"Electric People" - Better Not To Say Hello - Alternative View

"Electric People" - Better Not To Say Hello - Alternative View
"Electric People" - Better Not To Say Hello - Alternative View

Video: "Electric People" - Better Not To Say Hello - Alternative View

Video: 15 TOmo bit2x.io LIVE Paynment Prove 100% Payning 2024, April

Twenty years ago, the American edition of the Journal of Unusualities decided to present the most amazing "electric people" in the world - 46-year-old P. Sheuz from Oregon and an unknown resident of China from Xinjiang. The Asian "electric man" is not even shaken hands at a meeting, fearing to receive a monstrous electric shock.

A similar phenomenon is the Chinese woman Liu Yong, who for many years never ceases to amaze doctors and researchers with her ability. At any touch to it, a powerful electric discharge of 100 volts appeared. American Miss Sheuse, like her Chinese colleagues, looks like an ordinary person. However, many people begin to look askance at a woman in stores or banks, where she often broke all kinds of electrical devices, sometimes without even touching them with her hands.


Thus, Sheuz managed to burn more than twenty irons, a dozen microwaves, a dozen kettles and the same number of televisions, as well as several washing machines and VCRs. The list is incomplete, and the total damage done to her over a couple of years is estimated at £ 10,000. Electric bulbs burst in her palms. One day, Sheuz accidentally killed aquarium fish by touching the water with her hand. The woman says that from time to time she reduces her electrification while standing under the shower, but there are periods when her electric charge is higher than usual - she begins to have a strong migraine, and the chances of burning another electrical appliance increase markedly.


"Electrolmen" have been around for a long time. They knew about them long before the widespread use of electricity for "home" purposes. It was believed that some unusual force, for example, an unbridled psychomagnetic force, was hidden in the "electric people".

This phenomenon was encountered in Russia as well. In the 19th century, unusual gratuitous knocking, independent movement of things and unnatural lighting effects were noticed in the Shapovs' dwelling. The source of the paranormal was a young girl. The commission included process engineer A. Okunev, employee of the local newspaper N. Savinov and professor A. Shustrov. Very soon, representatives of the commission became eyewitnesses of rattling, levitation of things in the apartment and many other phenomena.


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Then the work began. They installed special equipment, compasses, magnets and more. But nothing could reveal any abnormalities in the house during supernatural events. There was no voltage of atmospheric electricity in the rooms or air saturation with condensed ozone. All efforts of the researchers were in vain, and the phenomenon made itself felt, not stopping for a day.

More modern studies of the second half of the 20th century have revealed that an unknown force that lifts objects into the air is closer to mechanical, but not to electrical or electromagnetic. However, this does not mean that the "poltergeist owner" cannot influence electronics like Miss Shews.


Here is what the Italian press says on this topic from 1983-10-08:

The parents of B. Sapino, a 17-year-old boy who can turn on and turn off the light in the room a meter away from the switch, are very worried about their child. “We are incredibly excited about what is happening, - said the boy's mother, - we do not give up the hope of finding a specialist who will cure our boy. Someone will definitely save us. " Signora Sapino said that on the eve of the interview, her son, who, incidentally, is studying electronics by correspondence, set fire to several switches in his home: “Strange phenomena began to appear last autumn. Only in recent months have we realized that the cause of everything is our child."


"Electric people", as you might guess, are rather dangerous personalities. The 1997 UFO newspaper wrote about a thin and flimsy young man:

From an early age he was a weak, sick child. Peers mocked him. The boy often noticed a slight tingling sensation in his fingers. He revealed the full power of his abilities in the army, where he struck with electricity a sergeant who very annoyed him. At the same time, the young man tried to hide his own abilities, fearing widespread publicity. Once, he could not stand it, snapping at a man, and the secret was revealed.

The guy was driving home in a bus packed with people, where one of the passengers was rude to him. It was then that the "electric man" showed his true essence: when, during the braking of the bus, he took hold of the handrail, people standing next to him suffered from an electric shock. The guy had to tell the truth to the law enforcement officers who arrived at the scene.

He was invited to be examined at a scientific and technical center associated with the military-industrial complex. Experts have determined that as a result of the influence of external factors, the body of an abnormal person spontaneously produces electricity. Under certain conditions, the potential difference on its legs is capable of rising up to three kilovolts.

A. Galomzina talks about similar situations of the last centuries:

Little US resident D. Morgan possessed "great electrical potential" - sparks literally flew from her body! People avoided the strange child. The others, accidentally touching her, fainted.

A seven-year-old boy from the Zelu tribe, who was shown in Edinburgh in the 19th century, had similar abilities. People were electrocuted by barely touching his skin.

From another small "electric man" in France in the same 19th century, such powerful discharges were spreading that they caused pain to anyone who touched him. His hands flickered in the dark, and after his death at the age of only 10 months, his skin emitted a faint light for a while.

D. Hunt talked about two "electric babies": the first could charge an electrical capacitor with his hand, and the second generated tremors in things approaching it. He, as witnesses said, exuded a "soft light glow."


Another incident that happened to the young Japanese seamstress Ishiyoko Jikaro. One fine day she felt severe discomfort - her temperature rose sharply, and unbearable headaches developed. Doctors have determined that Ishiyoko's body is emitting a real electric current. A voltmeter attached to her skin indicated a voltage of 16 volts, which could light a small light bulb and even start a tape recorder. The doctors assumed that Ishiyoko could turn into a "biogenerator of electricity" due to prolonged work with synthetic tissues.

There are many more similar stories and observations. It follows from them that in most cases it is not even necessary to attach a voltmeter to the "electric people" in order to make sure of their abilities. The most ordinary touch is enough here.
