Ghosts From Rasskazovo - Alternative View

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Ghosts From Rasskazovo - Alternative View
Ghosts From Rasskazovo - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts From Rasskazovo - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts From Rasskazovo - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 GHOST Videos SO SCARY You WON'T Be Able To FINISH ! 2024, September

There is an extended map of the anomalous zones of Russia on the Internet. The city of Rasskazovo is marked on it with a red dot. Scientists believe that a "tornado strip" passes through this area. So in the language of science that studies anomalies, they call the largest biofield of the planet. This field is conducive to witchcraft and prophecy. Among the inhabitants of the story, there is a legend about a ghost girl who leaves the local cemetery at midnight. The correspondent of "TM" (newspaper "Tambov Meridian") decided to go on a ghost hunt

I learned about this story from my friends, native storytellers. Once we drove from a fun picnic, we sang songs. And here is just a cemetery. And one of the guys, the owner of the car, interrupted our almost choral singing with history. It turns out that in this cemetery, Malshchinskoye, as the locals call him, a girl was once shot down. She was returning from the prom. And now, at midnight, the ghost goes out on the road - looking for the driver who is guilty of death. I remember then I felt so creepy that the fun vanished. I told my editor about this story, and she sent me there with a check. Make sure, so to speak, of the authenticity of the legend.

We decided to go on a dangerous expedition with the whole family: me, my husband and a dog. The husband carefully checked the car, spare tire, oil and parts. At this time, I was putting my camera and voice recorder in my backpack. Meanwhile, our dog Boomer walked around the car. With him on the road, as on his last journey, he took his favorite toy. And so we leave. Not believing in ghosts, but fearing everything inexplicable, the husband said: "With God!" And I, as the church priest once taught me, put a ring with a prayer on my finger - otherwise suddenly …

The ghost appeared at midnight n

The Rasskazovskie friends just shook their heads: they say, are you not afraid? They advised, if anything, to immediately call a cell phone. And my husband and I went to that very cemetery. We decided to spend time with pleasure. We lit a fire, we sit, we fry pork fat. Beauty is all around - the sky, the stars, the forest. Branches crackle under the paws of our Boomer - he is always having fun in nature. By the way, they say that animals sense otherworldly forces a mile away. I didn’t have time to think about it. Beloved husband for the thrill began to tell me scary stories. "Finish" gently began, so to speak. “Delirium,” I told him and screamed like a piglet at the first sounds of cracked branches. The dog froze in the rack, the husband - with skewers. Silence. And then, at the most painful second of waiting, a homeless-looking peasant emerges from the forest. With the question: "Guys, are you Satanists?"

- No, grandfather, we are journalists! - said the husband.

- Grandpa, have you heard the story about the ghost on this road? - Recovering from fright, I asked.

- And then! They shot down one here, and now it is walking around, frightening the locals, - said the grandfather.

- Aren't you afraid? So late at the cemetery are you walking? - asked my husband.

- Yes, she does not touch pedestrians. Only the drivers are intimidated. She hates them, because the driver took her life, - said the grandpa and left without saying goodbye.

And my husband continued to tell us stories with Boomer.

After an hour of cloudless picnic, when our whole family believed that even at the cemetery you can relax no worse than in your front garden, I again let out a heart-rending cry.

Something white quietly and slowly moved towards our light. "Oh my God!" - said the husband. I remembered my mother, and the dog pressed its ears. And silence … White was approaching already with the crackling of branches and … obscenities. Russian, so perfect. Two minutes later, a drunk graduate appeared in our eyes. (That day was the graduation party in high schools). It looks like she was walking home from Rasskazovo to Spasskoye. Throwing everything she thinks of us in our direction, the girl proceeded on full autopilot straight through the cemetery forest.

