Why Are Those Who Sleep In The Cool Less Likely To Get Sick? - Alternative View

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Why Are Those Who Sleep In The Cool Less Likely To Get Sick? - Alternative View
Why Are Those Who Sleep In The Cool Less Likely To Get Sick? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Those Who Sleep In The Cool Less Likely To Get Sick? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Those Who Sleep In The Cool Less Likely To Get Sick? - Alternative View

It is known that the amount of time allotted for sleep directly affects a person's appearance, well-being and lift. But it turns out that the “climate” in bed is no less important. And the point is not at all with what mood you fall asleep, the point is at what temperature you sleep. It turns out that the ideal temperature for sleeping is from 15 ° C to 19 ° C. Of course, if you are used to hiding under two or three blankets, you will have to go through an adjustment period, but it's worth it.

So here are the top benefits of cool sleep

Reducing the risk of metabolic disorders

Sleeping in a cool room reduces the risk of metabolic diseases, including diabetes. According to research, blood sugar levels in people who sleep at 24 ° C are significantly higher than those who fall asleep at 19 ° C. Plus, sleeping in a cool place doubles the amount of healthy fats in your body. During the day, "walruses" burn more calories!

Prolongation of youth

Everyone who sleeps at temperatures above 21 ° C harms their own appearance. The fact is that the increased room temperature prevents the body from cooling naturally, which leads to the loss of melatonin, a hormone that prevents aging. When cool, the body releases large amounts of melatonin and growth hormone. As a result, you look younger.

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No problem with insomnia

Scientists have shown that people with insomnia have a higher body temperature before bedtime than other people. Therefore, for those who suffer from insomnia, for a more restful sleep, it may be advised to lower the temperature in the room and place a heating pad in the legs, which quickly dilates the blood vessels and therefore actually helps to lower the overall body temperature.

Thin underwear will help your health

Forget your pajamas to help your body cool down naturally. A thin nightgown or a silk tank top is the best choice. By the way, silk is a natural coolant. The cooler you sleep, the less cortisol your body will produce. And this hormone affects the level of stress and the gain of extra pounds. If you are not sleeping alone, skin-to-skin contact will also have a positive effect on health. Another hormone, oxytocin, will be produced, which, in turn, affects the psychological level and gives happiness, calmness and tenderness. Oxytocin has a positive effect on the female reproductive system, the state of muscle tissue, vascular walls and the emotional sphere of the personality.