Envy Is Always Terrible - Alternative View

Envy Is Always Terrible - Alternative View
Envy Is Always Terrible - Alternative View

Video: Envy Is Always Terrible - Alternative View

Video: Envy Is Always Terrible - Alternative View
Video: Jealous of someone? Watch this 2024, September

In the tales of various nations, there are similar stories about how evil sorceresses take revenge for not being invited to a celebration on the occasion of the birthday of the princess. The legend of the enchanted "sleeping princesses" is not so far from reality. Children are most often the subject of witch hunts and an easy source of clean energy for so-called "energy vampires."

But the most important insidiousness lies in the fact that envious people or just angry witches can easily harm a child not only in the present, but also affect his future destiny.

This story was told by a young woman named Tatiana.

Tatiana was born and raised in an incomplete family. She did not know her father. She was brought up by her mother and grandmother. The girl grew up as a calm, reasonable child. Neighbors on the landing of Tatyana and her family were two single women - a mother and a daughter. The older neighbor, Rimma, was a bright and noisy woman. She loved merry parties; there were always many guests in her house, mostly men. The daughter - Olga - was the complete opposite of her mother. She silently, like a shadow, slipped out in the morning to work and just as imperceptibly returned home in the evening. She apparently did not approve of her mother's noisy gatherings. Every time Rimma had a new boyfriend, her daughter loudly scolded her mother for her "indecent" behavior.

In general, the neighbors lived quite peacefully. Rimma often treated little Tatiana to various "scarce" delicacies at that time and allowed the girl to play with her dog.

Tatiana grew up. She was a very attractive girl and young people began to stare at her. The neighbor's daughter was much older than Tatyana, but time passed, and she still could not get married. The women lived together. Once a neighbor, as if jokingly, said that Tatyana would soon play a wedding, and her daughter had long since passed marriageable age. In her words, Tanya heard open envy, and even anger. She was surprised, because she always had a good relationship with her neighbor. She never wished her any harm and is not at all to blame for the fact that no one pays attention to her adult daughter. But then the girl did not attach importance to her thoughts.

As time went on, Tatyana's personal life did not work out. Young people were in no hurry to start a long relationship with her. All attempts to find happiness ended in parting. This happened every time the girl brought the young man home to meet her family. And it seems that the mother met her friends quite warmly, and the relationship was normal until that moment, but every time after visiting Tatyana's apartment, the meetings stopped.

The girl was already desperate to find her happiness when her friend advised her to see a specialist in magic. Tatiana willingly agreed to her friend's proposal. The witch announced to the girl from the doorway that a powerful spell had been made on her as a child. The fortune-teller suggested that it was done by someone from the inner circle, and asked Tatiana, whom she could "cross the road". The woman said that this is a deliberate damage, aimed at depriving Tatyana of personal happiness. According to the witch, the girl had to look for an ill-wisher among relatives and friends.

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Tatyana could not believe - the only person who could wish her harm, and hinder her personal happiness was a neighbor. After all, her daughter's life did not work out. She was already well over thirty, and she remained lonely. Is it really she - the noisy and cheerful Rimma, who in childhood treated her to sweets?

The sorceress confirmed that this is indeed the case. Moreover, she added, damage begins to act exactly when the girl brings the young man to her house. The woman ordered Tatiana to conduct a special ceremony to cleanse the apartment and the entrance to the house. She advised to sprinkle holy water on the front door and read cleansing prayers. But she warned the girl that nothing else needs to be done, including wishing her neighbor evil. This woman needs to be pitied, and even more so, not to be angry with her daughter, who is not to blame for the fact that her mother is an envious dark witch.

Tatiana did everything exactly as the witch said. She still greeted her neighbor and her daughter warmly, sincerely wishing that they would have everything well in life. From that moment on, the girl's personal life began to improve. She met a young man, and soon they got married. And they also invited an envious neighbor with her daughter to a modest celebration. Tatiana honestly kept her word given to the witch, and tried not to get angry with the old witch.