Tom's Thoughts And Comments - Alternative View

Tom's Thoughts And Comments - Alternative View
Tom's Thoughts And Comments - Alternative View

Video: Tom's Thoughts And Comments - Alternative View

Video: Tom's Thoughts And Comments - Alternative View
Video: Всемирный потоп | RAFT 2021 | эпизод 1 2024, September

Back to the article "The Art of Jumping Over Time Lines, The Hathor Message Through Tom Kenyon"

In this message, my eyes caught on a few things. First of all, they used the term "trans-historical", which I had never heard before. When I asked them about it, they said that it describes a way to consider certain types of intergalactic influences that go beyond linear time. Thus, the influences they speak of were generated from outside of time, as we understand it, but then manifested themselves in our timeline from prehistoric times to the present. I didn’t quite understand everything they said here and am only passing it on.

Since they had emphasized the importance of temporary nodes so many times and went back to how to jump from one timeline to another, I asked them about the duration of the current temporary node. They believe this time node is very important as it contains multiple overlapping possible / probable timelines that will affect our planet and our destiny as a species. They especially noted two timelines - a timeline that confirms the prophecies of destruction and purification, going along with a line leading to a new and more grateful future, a timeline designated as New Earth.

So when does this temporary node start and end? They believe that this particular time knot of polar opposite directions in the development of the fate of humanity emerged in July this year and will continue with various changes until July 2013.

Note that they are not saying that the New Earth timeline will begin to exist during this time node. In fact, in their opinion, this benevolent timeline has been around for quite some time. But both of these lines of planetary destruction and planetary renewal go very close to each other (a property of a temporary node). Thus, for those who know how to jump from one line to another, it is much easier to do this when the line you want is so close to the one you are on.

The significance of this timeline is that humanity is at a point of choice as to which of these timelines it will experience as a collective reality. And, according to the Hathors, the reality that will prevail is anchored in the choices that we now make as individuals and as a society.

In this message, the Hathors conveyed a basic method of leaping across the timelines, which they pointed out is information for those of us who choose to live in a different, more favorable reality than the surreal and life-hostile reality in which humanity now lives.

The Preparation and Training section of this message can of course be used as a method of personal manifestation. Indeed, those experienced in such matters would rather view this information as Manifestation 101 (?). But the simplicity of the method speaks volumes about its depth. The Hathors are masters of simplifying complex concepts and techniques, and this case is no exception. However, the manifestation of personal desires is not the reason they shared this basic method, although it works for such a purpose. Rather, they presented a method that will allow us to radically shift the planetary reality, if not for the family of all humanity, at least for ourselves.

Promotional video:

I really liked the metaphor they chose to describe our current situation - a ship at sea. Indeed, our situation reminds me of what happened to the Titanic when it was sinking. The ship collided with an iceberg, and its lower levels were filled with water. At first, they tried to hide the danger from those on the upper decks. So that the party went on, the orchestra played until the end was evident.

In the manipulated media hype of our consumer-obsessed society, some point out that our ship S. S. Western Civilization leaned heavily to one side, or that he sits dangerously low in the water.

The Hathors believe that if enough humans jump to another timeline, leaving behind the line of planetary destruction and instead entering a more benign and life-friendly reality they call the New Earth, many of the catastrophic predictions regarding our planet will fail.

But they also make it clear that even if we collectively do not move into a higher destiny, something remarkable will happen to those of us who dare to live in a reality different from that imposed on us by our culture. "You can live in Heaven while suffering around you."

There is something else in the last message that I think is vital, especially for those of us who are really about to attempt the leap across the timelines. And this "something" has to do with our human capacity for delusional or "magical" thinking. In the event that you are not familiar with this term, magical thinking is a mental disorder in which a person believes that as soon as he thinks about something, it becomes or can become reality without any effort on his / her part. …

There is, in my opinion, a highly toxic element in New Age thinking that encourages denial as a means of coping with life's difficulties (i.e. magical thinking). And, of course, the existing and growing madness of our world is becoming increasingly difficult for many. But if some take from this reading that denial is an acceptable way of dealing with the realities of our current timeline, then I would like to point out that the Hathors are saying something opposite.

Part of the art of jumping across timelines is holding the vision and vibrational signature of the timeline you want to experience. But at the same time, you must pay attention to the realities of the current timeline you are on. This is the life between the worlds and this is the mastery to which the Hathors call us.

I suspect that many of those who choose to jump over timelines (myself included) will face a learning curve where we are either unable to jump to a new timeline or fail to keep it. This is perfectly normal when learning new skills and, yes, it is essentially a new skill, albeit very deep. So I advise all of us new timeline jumpers to be gentle with ourselves, drop self-judgment, and embark on this type of learning experience with a good sense of humor. After all, all that is, from a certain point of view, is one big cosmic joke.

How we deal with the realities of a transforming (some will say - drowning) civilization, while keeping in minds and hearts the timeline on which we would like to live, will undoubtedly be an art form.

So … my colleagues are Artists of the Mystery of Life. For those of you who are fascinated by this vision and courageous enough to jump, I raise my glass.

I salute you and the great thing we are about to do, which is nothing more than ascending into our own higher qualities as spirit beings living human experiences.

Blessings to you and your loved ones.

Tom Kenyon.
