Hypotheses Of The Appearance Of Ghosts - Alternative View

Hypotheses Of The Appearance Of Ghosts - Alternative View
Hypotheses Of The Appearance Of Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Hypotheses Of The Appearance Of Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Hypotheses Of The Appearance Of Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: The Science of Ghosts | Earth Lab 2024, October

Modern science can no longer deny the existence of ghosts or ghosts. Too many witnesses have seen them. Moreover, among those to whom they appeared, there are quite a few people whose testimony can hardly raise doubts.

Therefore, it became necessary to seek an explanation for this phenomenon. And for this, many hypotheses were put forward, sometimes directly opposite in their main provisions and conclusions.

First of all, we should mention the versions of official science. But since science denies the existence of supernatural phenomena, which include ghosts, scientists try to explain their appearance by natural causes.

So, according to one of the hypotheses, ghosts are the brain's reaction to certain external influences, which are expressed in the appearance of hallucinations, or, in other words, images that do not exist in reality. For example, their appearance can cause the use of drugs or alcohol or prolonged fasting.

In addition, there are a number of mental illnesses in which patients see hallucinations.

At the same time, hallucinations can appear in absolutely healthy people who find themselves in special living conditions. For example, at speleologists during a long stay in caves.

An original hypothesis was put forward by Vic Tendy, a programmer at Coventry University (England). He believes that ghosts appear as a result of exposure to the brain of a standing sound wave. And the reason for the emergence of this hypothesis was the following case.

One day Tendy sat up late at night at work. At that moment, when his tired gaze was fixed on the monitor, he suddenly very clearly felt that someone was behind his left shoulder. But Tendy knew perfectly well that, besides him, there was no one else in the laboratory. Ghost? This is the first thought that entered Tendy's head at that moment. From this assumption, he was covered with cold sweat. However, the instinctive fear quickly passed. Perhaps it was because Vic was suspicious of anomalous phenomena. But since a certain entity was still in the laboratory for some time, Vic decided to explain its appearance by natural causes.

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For this, he also brought in physicist Tony Lawrence. In accordance with their hypothesis, the feeling of horror and the appearance of barely noticeable human figures in the surrounding space is caused by a low-frequency standing sound wave, which our hearing does not perceive. But at the same time, it can resonate with the eyeball. And when their frequencies coincide, a person has visual sensations, and then he sees images moving in space. This effect is most often seen in long and narrow rooms such as corridors. Therefore, Vic and Tony believe, ghosts usually appear in corridors and narrow stairwells.

Then why do almost all ghost witnesses give them very similar characteristics? Perhaps, scientists believe, people simply "adjust" the ghost that has appeared before their eyes to the descriptions of otherworldly images already known to them from books or movies.

Parapsychologists and representatives of the occult sciences look at the appearance of ghosts in a completely different way. They believe that ghosts are real objects that represent the ephemeral shells of deceased people, who after death retain the memory of the material world and strive to be close to it, staying in their etheric body. This can be due to several reasons. For example, a deceased person does not believe in his death and continues to live as if nothing had happened to him. Sometimes he is unable to get used to the fact that he needs to permanently break the connection with everything that surrounded him in earthly life.

There is also a hypothesis according to which, in critical situations, telepathic signals emanate from some people, which another person, located at some distance from the first, perceives as a visual image.

According to another hypothesis, strange living beings or ghosts of dead people do exist, but not on Earth, but in another world and in a different time period. But under certain conditions, visions from the past penetrate our space and time. These phenomena are called chronomirages. Moreover, most often ghosts from the past appear in those places where there were significant emissions of psychic energy, for example, on the battlefields.

There is also a version that ghosts can be a kind of psychic substance, created by the thoughts of numerous generations of the family. In the end, she gains independence and begins to live in the form of a ghost in one place or another, most often in the ancestral castle or mansion.

However, the question of what ghosts and ghosts really are is still very difficult to answer.

Bernatsky Anatoly