevant artifacts." It is necessary to remember the last wording - it will definitely come in handy when I do not have words suitable for the generally accepted opinion.