"Yes, business …" - we said and decided to go to bed. The native "VAZ" welcomed us to its warm salon. Soon Boomer was snoring, seeing his doggy dreams. We discussed our day. I thought that after all, in the arms of my beloved man, the sea is knee-deep, and the ghosts are not scary. But it was not there! Light in the windshield, knock on the body! We looked out of the sleeping bags and saw the eloquent faces of the traffic police inspectors. According to the editorial assignment, the law enforcement officers were not allowed to spend the night in the cemetery. As it turned out, in connection with graduation, the operation "Whirlwind-anti-terror" is being carried out. All suspicious cars stop, and their passengers are delayed. Our car seemed very suspicious to local law enforcement officers. They checked our documents for a long time, and then they took us to the Arzhenka poultry farm. Therefore, we could not be convinced of the abnormality of the Malshchinsky cemetery.

Shop with domes

The next morning Rasskazovo greeted us with sunny weather. And friends advised to look into another "abnormal" place - a department store. It is located in the very center of the city, on the Cathedral Square. And on the facade - domes with crosses, towers, icons. Is it not protection from evil spirits?

One of the old-timers, Olga Dorofeeva, told us this story:

- The store has been here for a long time. Only before, people lived behind him. Well, you know, the house is divided in half: in one - the store, in the other - people live. When I was little, my mother told me that a woman died here of melancholy. Her husband was shot, and she was still waiting for him to return. People say that her soul still will not find peace. When this building began to be reconstructed, the workers saw a ghost - the spirit of that woman …

- Probably, this is a popular rumor, - said the captain of the police Andrei Svantsev. - Although, as a child, my mother told me that in ancient times the prince and the princess lived here. The prince left for the war. Not a year, not two. The princess's father, the king, decided to give her in marriage to the neighboring kingdom. Upon learning of this, she drank the poison and died. Only her soul did not calm down. So she walks on the full moon, she wants to meet the prince. How true this is, I do not know. But I tell my son the same when he asks about crosses and turrets on the store …

Another version was given by Evdokia Ignatova. This is what 70-year-old woman Dunya told us:

- Before the revolution there was a merchant's shop here. Somehow the merchant started to work - he reduced the debit-credit, as they say now. At this time, the thieves broke into him. They wounded badly, and the house was set on fire. They said that he was burnt alive. And the soul still does not calm down in any way, it wants to take revenge. The workers who restored the building told that in the evenings a ghost appears here. And when it did not come, my head hurt badly. So much that prayers did not help either.

“These are all rumors,” say the shop assistants. - Nonsense, no ghosts go around the counters. The shop is open until 23 o'clock during the eclipse and the full moon. We've heard about local bikes. Only no one in white and transparent has yet flown into the light. And the owner himself hung the turrets, crosses and icons - he believes in God very much.

We did not manage to find the owner of the store so popular in every sense. Therefore, the businessman did not comment on the issue of crosses and turrets. Although the local museum of local lore claims that the current owner only paid tribute to the former architecture of the city. Restored the building according to historical information. Before the revolution, clergy lived in it. And then the store appeared.

Instead of an epilogue

If you believe psychics, having stayed in an "abnormal" place for at least a short time, a person risks incurring trouble, even death. By the way, on the way to Tambov, we almost had an accident three times. Note, due to circumstances beyond our control. And when I returned home, I lit a church candle. Just in case!


Father Victor, clergyman - The

Church has never denied the existence of otherworldly forces. Even now, in our modern age, people are asking for prayer to cleanse their homes, to bless the purchase of a house, or to bless a car. Yesterday I blessed the apartment. The newlyweds bought it. Before them, there lived an elderly man who hanged himself. Should I tell them it's their prejudice? What if the mere thought of a ghost oppresses them, and they blame the soul of another person for all the failures of their marriage? Better to give people what they ask for. Faith is strength. Our Father is the main weapon everywhere and always.

Marina Yurieva, psychic:

“The ghost is not popular rumor. Even the ancient Egyptians wrote about restless souls. They also wrote that only cats can protect the house from otherworldly interference. In Egypt, the cat is a sacred animal. She is the guardian of the realm of the dead. Have you seen how cats look somewhere with unblinking eyes? They feel the approach of death or illness. In pagan Russia, a house without a cat was considered a bad place. And to this day the tradition of being the first to let a cat into a new house has been preserved.

Anastasia TSAREVA