Unusual Marks On The Body - Alternative View

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Unusual Marks On The Body - Alternative View
Unusual Marks On The Body - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Marks On The Body - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Marks On The Body - Alternative View
Video: Out of Body Exploring: My Own Experiences with Astral Projection 2024, September

Researchers of the paranormal are aware of many cases when various images appeared on the skin of people by themselves. Sometimes this was associated with various anomalous phenomena, such as the appearance of a UFO. All attempts to explain the phenomenon in a natural-scientific way have failed.

Werewolf in a brown hoodie

Perhaps the earliest reports on this topic in Russia date back to the early 1980s. On August 14, 1982, a resident of Tambov, Antonina I., was resting on the bank of the river. Suddenly the woman's hand was combing. Looking at her, Antonina saw that her hand was reddened. Later, the red spot took the form of a leaf. Looking at the sky, the woman saw a pale pink disc hovering there at a high altitude, from which short white rays emanated …

Gradually it began to decrease in size and finally disappeared. The redness on the hand subsided by evening, but the outline of the leaf remained on the skin. He disappeared only five years later, and all this time Antonina's hand was as if electrified: as soon as you touched it, sparks flew.

In 1990, an "epidemic of abnormal tattoos" happened in the Krasnodar Territory. According to Peter M., the mark on his body appeared after contact with aliens - a man, a woman and a dwarf. They offered the man a ride with them in their ship, which looked like a "ball of fire." Peter refused, but asked to leave something in memory of the meeting. After that, a sickle-shaped drawing was found on his hand.

12-year-old Krasnodar resident Sasha had symbols similar to hieroglyphics on his body several times in the morning. They appeared in different places - on the forehead, torso, legs … However, gradually, during the day, they "erased". The boy said that he had repeatedly seen in the apartment a certain bluish-transparent entity, its head touching the ceiling.

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Leaves, butterflies, rings …

In the same year, a strange "epidemic" covered the Baltic states. In June, there were reports of strange burns people were receiving. They were bright red prints of branches and leaves, with filigree serrations and veins.


Anna S., 53, from Riga, felt a burning sensation in the region of her right shoulder blade. The day before she was sunbathing on the beach, and the woman thought it was a sunburn. Glancing at herself in the mirror, Anna found a shamrock print near the shoulder blade. The same pattern in the area of the right shoulder blade appeared in Tamara D., another resident of Riga. Only her it stretched along the entire spine.

Then scientists assumed the effect of radiation on the skin. The fact is that in 1945, after the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, some victims received thermal burns in the form of leaves and branches. But soon this version had to be abandoned, as new evidence appeared, and it was no longer "plant" forms that figured here.

So, in the same summer of 1990, a resident of the Latvian city of Preili N. Sevdova felt a prick under her shoulder blade while relaxing on the shore of the lake. The woman thought she was stung by a wasp. A few weeks later, a bright pink pattern emerged on this spot: three butterflies that fluttered in a circle. It was not possible to get rid of the "tattoo" to this day.

In August of the same year, drawings in the form of two dozen purple rings the size of a two-kopeck coin appeared on the shoulder blades of a resident of the village of Masani, Chernihiv region, Lyudmila T. Inside one of them was a distinct arrow-shaped mark. Before that, Lyudmila several times saw from the window a strange bright object that looked like a soccer ball.

On September 1, 1990, a Kiev woman N. Gurskaya discovered on the inside of her left forearm the letter W, made up of red dots. The sign disappeared after a few days, but on October 1, a small red indentation appeared on the woman's right hand, from which a semicircular line stretched almost to the very elbow, and inside it was a smaller semicircle. The drawing disappeared after a few hours.

In October of the same year, Mikhail B. from Kropotkin observed a fireball hovering in the sky over the city. After that, four scars, 4 centimeters long, appeared on his left shoulder. At the same time, red dots were formed along the entire back along the spine, located at an equal distance from each other.

Mirror beam

Similar incidents took place several years later in Kostroma. On the morning of January 29, 1993, Andrei A. Kostromich noticed on his inner surface of the right elbow bend a pattern consisting of an inverted plate, a unit, and a ring with a diameter of about 2 centimeters.

Arabic inscription on the child's leg. Parents assure that it appears by itself


Wavy lines emanated from the plate, some of which curved and passed through the ring. And on June 16 of the same year, on the back of Nikolai S., a resident of the village of Ikonnikovo, Krasnoselsky district, Kostroma region, a huge cross appeared, drawn as if by a stencil.

A similar story happened in 1997 with a 12-year-old resident of Tbilisi, Tatiya Elerdashvili. According to the girl's story, she once danced in front of a mirror, and suddenly it seemed to her that a twisted beam "jumped out" from there, which began to "touch" her chest, neck and stomach. Several months passed, and one day Tatia felt a burning sensation all over her body, so strong that she screamed …

The parents who came running to the scream saw that a relief pattern of a cross appeared on their daughter's neck, a circle with rays radiating from it on the chest, and an image on the stomach that included curved lines, similar to treble and bass clefs, as well as various geometric shapes. The drawings were photographed by journalists.

Runes on the legs

Some researchers associate a similar phenomenon with lightning damage. For example, in May 2011, 10-year-old Erin Moran from South Wales was struck by lightning when she watched a thunderstorm from an attic window. She survived, but soon began to complain to her parents about pain in her left shoulder and thumb. I had to take the girl to the hospital.


“She has a pattern on her forearm that looks like tree branches, but Erin says it looks more like a snowflake,” says the girl's father. - She also has a red dot on her leg where the lightning appears to have exited, going straight through her body. The doctors at the hospital were completely amazed, firstly, by the trace on her shoulder, and also by the fact that she remained absolutely healthy!

But lightning does not appear in all cases. One of the forums on the Internet describes the story of a 17-year-old girl from the United States, on whose legs strange symbols appeared. The author of the message is the girl's grandmother. She writes that the granddaughter suddenly began to complain of pain and swelling in her legs. The doctors found nothing. Accidentally, the legs of the unfortunate woman got into the lens of a night vision camera, and it turned out that they had incomprehensible signs, as if tattooed by someone … They looked like runic ones to my grandmother, but she did not find analogues on the Web.

Strange images appeared both on open and closed areas of the body, in any weather, outdoors and indoors. The researchers found that the color of the drawings ranges from bright red to orange. Sometimes the "marks" were white. Sometimes bright drawings turned white or faded over time … They, as a rule, could not be washed off or erased, but they could exist from a couple of hours to several years.

Ufologists believe that the explanation of the phenomenon lies outside the framework of our usual picture of the world, and associate it with space aliens or inhabitants of parallel dimensions. In all likelihood, the phenomenon should be classified in the same category as the notorious crop circles. The most common version says that this is the result of exposure to radiation of an unknown nature.

True, the question remains: why should mysterious entities “mark” us in this way? Maybe just to declare its existence? Perhaps they only mark the “chosen ones”? Or is this how they leave us messages? But how to read them?