Ghosts Speak About The Afterlife - Alternative View

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Ghosts Speak About The Afterlife - Alternative View
Ghosts Speak About The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Speak About The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Speak About The Afterlife - Alternative View
Video: 4 Things You Should Know About the Dead - Sadhguru Exclusive 2024, September

The underworld - what do we know about it?

Of all the existing reports of encounters with ghosts, the greatest significance can be given to stories that tell about dialogues with people from the world of the dead. Only in this kind of messages are there tiny nuggets of information about the afterlife.

Unfortunately, what the ghosts report on this matter is very vague, with many omissions. Reading the revelations of ghosts, it is not difficult to understand that during communication, ghosts in every possible way evade direct answers to the questions asked to them, do not go into a serious meaningful discussion of the topic of posthumous life.

At the end of the 19th century, a young minister of the church, Nikolai Semenovich Veselov, died. His friend Archpriest Sokolov, who was at that time in another city, knew nothing about Veselov's death. But then, unexpectedly, he had an unusually vivid dream. In that dream, Archpriest Sokolov turned out to be at the Kherson cemetery near the monument, in which a wide hole formed from the stones that fell.

“Out of curiosity, I climbed through the hole inside the monument,” Sokolov recalled the details of his dream. - The light flashed … I went out and found myself in a beautiful garden. On one of the alleys of the garden Veselov suddenly comes towards me.

- Nikolai Semenovich, what are the destinies? - I asked him with surprise.

- I died, and you see … - he answered. His face shone, his eyes shone. I was about to rush to him to hug him, but he jumped back and, moving away from me with his hands, said:

- I died. Don't come close.

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Veselov walked past me. I walked next to him without touching him.

- I am alive, although I died. Died and alive - it doesn't matter, - he said. Soon, Archpriest Sokolov received news of Veselov's death.

What information can be learned as important from this "contact dream"? Yes, the most unpretentious. The spirit of the deceased person said: “I am alive, although I have died. Died and alive - all the same."

Thus, the ghost simply only confirms the existence of a posthumous reality in nature.

Or - another "contact story" that also happened in the 19th century:

“Once I was sitting in my office in full consciousness, which has nothing to do with sleep or nap. Suddenly, in one corner of the room, it began to brighten. In the light that appeared, I began to distinguish the figure of a man. It was a monk …

I trembled with fear. The figure approached me, and I heard a voice:

- Why are you trembling? Are you afraid? I am your relative - Moscow Metropolitan Filaret. Of all my close relatives, you are the only one who survived, and only you can help me restore my mother's grave. This grave is now completely destroyed. The slab from it and the cross are kept near the church at the cemetery. A whole and a plaque with an inscription. You need to go to the rector of the church at the cemetery and get everything restored on the grave.

I was in great agitation, my thoughts were confused, and I began to ask the Metropolitan where the plate and the cross are in the church. Metropolitan Filaret showed me exactly where to find them. After our conversation, the figure of the metropolitan seemed to melt away.

The rector of the church at the cemetery was skeptical about my story and categorically refused to do anything to restore the grave.

After a short time, Metropolitan Filaret appeared to me again and insisted that I fulfill his request. He said that he would come to me again, but already just before my death.

“I will be your guide to that world after your death,” the Metropolitan told me among other things …

After the second visit to the ghost, I managed to submit a corresponding note to the patriarch through the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. As a result of the order of the patriarch, the grave of the mother of Metropolitan Filaret was completely restored. Both the cross and the tombstone were found exactly in the place indicated by the metropolitan ….

What can we learn from this story about the afterlife? Again, almost nothing except for one fact. It turns out that you can get to the other world, as you can see, only with the help of a guide. And the spirit of the late Metropolitan Filaret promised his relative to act as a guide for his soul when he dies.

And here is a much more interesting story. It contains some information about the afterlife - I don't know whether it is reliable or not.

The story of Archimandrite Anthony, governor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra:

“Monk Jonah had a son, Koemu, who lived as a novice in the Chudov Monastery and died during Lent … On Friday, Lazarev Saturday, at about midnight, the father of the deceased got up to fix the icon lamp, which was very burnt. I wanted to go back to bed and saw that the door opened and a son in a white shirt entered the room, followed by two little boys, beautifully dressed.

The father, frightened, says:

- Cosma, what have you come to? Dont touch me. I'm afraid of you.

- Do not be afraid, father. I won't do anything to you … Father then asked:

- How do you feel, Cosma, there? The son replied:

- Thank God, father, I feel good. Father asks:

- Tea, what kind of flour is there? The son replies:

- Hell is destroyed. - But then, with a heavy sigh, he added: - Only there is a river of fire, and a rare person can pass it. And how many people are there! How much horror!

