Alien Filiberto Caponi - Alternative View

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Alien Filiberto Caponi - Alternative View
Alien Filiberto Caponi - Alternative View

Video: Alien Filiberto Caponi - Alternative View

Video: Alien Filiberto Caponi - Alternative View
Video: Do You Believe In Aliens? | Conspiracy Road Trip (UFO Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, September

Meetings of people with aliens, if you believe the testimony, do not seem so uncommon. But people often experience hallucinations that are extremely similar to reality, turning into victims of their own obsession, or, on the contrary, deliberately mystify others or fantasize for their own pleasure, if only for a while to become an object of universal attention. It is quite another matter when the evidence is supported by photographs or video filming

First encounter

One of such cases, reliably documented by photographic documents, took place in 1993 in Italy, in the village of Pretare di Arquata del Tronto. There, starting in May, some mysterious creature appeared, who announced at night the surroundings with heartbreaking screams and stole chickens from barns. It took some with it, and some drank blood and left it next to the chicken coop, like a South American chupacabra. But it looked completely different: not as a disgusting creature covered with wool and thorns, but as a humanoid, similar to a man about a meter tall, with disproportionately long legs and short arms. At night he was seen by several different witnesses either running away from the dogs at night, or wandering in thought along the village street.

For some reason, the vast majority of the meetings fell on the 24-year-old Filiberto Caponi, a professional painter and ceramic artist. Perhaps the reason for this was that he treated the alien without aggressiveness. Five high-quality photographs taken with a Polaroid camera were grateful for this. Moreover, twice or three times the creature literally posed for Filiberto.


The first time they met in the late evening of May 9. Filiberto returned from a friendly party, put the car in the garage and suddenly heard heart-rending screams coming from the grass. He thought that this animal was in trouble, and decided to help. Suddenly, a strange humanoid creature jumped out of the darkness right in front of him and started to run. The man and the alien scared each other pretty much. Despite the shock he had experienced, Caponi still managed to see the bizarre structure of the creature's body and the fact that a sort of a backpack hung behind the humanoid's back, and his legs were rewound with bandages.


The incident so intrigued the young Italian that he literally launched a night photo-hunting in the vicinity of his home. The first two photos were taken on the night of May 23. One - from a long distance and turned out to be frankly unsuccessful, but the second - literally from a distance of a couple of meters, when Filiberto, stealthily, almost overtook the mysterious creature. It is curious that the photographs already at home in a wooden box have undergone strange changes: they seem to have become embossed.

Caponi tried not to divulge this story, but when he secretly told his friends about the photographs, the rumor about them quickly spread throughout the village.

Immediately there appeared a lot of people who wanted to catch the mysterious creature at all costs. In those places, there have long been legends about the elves "mazzamorello" living in the forest, who guard the magical golden pendulum, so most of the villagers believed that this was an elf. Among the villagers there were both supporters of the alien version, and those who believed that this was an evil spirit, a harbinger of the coming of terrible times. The weather in those days was wonderful, and at times almost all the inhabitants of Pretare went out at night in search of a humanoid. However, they were ineffectual. Many began to doubt the veracity of the Filiberto story.

However, in mid-June, there were reports of sightings of very similar creatures in the area of Pescara and Sulmona, respectively, 60 and 100 kilometers from Pretare.


So, on June 15, during a training flight from Pescara airport on an AB 412 helicopter, five crew members observed a strange airborne object, similar to a small diving suit or spacesuit about 1.3 meters high. The object flew for some time next to the helicopter, and then retired at a speed of 300-400 km / h. On the evening of June 20, near a wheat-planted field near Sulmona, among the poplars, an object was seen, which looked like a child's balloon, shaped like a doll or animal, which seemed to be about to land. Retired sergeant of the Italian Air Force Giuseppe Zitella, who approached the phenomenon that had landed among the wheat, saw in front of him a certain creature 80 centimeters in height, dressed in a tight-fitting suit of black plastic. The creature had two large black eyes and an antenna on its head. Just like Filiberto Caponi's acquaintance,it jumped high several times and sped away.

On July 10, a reporter for the weekly magazine Stop, Leonid Barezzi, visited Caponi's house, and a week later this publication published an article with drawings made from photographs by Filiberto. Another article appeared somewhat earlier - in "Il Messagero". Caponi began to call and send letters from different people: writers, children, self-styled sorcerers, religious fanatics and sectarians, ordinary curious. Several times he received a call from a man who spoke with a strong Florentine accent, claiming that he saw the same creature and when trying to catch him was badly burned, and later he was pursued by people in black.


A humanoid comes to a meeting A

humanoid from Pretare again appeared to human eyes only in August. On the night of August 10-11, Filiberto Caponi photographed him sitting in the grass, while he was concentrating on the street lamp. Late in the evening of August 19, the "elf" again came to Caponi's house. This time he was already without bandages on his legs and calmly sat down on the asphalt, staring at the cat sitting in the second-floor window. The artist went out into the street with his Polaroid and, seized with extreme excitement, twice quite calmly photographed the alien. Then the creature got to its feet and fled. Both times the pictures were of the highest quality.

After this incident, the "elf" disappeared again for a long time, in order to appear for the last time on a rainy night from 9 to 10 October. This time Filiberto went outside with his grandmother Antonia Perla, who, despite the fact that it was already two in the morning, did not sleep either. They approached an alien standing in the rain.

Grandma, who had previously been very afraid of even talking about a mysterious creature, this time, seeing him, smiled and said: “How small he is, how cute! Where is he looking? Filiberto took another high quality photo. This time, the humanoid ran away only when the artist tried to touch him. Soon, a mysterious glow was observed at night on the top of one of the hills in the vicinity of Pretare. Many decided that it was aliens who flew in to pick up their lost brother. After that, meetings with the mysterious creature ceased forever.

In this story, everything was done without death and disease, which so often coexist with cases of close contacts of the third kind. Filiberto Caponi met with journalists several more times, with the expert of the ANSA news agency Renato Bianchi, became the hero of the popular television show "Your Affairs", but when he wanted to sell the photographs and went to Rome, it was not without the appearance of people in black. They were three men in elegant dark suits, driving a Lancia Tema car with the license plate of the American diplomatic corps. They pursued Filiberto and his relatives and friends everywhere.

Ultimately, it was possible to break away from them only after 20 minutes of a frantic car race through the streets of Rome. The photographs were still sold to the prestigious magazine Visto, which published a four-page material with expert opinion from Robert Pinotti, vice president of the National Ufological Center CUN. Ultimately, the carabinieri and the prosecutor's office intervened, and the photographs were confiscated.

However, their numerous copies are still walking around the world, clearly testifying that the mysterious story in Pretar still took place.

"Secrets of the XX century" 2009

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