The Military Continues To Encounter UFOs - Alternative View

The Military Continues To Encounter UFOs - Alternative View
The Military Continues To Encounter UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Military Continues To Encounter UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Military Continues To Encounter UFOs - Alternative View
Video: New videos raise questions about military UFO encounters 2024, October

The Pentagon appears to have approved the release of the third UFO video, which was presented on March 9, 2018 in the Washington Post. In the article “The military continues to encounter UFOs. Why is there no Pentagon response?”Written by Christopher Mellon, national security expert and deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and Bush administrations, says the third video was recorded on the US East Coast in 2015.

In December 2017, the US Department of Defense declassified two videos in which F-18 fighters collided with unidentified flying vehicles. In the first video, several pilots watched and discussed a strange egg-shaped aircraft. The second video shows a similar incident with a group of F-18s escorting the USS Nimitz in 2004.

The video, along with testimony from pilots and radar operators, shows the existence of aircraft far superior to the military technology of the United States or its allies. Defense Department officials confirm that more than ten similar incidents have occurred on the US East Coast since 2015. In addition, in October last year, F-15 fighters unsuccessfully tried to intercept an unidentified high-speed object on the Pacific Northwest coast.

When the videos first appeared on the Internet in December, many asked questions: "Are these advanced technologies from Russia or China, or are they representatives of some foreign civilization?" Unfortunately, no answers to these questions have appeared.

“I served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, and I know that Pentagon officials regard such incidents as separate events and not part of a pattern that requires serious attention and investigation,” Christopher Mellon writes in his article. "My colleague Luis Elizondo, who was involved in the investigation of the 'anomalous' flying object, resigned last fall, protesting the government's inattention to the growing body of empirical data." According to Mellon, the reports of the military, as well as various services and agencies, are largely ignored and not evaluated by the Pentagon. "This is reminiscent of the anti-terrorist efforts of the CIA and the FBI before September 11, 2001, when everyone had information about the impending terrorist attack, which they kept only for themselves."

In December, the US Department of Defense confirmed that a UFO investigation program exists, but immediately stated that research funding was cut in 2012, even though the military tells completely incredible stories.

For example, over two weeks in November 2004, the Princeton missile cruiser, which was testing an advanced marine radar, repeatedly tracked unidentified aircraft cruising over the aircraft carrier Nimitz off the coast of San Diego. According to reports from military personnel, these UFOs descended from an altitude of over 18 km at supersonic speeds, suddenly stopped and hovered 15 meters above the ocean.

On at least two occasions, F-18 pilots have climbed to intercept these vehicles and were able to describe their location and performance. According to them, the unidentified objects were white and about 14 meters long. It is noteworthy that these meetings took place in broad daylight and were monitored by radars aboard several ships and aircraft. However, the UFOs easily eluded the leading American fighters.

“I know these incidents continue to happen because we are approached by the military, concerned about national security and frustrated with the way the Department of Defense handles such reports,” said Christopher Mellon, who is currently an investor and advisor at Star Academy. “I have met with top Pentagon officials on several occasions, but none of them wants to be the 'stranger' in the bureaucratic national security system, no one wants to be ridiculed or removed for drawing attention to this issue.”

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“If the origin of these objects is a mystery, then why the US government gives in in the face of such evidence. Sixty years ago, when the USSR sent the first artificial satellite into orbit, the Americans responded so energetically that a little over a decade later, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. If these objects mean that Russia, China or some other nation has made an amazing technological breakthrough, then we must respond in the same way as then. Or, if these ships are really not from Earth, then it is necessary to find out what they represent."

Christopher Mellon believes that the time has come to drop the UFO taboo and calls for a serious focus on the collection and analysis of such incidents. “Who knows what dangers we can avoid? The future belongs not only to the physically brave, but also to the intellectually flexible."

Voronina Svetlana