The father wanted to ask more about the river, but the son got up “and hastily said:

- Forgive me, father, I need to visit the elder. And he did not explain what old man. And he went with the boys out of the cell.

It was just real!"

The information provided by the ghost of Cosmas is, frankly, sensational in nature: "Hell is destroyed." And - further: “Only there is a river of fire, and few who can pass it. And how many people are there! How much horror! " Of course, the reliability of information is under a big, even a very big question mark.

Another contactee with the ghost of the deceased, the Yaroslavl Archbishop of the Nile, narrates:

“In 1871 A. Ya., Who was a member of our singing choir, lived no more than 24 years and died of cholera. Ten days after his death, he appeared to me in a dream. He was wearing a coat familiar to me, only for some reason elongated to the toes …

I turned to A. Ya. With the question:

- Where are you, leaving us?

- As if in a locked castle.

- Do you have some kind of rapprochement with the angels?

- We are alien to angels.

- Do you have any relation to God? - I'll tell you about this later.

- Who is with you?

- Various rabble.

- Do you have any entertainment?

- None. We never even hear sounds, because the spirits do not speak among themselves.

- Do the spirits have any food?

- No, no … - These sounds were pronounced with obvious displeasure and, of course, because of the inappropriateness of the question.

- How do you feel?

- I miss …

- Do I need to ask someone for permission to leave? The answer was in one word: "Yes." And this word was pronounced drawn-out, sadly and as if under compulsion."

So, the soul of a person, once in the afterlife, finds itself there in something like a "quarantine zone", "like a prisoner of a castle." While there, she remains "alien to the angels." Together with her, in the "dressing room" of the posthumous life is "every rabble" of the human. There is no entertainment in the "quarantine zone". The spirits do not eat any material food. They communicate with each other not at the acoustic level, but, as you can see, at the telepathic level. And - the last: they "yearn" in that zone … In addition, you need to ask a certain "guard" for permission to leave the "dressing room" for a short time in the world of living people.

This all casts some gloom on me personally. The afterlife definitely exists in nature. Remember the words of the spirit of Veselov: “I am alive, although I died. Died and alive - all the same. " However, it is possible to get to the vastness of that civilization only, probably, with the help of some kind of guide or, using more frank terminology, with the help of a strict guard-escort. There are rumors in the next world that "hell has been destroyed." But at the same time another thing is reported: the famous fiery river, which is mentioned in almost all religions of the world, has remained, meanwhile, in its former rightful place. And so many people allegedly could not cross its fire barrier. And those who somehow managed to cross it, found themselves on the move in the "quarantine zone", where they languished with boredom and idleness in anticipation of the decision of their fate.

In messages about the afterlife, a weak dotted line indicates only the approaches to its threshold. At the same time, it is entirely possible to assume that all the descriptions of these approaches are nothing more than well-thought-out disinformation of a purely intimidating nature. We do not have any opportunity to verify the accuracy of the reported.

From the stories of Oksana Shvernik about conversations with the ghosts of the dead. Both of Oksana's stories are very short and relate to the topic of "retribution for sins" committed by a person during his earthly life.

First story:

“I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. I open my eyes sharply. I see that the mother of one of my friends, who died about a month ago, is standing a stone's throw from my bed. I was terribly scared when I saw her.

And she says: “Stop shaking with fear! Take it easy! Tomorrow morning, go to my daughter's house early and tell her to return 1,500 rubles to our neighbor Katerina, which I borrowed from her shortly before my death. I took it, but did not have time to return it … You cannot even imagine what specific punishment follows here, in the other world, for failure to repay a debt in the earthly world. " Having said all this, the ghost vanished into thin air."

And the second story:

“Of course, it’s hard to believe it, but it didn’t happen at night, but during the day - true, in a semi-dark closet with a narrow dusty window. I went into the closet to get a jar of pickles. And, having entered, was dumbfounded. To the left of the window stood a translucent man, whom I saw then for the first time in my life.

As soon as I entered the closet, he said: “Please don't be afraid. Somehow the spirit of a woman who did not have time to repay the money debt during her earthly life has already turned to you for help. I have the exact same request for you. Tell my relatives to repay my debt. It is very big. The relatives themselves know what the sum is. Let them collect money for debt repayment wherever they want! Having got here, in the afterlife, I found myself in an unpleasant situation because I did not return the money borrowed in my time in the world of living people! " After that the ghost of the man told me the mailing address of his relatives, made me remember it. And he melted into thin air … I sent a certified letter to the named address in another city with a description of all the details of the meeting with the ghost of a man, including a detailed sketch of his appearance."

Alexey Priima