What Types Of People Are Attracted To Ghosts - Alternative View

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What Types Of People Are Attracted To Ghosts - Alternative View
What Types Of People Are Attracted To Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: What Types Of People Are Attracted To Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: What Types Of People Are Attracted To Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: Signs that a ghostly presence is around you | Paranormal videos | Spiritual enlightenment videos 2024, July

Those who have experienced the paranormal know that spirits can be around us at any time. Most people just don't get it. Ghosts come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They appear at historical sites, on ancient battlefields, in forests, in the middle of the ocean, and even in our own homes. You can see them walking down a busy city street or sitting on an old train track.

Who are ghosts?

Ghosts exist, can we explain them by science or not. There are many theories as to whether they are actual human spirits caught between this world and the next, or potentially trapped in residual energy from past traumatic events. Or is it just a glimpse into the past, some sort of time travel movie, shown to those who are in the wrong place at the wrong time? Ghosts can be cute, angry, apathetic, or sad. They sometimes show emotion and sometimes they don't. The question is, why do some people see ghosts and spirits while others have never seen? Are ghosts attracted to certain people?

Believers versus unbelievers

Does belief in certain things correspond to real experience with these things? For example, people who believe in God have a spiritual experience, while those who do not believe in God claim they did not have one. This also applies to those who believe in ghosts. Many people who believe in the spirit world have experienced paranormal activity, while those who do not believe in ghosts say they do not exist because they have never seen them in real life. Maybe it's not that ghosts don't exist, but that they block the ability to see them.


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The theory for this anomaly is that when a person opens his mind to the spirit world, he opens a channel for more information. This information may include the ability to see, hear, or sense various kinds of spirits nearby. As human beings, we consciously and subconsciously choose what we want or don't want to see. There is a psychological term - scotomization. Scotomization explains why people unknowingly block certain experiences in life that injure or damage their psyche. Therefore, if we tell ourselves that we do not believe in ghosts to protect our psyche, we can mentally block any potential sightings of the paranormal, whether we consider them frightening or not.

Psychics and mediums

While it is easier for believers to see ghosts, people with certain seemingly “psychic” powers also see and feel ghosts more strongly than others. Are these people really "psychics" or are they just believers who have developed the spiritual side of their brain that allows them to see spirits?


There are different kinds of sensitive people. There are clairvoyants who can see spirits or receive flashes of their images in the mind. That is, those who can feel the presence of mind. There are those who are able to hear the words of the ghost, speak to him and see his movement. Psychic mediums are a different type, a person can make contact with a spirit and convey their message to another person. They can use the past, present and future.

The question arises: the spirits are around us all the time and can you see or feel them? Or are they attracted to certain types of people, such as psychics and mediums?

Children and ghosts

Ghost attraction to children and mothers is very common. There are hundreds of ghost stories involving children. Check out some of the infamous ghosts that often revolve around children: Amityville (inspired The Conjuring movie), Ghost in Connecticut with the Snedeker family, and the scary list doesn't end there. In the film "The Ghost of Amityville", the first people who noticed ghosts were children, in addition, these children could enter into dialogue with ghosts.


Why are ghosts and spirits attracted to children? Babies are pure creatures, fresh souls in a somewhat tarnished world. They are innocent, and their innocence is like a beacon glowing in the dark, so they may well attract ghosts. Another theory is that they are more vulnerable and trustworthy. It is also possible that children are more adapted to the spirit world. They have not lost their imagination or surprise and are more likely to believe in the spirit world because they have not been told that these things do not exist.

Mothers and ghosts

As for the ghosts that mothers are attracted to, the following explanation can be found: there are children's ghosts or children's spirits that seek to approach women who are mothers. The more obvious reason is that if a child dies and becomes a ghost, then any woman who is a mother can feel the presence of mind. If you still don’t believe, here is the story of one woman: “During our trip to Montana, my family and I stayed in a nice condominium in downtown Whitefish. On the first day when we were there, I stood in the kitchen and heard the child call "mom".


The strangest thing about this was that my son was asleep, my daughter was in the next room, quietly watching TV, and I knew that the voice did not belong to one of my children. On the same day, my daughter wiped the table with a wet towel, and the words “don't go” appeared on the wet table. My husband saw this message and told me. This was really scary.

People who practice the occult

Another type of person who attracts spirits is one who is addicted to the occult. This may be a teenager who decides to “play” with the Ouija board. Or a woman who reads Tarot cards and makes several love spells. Or it could even be a grown man with an interest in the topic of the paranormal. Again, it is more influential whether a person believes in ghosts or not. But nevertheless, when a person consciously begins to engage in the occult, he attracts ghosts.

When a person interacts with the other side, in whatever way it may be, he may well open a door or portal to allow the spirits to pass. There are so many stories on the Internet about children who played with tablets for seance, thinking that they were harmless, and then learned that there are spirits that "pass" through the board and settle in our world, bringing havoc to the people who played with this board and disturbed their peace.

be careful

If you are going to practice the occult, you should also know how to protect yourself spiritually and keep your home from spiritual invasion. This includes learning how to properly draw protective circles and barriers when needed, and how to root out any negative energy or entity that may appear in your home.


What is the truth?

So what is it? Are ghosts attracted by certain people, such as believers, psychics, children and occult dilettantes, or is it possible that spirits are around us all the time, and there are certain people who see and feel them?

Whatever the reason for the paranormal activity, one thing is for sure - when you experience presence of mind, it cannot be denied. We can explain it or try to rationalize it, but in the end, ghosts are real. Who ghosts really are: the products of our imagination, residual energy from traumatic events or lost souls, you must decide for yourself, paying attention only to your feelings and inner state.

Author: Lyudmila Antonova